How to fight against venous insufficiency?

How to fight against venous insufficiency?

How to fight against venous insufficiency?

Why do we have heavy legs?

Article written by Raïssa Blankoff, naturopath.

Heavy legs, swollen ankles, visible veins and varicose veins, tingling, painful standing… What are the causes?

The blood, subjected to the action of gravity, is constantly drawn downwards. Depending on age, sex, heredity, lifestyle and diet, certain parameters change. A loss of elasticity of the veins and tissues can appear as well as a weakening of the valves which direct the blood towards the upper body and which, fixed on the venous wall like small buds on a tree trunk help the blood to go back to the heart. This phenomenon which causes stagnations called “stasis” as well as water leakage to neighboring tissues because of the permeability of the tissues is at the origin of edemas.

The quality of the blood is also a factor. Women are more affected than men because female hormones tend to store more fat and water. This venous insufficiency is all the more present in 2st part of the cycle, during pregnancy, in case of sedentary lifestyle as well as with the taking of certain pills.

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