Homeopathy for dogs

Homeopathy for dogs

The principle of homeopathy for dogs

The doctor who created homeopathy had established 3 rules:

  • The law of similars: like heals like. Unlike conventional medicine, we will try to cure the patient with substances that trigger the visible symptoms instead of using substances that fight against the symptoms. It’s a bit like curing evil with evil.
  • The law of individualization : in homeopathy, the treatment must be personalized for the patient and correspond to the totality of his symptoms and not those of the disease.
  • The principle of infinitesimal dilutions : it is the presence of the substance diluted to the extreme and energized (by shaking between each dilution) which would make the treatment effective without being harmful.

Homeopathy for dogs is usually available in syrup form and is usually made by the same laboratories as homeopathy for humans. It is used as adjuvant therapy for joint problems, stress, pain, or immune system fatigue episodes. It is usually a homeopathic veterinarian who prescribes them. He can also use the granules sold in pharmacies if the formulation does not exist for animals.

Does homeopathy for dogs work?

Unfortunately, I have no clinical experience of treatment with homeopathy for dogs. We would have to wait for a study that would prove the effectiveness of homeopathy for dogs. Studies on the subject are few and none clearly show the effectiveness of homeopathy against a placebo. Some vets advise against completely the use of these drugs. If you decide to use homeopathy to treat your dog, have the medicine prescribed by a homeopathic veterinarian. Self-medicating homeopathy should not delay a visit to the vet if the dog is ill and should not replace its primary treatment.

La phytotherapy on the other hand gives better results in research on the treatment of many diseases, used alone or in addition to conventional medicines. Herbal medicine uses plant extracts or natural active ingredients from plants that have been used for many centuries in traditional medicines in some countries. Today, more and more scientific studies show the effectiveness of natural active ingredients that go into the formulation of herbal medicine treatments..

If you want to use homeopathy for dogs because you are looking for a more natural method of treatment for your dog, why not instead go for the herbal medicine which has been proven to work and continues to be seriously studied by veterinarians? More and more veterinarians are being trained to master phytotherapy.

It comes, like homeopathic remedies for dogs, in the form of syrups, specially formulated by your veterinarian according to the disease and symptoms of your dog as a whole. It is also used as a complementary medication in drugs in the form of tablets manufactured by pharmaceutical companies for the treatment of renal failure in dogs.

In addition, there are other methods of soft and alternative medicine such as osteopathy or physiotherapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs.

It is also possible to use pheromones or products derived from milk or plants to treat stress in the dog in a more natural way.

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