How long to cook yams?

Cook yams for 30 minutes at a moderate boil.

How to cook yams

You will need – yams, water

1. Wash the yams and put in a colander.

2. Peel the yams with a vegetable peeler.

3. Wash the yams and place on a cutting board.

4. Cut each tuber so that the individual parts of the yam are about the same size (ideally 1 medium potato).

5. Put the yams in a saucepan and cover with water: the water should cover the yams for a couple of centimeters.

6. Put the pot of yam on the fire and wait until it boils.

7. Boil the yams for 30 minutes after boiling, drain the water and use the yams as directed.

Your yams are cooked!


How to cook fufu


Yam (inyam) – 300 grams

Beef – 200 grams

Onions – 100 grams

Tomatoes – 2 small

Pepper – 0,5 teaspoon

Broth (chicken or meat) – 0,5 liters

Coconut milk – 150 grams

Water – 1,5 liters

Salt – 0,5 teaspoon

How to cook fufu

1. Wash the yam tubers by removing the scales with a brush. Peel the yams, cut into cubes, 3 centimeters in size.

2. Put the yams in a saucepan with 1 liter of water, salt, cover and boil.

3. Boil the yams for 30 minutes (check the softness with a knife).

4. Drain the water, cool the yams slightly, knead in a bowl with a pestle (or in a blender), periodically adding water: it is necessary to achieve a soft, airy, homogeneous consistency without lumps.

5. For the sauce: cut the beef into small pieces, combine in a saucepan with chopped tomatoes and onions, pour over the broth. Boil, cook over low heat for 30 minutes.

6. Add pepper to the broth, pour in 150 grams of coconut milk and cook for 15 minutes.

7. Moisten your hands with water, shape the yam mass into a ball with a radius of 2 centimeters.

Serve the fufu to the table by pouring the sauce into a separate cup, or pour the sauce over the fufu.

Delicious facts

– Yam is a tuberous vegetable, it resembles a potato if it were very large (weighing 20-70 kilograms) and strongly elongated. Yam is especially widespread in Africa, where it is consumed in quantities comparable to that of bread. Still, because bread flour is made from yam.

– Yams are very well stored in Russian conditions at room temperature – up to six months. Indeed, in the homeland, yams have to be stored in extreme heat.

– To choose the right yam, you need to put pressure on the vegetable: if it is firm and slightly elastic, then the vegetable is good. If the vegetable is soft, with flabby skin, then it is not recommended to buy one.

– The taste of yams is sweetish, close to potatoes, only softer.

– Yams must not be eaten raw; it must be cooked.

– Calorie content of yam – 118 kcal.

– Fufu is a porridge-like dish popular in Western and partly in Central Africa. It is served both on ordinary days and at the festive table.

– The dish is made with inyam (yams), sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes), sometimes maize (sweet corn) or rice.

– Fufu is eaten by hand, pinching off pieces and rolling balls from them. The balls are dipped in the sauce and swallowed without chewing. Place a bowl of water next to it to rinse your hands.

– Fufu became famous in the island countries of the Caribbean (Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, etc.) thanks to African slaves.

– Yams can be replaced with powdered inyam – the powder is mixed with water and boiled in a saucepan for 5 minutes. Other options – sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) or regular potatoes – are better than non-boiling varieties.

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