Healthy foods that contain sugar

It would seem that you have healthy habits, except for those rare days when you are attacked by food and you devour candy and cookies. Well, who doesn’t! But we know that eating a balanced diet is much better than just counting calories and avoiding fatty foods. However, sugar lurks in much less obvious places than we think. The American Heart Association recommends that women eat no more than 24 grams of sugar a day. But as it turns out, some so-called healthy foods are so packed with sugar that one serving already exceeds the recommended dose by cardiologists.

When we talk about the benefits of fruit, we don’t mean juice at all. Fruit and their concentrated liquid appearance are not at all the same thing. It is best to prefer fresh, solid foods because they contain fiber. And in some types of packaged apple juice, for example, 26 grams of sugar per cup.

Muesli has long been touted as a healthy food, but many are no better than sweet baby cereals. Some contain about 26 grams of sugar per serving. If you want to get rid of sugar, it is better to replace muesli with protein-rich nuts.

Low fat yogurt is considered to be a low calorie food. However, if you look closely at the labels, you may find that some brands of yogurt are high in sugar (21 grams) and are the very junk food you are trying to avoid.

Just because it’s a fruit doesn’t mean it’s good for you and your healthy diet. Most dried fruits contain over 50% sugar. So, a handful of dried cranberries or lingonberries that you add to a salad contains about 26 grams of sugar.

Of course, tea is considered a healthy drink as long as it is not bottled and sugar is added to it to enhance the flavor. So, a bottle of tea contains about 23 grams of sugar.

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