How to get rid of small fruit gnats in the kitchen

How to get rid of small fruit gnats in the kitchen

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen? What contributes to the appearance of annoying guests? Are there any effective ways to solve the problem? You will learn about all this in this article.

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen?

Reasons for the settlement of midges in the apartment

Dealing with uninvited guests will be effective if you know where they come from. This is favored by the following circumstances:

  • on rotten vegetables, fruits and berries, midges feel comfortable. There they reproduce successfully;
  • if annoying insects are already present in the neighbor’s apartment, very soon you will have to decide how to get rid of small midges in the kitchen;
  • food leftovers in the trash bin, behind the sink, in the cages of pets are very attractive to these insects;
  • in the putrefactive plaque of an unwashed shell, conditions suitable for their life are created;
  • over-watered indoor plants become a source of high humidity and are a good bait for midges.

Preventive measures such as no trash accumulation, no food debris on the table, cleanliness of the kitchen and pet cages will minimize the likelihood of insects.

How to get rid of annoying midges in the kitchen

The first radical step in the fight against midges will be to clean the room. Without this, the use of the most promising means is useless. Then they choose from several options that can drive uninvited guests from the kitchen, and this is:

  • special chemical preparations for insects. The inconvenience of their use lies in the toxicity and danger to the health of children and animals;
  • sticky tape for flies. Midges flock to the attractive scent of glue and stick;
  • glass jar trap. Something rotten is placed on the bottom of it, the neck is closed with cling film. Through the holes made by the needle, insects will collect in the jar, but they will not get back. They must be poured with boiling water and drained.

Once the gnat colony is over, it is important to continue to keep the kitchen clean by controlling corners where food debris and moisture can enter the walls. It is recommended to wipe the condensate that appears from time to time near the sink, take out the garbage as often as possible, and prevent food deterioration.

Now you know how to get rid of fruit gnats in the kitchen. Despite the fact that the life cycle of an insect is short, with its ability to reproduce intensively, the problem can bring a lot of trouble. Midge bites are often painful and can carry infection.

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