How to educate an actress? Stefania Zarovna’s mom’s advice

On the TV channel “Russia 1” the series “Certificate of Birth” has ended. The girl Zlata was played by an 8-year-old Donetsk woman. And this is not her first role! How to unleash talent in a child? The mother of the young star shares her upbringing secrets.

– For the first time, my daughter went on stage at 3,5 years old, then she participated in a reading competition in Moscow among 7-year-old children and received the Grand Prix for acting, – recalls Natalya, Stephanie Zarovna’s mother. – The jury of the competition included representatives of the film industry, who noted the baby and later invited her to the first casting. From that moment, Stephanie began her career as an actress. We now have over 30 roles. The principle of “word of mouth” has worked, applications very often come from the outside, there is no need to look specifically. So it was with the “Birth Certificate” project. They were looking for a red-haired girl there, and Stephanie was fair, but nothing, we were invited to the casting, and then painted with henna.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Natalia Zarovna

Stephanie loves acting in films. Surprisingly, she doesn’t feel tired or uncomfortable. Filming can take several hours, but Stephanie is ready to work out at least 100 takes. Now I do not need to be on the site next to her, to control the process – she is like a fish in water. She comes to my recreation room for a snack or a drink, and then she herself returns to the cell.

Learning the text is not difficult at all – my daughter has a good memory since childhood. I remember going to the kindergarten, learning poetry on the way. You see, the main thing is for Stefania to understand what the essence of her role is, then she will not only remember, but also be able to improvise. By the way, children’s improvisation is the best that can be. That is why I am not sending Stephanie to acting school yet. Yes, acting classes can help children discover their talent – remove embarrassment, deliver a speech. But if the child is already doing well, then it is better to postpone this, because each teacher, unwittingly, remakes the student for himself. You can teach an already accomplished person, but a child is not worth it. Maintaining sincerity and spontaneity is the main task. And besides, we have absolutely no time for additional classes.

Between filming, Stefania goes to the second grade of Ust-Donetsk school number 2, and she is an excellent student. My favorite subject is mathematics. She also adores horses, dreams of learning how to ride, but she is not yet suitable for her age – older children are taken into equestrian sport. Oddly enough, the daughter does not dream of an acting career, for her it is rather a hobby. “I play school, the hospital, but real people play with me instead of toys,” says Stephanie. He spends fees according to his mood. Like all children of her age, she loves sweets, hair ties, books, toys and fashionable gadgets. I do not mind.

In general, it seems to me that Stephanie can do any role and she feels comfortable in the frame with different actors. So, for example, in the series “Fizruk” in a cameo role, she had to be present during a conversation between two men with a criminal past. After filming a take in a cafe, she came up to me and shouted: “This uncle swears all the time, is it possible to do this with children?” Later, Stephanie realized that this was just such a role and was no longer offended. We in our family try not to utter swear words, so this is unusual for her.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Natalia Zarovna

Stefania has an adult attitude towards roles. So, the most beloved was the role of a girl with a tragic fate from the series “Thank You”. The shooting took place in a hospital in the city of Ivanovo, where children with real health problems were around. And Stephanie, according to the plot, underwent an operation. The picture contains many emotional details that the girl remembered. Generally? we have a big family, Stephanie has a younger sister, Melania, and an older one, Christina, who has two children. This is probably why my daughter has developed the ability to empathize.

We do not draw undue attention to this side of our daughter’s life. The school asked teachers not to focus on her acting talent. Stefania does not like it when they take her autograph, she may even burst into tears from embarrassment.

I do not put pressure on my daughter at all. Who to become in the future is only her choice. As long as she likes, let her do acting. Although I myself am not very comfortable with our film travels. It is clear that any trips for Stephanie are new experiences, but for me it is constant packing of our suitcases and hourly changing plans – every two weeks we get ready to go. But I will always support my daughter!

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