How to choose the right fruit in the store

Did you know that fruits and berries plucked from a tree or bush continue to live and breathe. it breathing determines their future fate… There are fruits with. For example, They are harvested ripe, but not ripe – in the so-called 3/4 stage of ripeness. 

U – breathing is quite even. During storage, their taste, in particular sweetness, hardly changes, therefore they are collected practically ripe.

In the representatives of the smallest group, which includes, the intensity of respiration increases after maturation, which means that they age faster.



Fresh apricots are stored at room temperature for up to 3-5 days, and at 0 ° C for up to 2-3 weeks. For canning, large fruits of the correct shape, bright color, without greenery and spots on the skin are selected. The apricot pulp should easily separate from the stone, be sufficiently dense and at the same time juicy, without fibers. For cooking, varieties with aromatic sour fruits and delicate skin are suitable.


Store lemons in a dry, well-ventilated, cool place (6-7 ° С). Undamaged and wrapped in tissue paper, they stay fresh for 6 months.



Grease these citrus fruits well with vegetable oil and place in a plastic bag in a cool place. They do not spoil in the refrigerator for several weeks. Those that are harvested are sweeter and better preserved. At a temperature of about 5 ° C, oranges wrapped in tissue paper remain fresh for 3-4 months, but at a lower temperature, brown spots appear on them. In a room that is too dry, fruits quickly lose their firmness.



Different varieties of plums bear fruit. Plucked unripe, plums remain as such, so you need to buy only ripe fruits covered with a natural waxy bloom. Fresh plums are stored at room temperature for 2-3 days, at 0 ° C and relatively high humidity – 10 or more. Plums wrapped in oiled paper can be left in the refrigerator for a week.


Ripe peaches spoil very quickly. At room temperature, they can be stored for no more than 5-7 days, at zero, depending on the variety and degree of maturity, from 2 weeks to a month. Early ripening peaches tend to have less sugar than later varieties. And the most sugary are fruits with a non-separating bone.

For canning, take medium-sized peaches with white or yellow pulp, which does not darken in the air, and a well-separating stone.


When choosing grapes, keep in mind that brown spots and pigmentation are a sign of poor quality. Make sure that the berries are not damaged.

Fresh grapes always have a whitish bloom on the skin surface.

Varieties with thick skin and dense flesh, as well as those with loose clusters, for example, are better preserved. At the same time, dark-colored ones last longer than light ones. And the most persistent grapes that are harvested on dry days when there is no dew.

Store grapes at room temperature 0-2 ° Сby placing them in one layer at the bottom of a wooden box and laying out clean paper. There is one more, not quite usual way. A layer of sawdust of non-resinous tree species, for example, is poured into dry three-liter jars, and grapes are placed in one row, sawdust and mustard are again poured, and so on – until the jar is filled. Then it is closed and exposed to the cold.


Ripening dates are distinguished.

Summer apples are harvested. You can store them for up to 10 days, then they quickly become loose. Autumn varieties that ripen, do not deteriorate within 2-4 months. Winter – reach maturity. They are hard and they contain a lot of starch. Winter apples remain tasty and aromatic longer than others – up to 7-8 months.

Store apples in wooden boxes or baskets. Medium-sized fruits – at a temperature of about 0 ° С, and large () – from 2 to 5 ° С. Small ones fade quickly more often than others.

A drawer usually holds up to five rows. The bottom is lined with thick wrapping paper, on which a layer of shavings is poured, on them – apples, previously wrapped in thin oiled paper, on top – again a sheet of paper and shavings.


Summer pears ripen, last 10-20 days and overripe quickly. Autumn varieties are harvested in. They reach ripeness within 1-2 months of storage. Most autumn pears are large, oily, with aromatic flesh melting in the mouth. Winter pears are removed. Then they are still hard and tasteless, and ripen after 3-4 months of storage at a temperature of about 0 ° C.

Ripe pears are fragrant, when pressed, they slightly crumble, and the twigs are easily removed. Try to choose not wrinkled and not too soft fruits that are already beginning to lose vitamins. 

Thanks to new technologies, man sometimes manages to deceive nature. For example, put the fruit into hibernation. For this, various tricks have been invented: and so on.

Apples are sometimes treated with a wax emulsion or solution. Therefore, do not forget to wash the fruit with warm water, regardless of whether their peel is edible.

Of course, water will not save fruits from, but still, washed and peeled fruits contain almost 10% less of them. To reduce the proportion of nitrates by 25-30%, an hour soaking is used, but at the same time the fruits begin to lose useful substances.

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