Heine-Medin disease – symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

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Heine-Medin disease, or acute widespread childhood paralysis, is a viral, infectious disease. The polio virus enters the body through the digestive system, from where it spreads throughout the body. Heine-Medina disease is contagious – anyone who is in the company of an infected person can catch it. Children up to 5 years of age are in the highest risk group.

Heine-Medin disease – how does it occur?

In most cases, the carrier of the virus does not show any symptoms of the disease, but continues to contract it. Heine-Medin disease runs in three scenes. As a non-paralytic, paralytic, and post-polio syndrome. The non-paralytic form may be associated with an asymptomatic course, abortion infection (non-specific symptoms: fever, sore throat and headache, vomiting, fatigue, lasting about 10 days) or aseptic meningitis.

Heine-Medin disease paralysis occurs in only 1 percent of cases. The symptoms are similar to the first case, but after about a week the following symptoms appear: impaired motor reaction, limb limb or paralysis, limb deformation. Three types of paralysis are listed here: spinal, cerebral and bulbar palsy. In very rare cases, the respiratory system is paralyzed and, as a result, died.

Third type Heine-Medin disease it’s post-polio syndrome. This is the effect of previous travel Heine-Medin disease. The period of getting sick with the syndrome can be up to 40 years. The symptoms are similar to those of the other two varieties, but they affect muscles that have not been damaged before. There are also problems with the respiratory system, memory and concentration.

What does Heine-Medina disease prophylaxis look like and does it exist?

Vaccination is the answer to the disease. In Poland, they are obligatory and reimbursed by the National Health Fund. The vaccination schedule is a 4-dose regimen – 3/4 months of age, 5 months of age, 16/18 months of age and 6 years of age. All of these vaccines contain inactive viruses and are given by injection.

Is it possible to treat Heine-Medina disease?

There is no possibility of complete or partial recovery from Heine-Medin disease. Only actions are taken to increase the comfort of a sick child’s life. He should be provided with rest and peace, activities with a physiotherapist, and reduction of breathing or walking problems. Rehabilitation of stiff limbs is an extremely important part of the symptom relief process. It is also possible to use special orthodontic appliances, and sometimes surgeries are performed, e.g. in the case of a collapse of the spine. All these activities are aimed at improving the quality of life of the suffering child Heine-Medin disease.

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