Nutritionist named 2 of the worst Breakfasts for health

Australian nutritionist Susie Burell told what foods for Breakfast could harm the health.

So, in her opinion, the most harmful to a morning reception is Pete. Specialist indicates that about scones too many carbohydrates which cause an increase in blood sugar levels. So, 100 grams of product contains about 60-80 grams of carbs.

Nutritionist named 2 of the worst Breakfasts for health

And the second product, which is worth to exclude from the morning menu is the sweet, crunchy flakes. “There is very little dietary fiber; they can not satisfy a man for a long time”, — said Barell. Particularly harmful are cereals are for children who are eating Breakfast so used to eating sweets in the morning.

Nutritionist named 2 of the worst Breakfasts for health

Suzy Barell named a useful alternative to eating granola or cereal without sugar, which you can sweeten by adding a little honey or berries. A good selection for Breakfast could be toast with scrambled eggs, vegetables, and bacon — the last should be eaten with whole-grain bread, as it contains a lot of kcal.

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