How and how much to stew squash in a pan in a slow cooker

How and how much to stew squash in a pan in a slow cooker

Very healthy and low-calorie, this vegetable is a relative of ordinary pumpkin, but tastes and is more reminiscent of another relative of the pumpkin family – zucchini. Although there are a huge number of recipes for cooking squash, for those who want to lose weight, options with cooking without frying are most suitable. It is especially wise to learn how to stew squash for immediate use or for future use.

Is it possible to stew squash?

You can and should! This is one of the most delicious and varied cooking options for a vegetable. By adding different products, we get various shades of taste and smell, while the same additives will help regulate the calorie content of the dish. So, we are building a classification of how to stew squash:

  • according to the devices used – in a frying pan, in an oven: “languor”, preferably in ceramic dishes, in a multicooker or double boiler;
  • by type of dishes – hot and cold, the second option requires complete cooling for serving;
  • by type of food – vegetarian, vegan, regular;
  • in terms of calorie content – ordinary meals, meals of increased nutritional value, low-calorie ones.

How to stew squash in the most useful way?

Considering additives, first of all, sour cream and tomato should be taken into account – it is these bases for the sauce that make it possible to give the squash the most pleasant taste.

How much to stew the squash?

In terms of density, the pulp of squash is a cross between young zucchini and pumpkin, so the stewing time varies – depending on the desired softness of the final result – from 5 minutes to half an hour. The presence of other ingredients in the recipe is also important – zucchini, onions, carrots, potatoes, celery. In this case, the cooking time is determined by the initial processing of the food and required to prepare the hardest of them.

For cooking, the squash can be cleaned, in this case, the heat treatment time should be reduced

How to stew squash in a slow cooker?

The composition of products and additives in this version of the dishes does not differ from those recipes where it is considered how to stew squash in a pan. The operating time of the device, the degree of heating and the cooking mode itself depends on the desired result, the recipe of the dish and – last but not least – on the capabilities of the multicooker. It should be noted that this method of heat treatment allows you to save a greater amount of useful substances in the final product due to the fact that the direct effect of fire is not used and the steam does not go beyond the cooking container.

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