How not to get better on New Year’s holidays

How not to get better on New Year’s holidays

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Salads with mayonnaise, delicious fries, tempting desserts inevitably lead to extra pounds. Here’s how to keep in shape.

Don’t sit down hungry

Before the feast, many starve all day, hoping to reduce the damage from the holiday menu in this way. However, in 90% of cases, the method works exactly the opposite. First, the risk that you eat too much per hour increases dramatically. Second, this will increase the already increased load on the digestive tract.

Eat breakfast and lunch with your usual food choices, and drink a couple of glasses of water before dinner to minimize the risk of overeating. Try to start your meal with healthy, but voluminous dishes, such as vegetable salad – the feeling of fullness will come faster.

Careful with alcohol

Alcohol is the most dangerous enemy, misleading. There are about 150 calories in one glass of champagne (120 ml). Three glasses are already being drawn for a small burger, and you can drink them while talking completely unnoticed. Secondly, alcohol provokes a feeling of hunger, even if you are physically full for a long time. Then the risk of eating an unreasonable amount and being upset by weighing yourself in the morning increases.

Rule “One to two”

For each piece of junk food, place two healthy slices on your plate. For example, for every spoonful of Olivier, there should be two tablespoons of vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil. So the feeling of fullness will come to you faster and mainly due to wholesome food.

Choose only one dish

During New Year’s meetings, there are often several types of dishes on the table – for example, three types of roast at once to choose from. Curiosity in this matter will not play into your hands: it is better to choose one thing, and then at the end of the evening you will not have to unbutton your pants.

Look for helpful alternatives

Of several evils, you can always choose the lesser. For example, if you are still choosing meat for frying, rest assured that turkey will be much healthier than pork.

In addition, we live in an age when practically every harmful product has useful analogues. A useful substitute for mayonnaise can be found. There are many recipes for homemade mayonnaise on the Internet, but it is more accurate to give preference to the purchased one: the calorie content is clearly calculated in it, and you can be sure of the taste.

For example, in the line low-calorie natural products Mr. Djemius Zero there are two mayonnaise sauces: Provencal and with olives. Both mayonnaiseboast a record low calorie content – only 102 calories per 100 g (for comparison: in ordinary mayonnaise there are 680 kcal per 100 g). It is important that Zero mayonnaise is a complete flavor replacement for simple mayonnaise sauce. With them, your Olivier will be just as tasty, but much less high in calories.

There is also an alternative to sweets – with food Mr. line Djemiuseasy to make delicious curd desserts. For example, from Greek yogurt, 10 g gelatin, 50 g milk, and TOFFEE cream you can prepare a luxurious dessert with a low calorie content – a portioned soufflé.

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Do not be afraid of large portions

At hour X, discard the coquetry and choose a larger plate. Put on it at once everything that you are going to eat in the next two hours – salads, hot dishes, desserts. Then you clearly understand the size of the portion and the amount eaten, and you will not want to add more and more to yourself. If you put one spoonful of each dish on a plate, there is a great risk of getting lost and eating much more than planned.

Return to healthy eating without delay

On January 1, you go to the kitchen to eat Olivier straight from the salad bowl? Slow down! Continuing the feast is not a good idea. After the New Year, all the extra calories eaten will definitely go to fat stores. And the point is not at all that the New Year’s miracle is over: the body simply will not be able to withstand such a load and will not have time to spend the calories received in excess of the norm. 

It is recommended that you return to your normal diet as soon as possible. Then the extra pounds will definitely not become a “gift” in the new year.

Arrange a fasting day

If it is difficult to return to the correct diet, and the Olivier still turns out to be eaten to the end, do not rush to despair. A fasting day will always come to the rescue – for example, a protein day, on cottage cheese or on kefir. A sharp drop in calories will shake up the body’s metabolic processes and accelerate fat burning. In addition, a fasting day will help you remove from the body all excess water that has been delayed due to a large amount of salty, fatty and carbohydrate foods. 

Remember the importance of healthy sleep

You should not give up the daily routine, even if you do not need to get up early anywhere in the morning. Adequate sleep is essential for the timely production of melatonin, a hormone that has a powerful fat burning effect. Remember that the long New Year’s holidays are not a reason to wear out your body by going to bed late at night. On the contrary, this is a chance to relax and replenish your physical and emotional energy – take advantage of it!

The rule “emotions are more important than food”

After all, it’s important not to forget that New Year’s is the best time to see old friends. Gathering together, think about how you can spend your leisure time without locking yourself at your home table. Go to the skating rink or dance floor, make a snowman, or just take a walk through the city dressed up with bright lights. Happy New Year!

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