How to get out of a difficult life situation: advice from a psychologist

😉 Welcome to this site! Are you looking for an answer to the question: how to get out of a difficult life situation? Hope this information will help you make the right decision.

What to do in a difficult life situation

The first thing to do is back off. This does not mean that you have to throw away the white flag, reconcile and surrender. No, your temporary retreat is just a tactical trick.

You analyze and assess the current situation and take it for granted. You agree with the current state of affairs. Not forever, but for the moment.


Once in a stalemate, take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Keep repeating this exercise. It’s time to relax. Of course, at first glance, this is not the best idea at the moment. However, relaxing and letting go of the anxiety that beset you will help you maintain clarity of thought.

If you stop resisting the problem that worries you, denying it and frantically looking for a way out, you will see that your inner dialogue gradually fades away. The unequal struggle with circumstances drains the vitality. Take a break. Get distracted by subjects that are not related to the problem that bothers you.

The thoughts of a person desperately trying to find a way out of a critical situation are like listening to a “jamming” gramophone record: he hears endless repetitions of the same fragment of the recording.

So, breathe deeply and immerse yourself in the sensations of your body. You are acting in the right direction. The body will tell you a lot of interesting things about your mental and emotional state.

Don’t you think that your shoulders are raised almost to the ears? Do you feel pain in the solar plexus area? Your jaw may be involuntarily clenched. All this signals that your thoughts and actions do not correspond to your desires and interfere with enjoying life.

Take care of youself

If you have been focused on your problems for a long time, you can develop a chronic illness. At the very least, you will experience painful sensations.

How to get out of a difficult life situation: advice from a psychologist

Your body is giving you warning signals. “Stop hurting yourself urgently and pay attention to how you feel. What do you want, what does it take to make you feel better? What are you going to do next to take care of yourself? “

What to do now, when you have realized and accepted the current situation as it is, when you breathe evenly and deeply and live for today? But now we need to take these circumstances under control.

You got what you had because your attention was focused on a problem that worries you, on something that cannot be solved.

Breaking the Deadlock

By accepting responsibility for all the events in your life, you take back control of this situation. Only you, and not someone else, drove yourself into a dead end. This could have happened either unintentionally or intentionally. You did this by listening to your inner voice.

Fortunately, you can fix any situation, no matter how difficult and hopeless it may seem. Life can turn its pleasant side to you again. Your task is to be aware of the real state of affairs. You are at point A and ready to go to point B.

It may be difficult for you to believe this, but your current situation is ideal. How can this be if you are firmly convinced that she is just awful? Nevertheless, she is perfect. The things around you and the people that contradict your desires are actually helping you to correct your course.

They let you know that you have deviated from the goal, instead of attracting everything you would like to have. If there was no such contrast, then new desires would not arise.

Take technology, for example. They are developing rapidly. A new product appears, people use it and put forward demands to improve this product. Improving a product does not mean that the original was bad or wrong.

How would we know what we like if there were no new products with which we can compare existing versions and determine which one is better?

Your life is similar to this example with old and new products. Every choice you make forces you to take the next step. Thoughts, experiences, or actions are never right or wrong.

It is only important that the object or phenomenon on which you focused your attention should give you pleasure, inspire you. Any negative assessment will salt your wounds. You only exacerbate what is already giving you unpleasant sensations. There is no benefit from this.

Life goes on!

Imagine a picture: you stumbled and fell on your face in the mud. Try to quickly come to your senses, roll over, sit on the ground, dust yourself off. Collect your thoughts and realize that life goes on, no matter what.

When you are ready to rise to your feet, try to do it consciously, with a well-defined purpose. You can flop again, but so what?

All these are integral parts of a certain process. There are bumps along the path of life. The main thing is how you react to them. Allow yourself to be where you are.

Whatever the current state of your relationships with other people, your family, finances, health, or life experience, you need to assume that you are all right. Try to give up the comparison game and do not get carried away with self-criticism.

Remember: “You can only lose your life! Everything else can be found and corrected. ”

😉 Friends, what helped you break the deadlock? We are waiting for advice on how to get out of a difficult life situation. Good luck to all! Share the information “Psychologist’s advice: how to get out of a difficult life situation” in the social. networks. Perhaps it will help someone.

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