home Workout for women: a plan of exercises for the entire body

In order to lose weight, strengthen muscles and get rid of excess fat not necessarily regularly visit the gym. To get your body in the perfect shape possible and in the home. Offer home workout for the girls with the plan of exercises and tips for exercises for effective weight loss.

And if you think training required a subscription to a fitness club or expensive equipment, it is not so. To effectively train your body at home with minimal equipment.

Training home for girls: features

Exercise plan for women that is offered below is the perfect option for those who want to start training at home. However, these exercises will be useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also to those who just want to stick to a healthy lifestyle. There are many studies about the benefits of regular exercise: this applies to the improvement of the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of occurrences of depression, and prevention of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and stroke.

Even if you are loaded with work and family matters, 30 minutes for fitness several times a week can be always. Especially if you organize an effective workout at home. If you thought training home for girls is a little exercise, try our exercise plan for weight loss and tone muscles of the entire body and get toned and lean body.

Why you should pay attention to home fitness? What are the pros and cons of training at home for girls in comparison with visiting the fitness club?

Advantages of training at home:

  • You save time on the road to the sports hall.
  • No need to adjust to the schedule of the fitness club.
  • You save money on the purchase of a subscription.
  • To engage one psychologically comfortable, nobody is watching you and does not cause discomfort.
  • You don’t need to buy special fitness clothing, you can do at home t-shirt and shorts.
  • For young mothers on maternity leave training at home is the only way out, if not with whom to leave the child.
  • A wide range of finished video programs and routines do home workout for girls is diverse and effective.
  • You will have at hand a comfortable shower or bath with all necessary accessories.
  • You can do early in the morning before work or late evening after work.

Cons of training at home:

  • There is no coach who will supply the correct technique of the exercises.
  • At home there is a variety of equipment and additional equipment must be purchased.
  • You will need to consider and make a set of exercises or look for a suitable program.
  • For training at home, girls need to have a strong motivation to practice, no one “podpisyvat” side will not.
  • At home too many distractions that can derail a workout: home, family, require attention, the desire to relax or surf the Internet, etc.

However, the convenience and comfort of home workouts outweighs the small list of cons. All you need for workouts at home is make a small square of space in the apartment, to allocate 30-60 minutes for a lesson plan of exercises and start practicing.

Equipment for training at home

For weight loss and body tone you can do at home without additional equipment. Exercise weight loss give you a good workout and helps to work core muscles and speed up the process of weight reduction. However, for baboutLisa variability training, it is desirable to have at least dumbbells: they are especially useful when performing strength exercises. In addition to dumbbells, you may need a chair, a bed or bedside table for some exercise, which needs support.

If you have some extra equipment at home or have the opportunity to buy it, then this will help you vary the exercises and increase the effectiveness of the training. However, dumbbell is the most basic equipment, which will be enough for a full body workout at home for girls. It is also desirable to have a rug or Mat on the floor if you have hard or cold floor.

What inventory can be purchased:

  • Weights: the basic inventory, without which no cost, no home strength training.
  • Fitness rubber band: the most popular equipment in recent times, ideal for thighs and buttocks.
  • Mat: important equipment that is required for almost all training at home.
  • Fitball: a round ball for abdominal exercises and development of the stabilization muscles of the abdomen.
  • Tubular expander: ideal for training the arms, shoulders and back.
  • Elastic tape: very useful for strength exercises and stretching.
  • Massage roller for muscle recovery after strenuous exercise and self-massage.
  • TRX: functional training at home.

If you have an ellipsoid, a treadmill or bike trainer, they can be very effectively used for cardio workouts. But if you don’t have to purchase exercise equipment is not necessary. Cardio you can do without additional equipment, with the weight of his own body.

TOP 30 best cardio exercises for all levels

So, for cardio workouts and functional training to tone the body you can do without additional equipment, with the weight of his own body. For strength training you will need dumbbells from 1 kg to 10 kg depending on your capabilities and goals.

If you are planning to train at home, it is better to buy collapsible dumbbells:


Home workout for girls: rules

1. Always any exercise should start with warm-up (7-10 minutes) and finish with stretching (5-7 minutes). This is a mandatory rule that you should always remember. View our warm-up exercises and stretching:

  • Warm-up before exercise: exercise + plan
  • Stretching after a workout: exercise + plan

2. Don’t exercise on a full stomach. Training should begin within 1-2 hours after the last meal.

3. For 1.5-2 hours before a workout, you can afford a full meal. If this is not possible, then make a small carbohydrate snack 45-60 minutes prior to the lesson. 30 minutes after a workout is better to eat small portion of protein + carbohydrate (for example, 100 g of cottage cheese + Apple or 1 scoop whey protein with milk). But slimming the most important thing, not what you eat before and after workouts and how you eat throughout the day.

4. In losing weight is 80% of success depends on nutrition. If you consume more calories than your body is able to spend, even a daily workout won’t lead you to the goal. For starters, you can start eating healthy food or start counting calories.

Proper nutrition: how to start step by step

5. You can train in the morning on an empty stomach. The classroom does not affect the process of losing weight, so choose the morning hours, only if you are comfortable to do after you Wake up. Breakfast can be taken in 30 minutes after class, preferably protein + carbs.

6. Don’t forget to drink water. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before training and one or two glasses of water after your workout. During class, drink every 10 minutes, taking a few SIPS.

7. Be sure to practice in sneakers, not to hurt the joints of the feet. Also wear a sports bra to maintain the breast and comfortable clothing made of natural fabrics, which does not restrict movement. If you are doing yoga, Pilates or perform relaxing exercises on the floor, then shoes are not necessary.

Top 20 women’s running shoes for fitness

8. It should not be overloaded with training, first time is enough to do 3 times a week for 30 minutes. You can gradually increase the duration and frequency of sessions: 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes, if you want to boost the results.

9. We recommend you to use a fitness tracker to monitor heart rate, maintain the zone weight-loss and counting calories burned during exercise.

10. If you want to lose weight and burn fat, while strength training, use light weight dumbbells for 1-3 kg. If you want to bring the muscles and strengthen them, use 4-7 kg dumbbells for upper body and 5-10 kg for the lower body.

11. Do not forget about breathing during exercise at home. To force a deep exhale through the nose, relaxing breath in your mouth. It is impossible to hold your breath when performing exercises.

12. To engage on the proposed programs need at least 1.5-2 months while increasing exercise duration and increasing the weight of dumbbells. Then you can change the program, complicating a workout or increasing the weight.

13. If you want to lose weight faster, try to increase the overall physical activity during the day: walking or outdoor activities.

14. After you have achieved the desired result, you need to continue a regular fitness if you want to keep fit.

15. If you have back problems, it is best to minimize body exercises that are performed on the back, replacing them with planks and variations of hyperextensive:

Home exercise for girls: exercise plan

We offer you 4 ready-made set of exercisesthat will help you to lose weight or to bring the muscles in tone depending on your goals:

  • Home workout for weight loss for beginners and people with a large overweight
  • Home workout for weight loss and fat burning
  • Home workout for muscle tone and reduce body fat
  • Strength training at home to strengthen the muscles and set of muscle mass.

Each variant proposes a plan of exercises for the whole body for 3 days. You can do 3 times a week or more often, just alternate 3 exercises together.

Workout at home for beginners

If you are looking for a home workout for girls who are just starting fitness or have a large weight, we offer you a simple exercise program for beginners. It consists of a’s low impact cardio and strength exercises without equipment. Exercise 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes for 1-2 months and move to more complex program and gradually saturate the workout more intense exercises.

Ready workout for beginners: exercise + plan

For training we use the circuit: each exercise performed for 30 seconds + 30 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the round we stop for 2 minutes and start the circle again from the first exercise. Repeat the exercise in 3 rounds (for starters, you can make 1-2 circles, refer to your health). If the exercise is done on two sides, then perform 30 seconds, first on one side then 30 seconds on the other. Each lap will take you about 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

1. Boxing

2. Leg lift (on both sides)

3. Static strap (you can kneel)

4. Skater

5. Leg lifts in bridge

6. Touch the ankles

Day 2

1. Lift knees to chest

2. Plie-squat

3. “Hunting dog”

4. Breeding hands and feet

5. Bringing the hip side-lying (on both sides)

6. Bike

Day 3

1. Leg lifts

2. The splaying of the legs in the opposite bracket

3. Lateral lunge (on both sides)

4. Walking with breeding hands and zahlest Shin

5. Side leg lift on all fours (on both sides)

6. Russian twist

Home workout for weight loss and fat burning

If you are looking for a home workout for girls who want to lose weight and have at least a small fitness experience, we offer you a complex of exercises for burning fat based on cardio and exercises to tone muscles. In this embodiment, home workouts you don’t need additional equipment.

For classes again use the circuit: each exercise is performed for 40 seconds + 20 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the round we stop for 1-2 minutes and begin the circle again with the first exercise. Repeat the exercise 3-4 circle (you might want to start doing 1-2 circles, refer to your health). If the exercise is done on two sides, running first in one direction and then another. Each lap will take you 8 minutes.

Day 1

1. Running with high knee lift

2. Walking lunges forward

3. The rise of hands in the strap

4. Skier

5. Leg lift to the side (on both sides)

6. Twist to side plank (on both sides)

Day 2

1. Jumps breeding arms and legs

2. Bulgarian lunge (on both sides)

3. Superman

4. Horizontal Jogging

5. Max leg (on both sides)

6. Twists in the strap

Day 3

1. Lateral jumps

2. Getting up from a chair with raised leg (on both sides)

3. Swimmer

4. Jumping in the strap by raising the legs

5. Lift legs up (on both sides)

6. – Touch shoulder strap


Home workout for muscle tone and reduce body fat

If you are looking for a home workout for girls that are not overweight, but I want to bring the body in tone, we offer you a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles and reduce fat. Unlike the previous diagram, the circle contains only one cardio exercise, the other exercises are aimed to tone muscles and get rid of problem areas. You will need 2-5 kg dumbbells

Exercise similar to round Robin: each exercise is performed for 40 seconds + 20 seconds rest and then move on to the next exercise. After the end of the round we stop for 1-2 minutes and begin the circle again with the first exercise. Repeat the exercise 3-4 circle (you might want to start doing 1-2 circles, refer to your health). If the exercise is done on two sides, running first in one direction and then another. Each lap will take you about 7-8 minutes.

Day 1

1. Sumo squat with a dumbbell

2. Pulling the dumbbells in the bar

3. Squats with jumping

4. Pushups (on knees)

Read more: How to learn to do push-UPS?

5. Lunges in a circle (on both sides)

6. Double twisting

Day 2

1. Lunge in place (on both sides)

2. Breeding hands with dumbbells in the slope

3. Burpee

4. Squat with climbing socks

5. Plank Spiderman

6. Twisting to one side (on both sides)

Day 3

1. Diagonal lunges (with dumbbells)

2. Side plank (on both sides)

3. Jump into a wide squat

4. Lateral lunge (on both sides)

5. Reverse pushups

6. Scissors

Strength training at home to strengthen muscles and develop strength

If you want to strengthen muscles, develop strength and improve body composition, offer you strength training for girls at home. The program includes strength training with dumbbells. Perform exercises specified number of sets and reps (e.g., 4×10-12 for 4 sets of 10-12 reps). Between sets rest 30-60 seconds between exercises rest 2-3 minutes.

Ready strength training: exercise + plan

If you want effectively to work over muscles, the weight of the dumbbells you need to take this to the latest iteration in the approach was carried out at maximum stress (from 5 kg and above). If you have only light dumbbells, then do bona much greater number of repetitions (e.g., 15-20 repetitions), but in this case, the training is not power and gyrosigma.

For different exercise need different weight dumbbells. For training the smaller muscle groups (arms, shoulders, chest) weight dumbbells need less. For training larger muscle groups (back, legs) should take more weight. Emphasize that muscle growth need a lot of weight and a calorie surplus. But to improve the quality of the body and a small elevation enough dumbbells 10 kg and regular training.

Day 1

1. Pushups (from knees): 3×10-12

2. Squat with dumbbells: 4×10-12

3. Dumbbell bench press for the chest: 3×12-15

4. Forward lunges: 4×8-10 (each leg)

5. Bench press for triceps: 3×12-15

6. Touch legs: 4×15-20

Day 2

1. Thrust dumbbells in the slope for the back: 5×10-12

2. Deadlifts: 4×10-12

3. Liftings of hands on a biceps: 3×12-15

4. Side lunge: 4×8-10 (each leg)

5. Dumbbell bench press for shoulders: 3×12-15

6. Leg raises: 4×15-20

Day 3

1. Reverse pushups: 3×10-12

2. Sumo squat with dumbbell: 4×10-12

3. Back lunges: 4×8-10 (each leg)

4. Lifting dumbbells to chest shoulders: 3×12-15

5. Breeding hands with dumbbells while lying for the chest: 3×12-15

6. Walking in the bar: 2×10-15 (each side)

For gifs thanks to youtube channels: mfit, Linda Wooldridge, shortcircuits_fitness, Live Fit Girl, nourishmovelove, Live Fit Girl, Jessica Valant Pilates, Linda Wooldridge, FitnessType, Puzzle Fit LLC, Christina Carlyle.

If you want to do on the finished video workouts and make a plan of exercise, then look at:

  • Top 50 coaches on YouTube: a selection of the best

If you want to Supplement this workout with other exercises, you will see:

  • Top 50 exercises for a flat stomach
  • Top 50 exercises for slim legs
  • Top 50 exercises for toned buttocks
  • Top 20 exercises for slim arms

Many women believe that training home for girls is useless in terms of losing weight and getting rid of excess weight. However, if competently to build a business, train regularly and do not give yourself breaks, you’ll be able to quickly get in good shape even at home.

For beginners, slimming

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