Homemade hair shampoos: how to make yourself? Video
Shampoo is the main cosmetic used for hair care. The shops are packed with shampoos for all tastes and hair types. But often the chemical components contained in such cosmetics provoke dandruff and other problems. Therefore, increasingly, the fair sex is giving preference to homemade shampoo.
Hair shampoo: how to make at home
The indisputable advantage of home cosmetics for hair care is that they contain natural ingredients (no harmful substances) that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. And besides, you can choose exactly the composition that best suits your hair type.
Hair of this type is thick, elastic and durable. They are easy to comb and style, and also do not tangle. But such hair still needs careful care and nutrition.
To prepare a basic shampoo, you need the following ingredients:
- 1 tbsp flakes of baby soap or Marseilles soap
- 85-100 ml water
- 3-4 drops of aromatic oils (any essential oil can be used)
The water is boiled, after which the container with water is removed from the heat and the grated soap is added (the mixture is stirred until the soap shavings are completely dissolved). The solution is cooled and enriched with aromatic oil. Apply “shampoo” to the strands, and after 2-5 minutes wash off.
An alternative to traditional hair washing is “dry cleaning”: dry shampoos are used for this.
Herbal shampoo has a wonderful effect on hair.
It consists of:
1-1,5 tbsp crushed dried mint leaves
500-600 ml water
2 tbsp dry rosemary leaves
7-8 tbsp chamomile flowers
50-55 g baby soap or Marseille soap flakes
2 tbsp vodka
3-4 drops of eucalyptus or mint aromatic oil
The herbs are poured into a small saucepan and covered with water. The mixture is brought to a boil and then simmered for 8-10 minutes. Next, the broth is infused for 27-30 minutes and filtered.
It is also recommended to use a homemade comfrey shampoo conditioner for normal hair types.
The recipe for this cosmetic is as follows:
- 2 chicken egg yolks
- 13-15 g dry comfrey rhizome
- 3-4 tbsp alcohol
- 100 ml of water
The crushed rhizome is poured with water and left for 2,5–3 hours, after which the mixture is brought to a boil and left to cool. The infusion is filtered and mixed with whipped yolks and alcohol. “Shampoo” is applied to wet strands, washed off with warm water, and then the procedure is repeated again.
How to make a shampoo for oily hair at home
To wash such hair, special cosmetics are used to reduce sebum secretion. Homemade pomegranate “shampoo” is especially effective in this case.
It is prepared from:
- liters of water
- 3–3,5 tbsp. chopped pomegranate peel
The pomegranate peel is poured with water, brought to a boil and, reducing the heat to low, continue to cook for 13-15 minutes. After the broth is filtered. They rinse their hair. It is recommended to use this mixture every 3-4 days.
As part of another cosmetic product used to care for oily hair, the following components are present:
- a pinch of green clay
- 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil
- 2-3 drops of lavender aromatic oil
- 1,5-2 tsp. shampoo
The components are thoroughly mixed, after which the mass is applied to the strands and scalp. After 3-5 minutes, the “shampoo” is washed off.
How to make dry hair shampoo at home
Dull hair with split ends indicates a decreased secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Such hair can be attributed to the dry type. To care for dry hair at home, prepare an egg “shampoo”.
This cosmetic product consists of:
- 1 tsp. Teddy bear
- juice from 1 lemon
- egg white
- 2 chicken egg yolks
- 1-1,5 tsp olive oil
The protein is whipped into a gentle foam, and then mixed with lemon juice, honey, yolks and olive oil. Massage the nutrient mixture onto the scalp, cover the head with a plastic bag and wrap it up with a warm towel. After 3-5 minutes, the “shampoo” is washed off with warm water.
Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes hair “shampoo”, which contains the following components:
- 1 tsp shampoo
- 1 tbsp castor oil
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 3-4 drops of lavender aromatic oil
The oils are mixed, after which the mixture is enriched with shampoo. The mass is rubbed into the root system, after which the “shampoo” is left for 1,5-2 hours and washed off with warm water.
Make sure you are not allergic to lavender essential oil before applying this mixture to your hair.
Homemade dandruff cosmetic recipe
To get rid of dandruff, it is recommended to regularly use a “shampoo” consisting of:
- 1-2 yolks of chicken eggs
- 1 drop of rose aroma oil
- 4-5 drops of sage essential oil
- 1-1,5 tsp alcohol
Dissolve aromatic oils in alcohol, add yolks to the mixture and mix all components well. The mass is applied to wet strands, and washed off after 5-7 minutes.
“Shampoo” that accelerates the growth of hair
A mixture of:
- 1-1,5 neutral liquid soap
- 1-1,5 glycerin
- 3-5 drops of lavender aroma oil
The components are mixed, after which the mixture is poured into a glass container and the dishes are tightly closed. Before applying the “shampoo”, the container with the mixture is thoroughly shaken. Leave the mass on the hair for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with warm water.