
Recently, more and more often you can hear the word “hamon” from the lips of a modern layman. What is it and what is it eaten with? Jamon is a national Spanish dish, an exquisite delicacy that has gained worldwide fame primarily due to its bright taste. [1]. But few people know that in his homeland in Spain, he is appreciated not only for this. Jamon is also a dietary product, and it contains micro and macro elements important for life support, which makes it not only tasty, but also healthy. Even the Nobel laureate, the famous Spanish doctor Gregorio Marañon, called jamon a medicine for its nutritional value and digestibility.

A bit of history

The history of this dish has more than two thousand years. Naturally, it has acquired legends and traditions. This exquisite delicacy was served to the table of the great emperors and was included in the mandatory diet of Roman legionnaires and Spanish soldiers. The recipes that existed in those days have come down to us in complete safety. After tasting the jamon, one can rightfully say that we have been to an imperial dinner party.

Some connoisseurs claim that jamon appeared at a time when salt began to be used for preparations for the winter and long-term storage of food. Salted meat was often the only salvation for many in times of famine.

Others tell a legend about how they caught a drowning pig in the river, which for a long time could not get out of the water. The river originated in salt deposits, and the pig, floundering in its waters, was soaked through with salt. Allegedly, it was then that they tasted salted pork for the first time.

Only in the XNUMXth century did the mass export of dry-cured pork to different countries begin. She liked it so much that she is still very popular all over the world.

Description and varieties of jamon

Jamon is a dry-cured pork ham. Such a dish exists among many peoples, why did the Spanish version become world famous? It turns out that the matter is not only in the correct cooking technology. An important role is played by the breed of pigs from which it is made, and the special environmental conditions for their breeding. Feeding animals with acorns of Spanish cork oaks often affects the taste of jamon. On the pastures where they are fed, there is practically no grass, but there are plenty of acorns. So that pigs do not spoil the roots of trees, they are specially pierced with patches, which makes the digging process almost impossible.

Jamon is usually called the back leg of the pork, while the front is called the paleta or delantero. However, outside of Spain, the common name “jamon” was firmly stuck to them. Dry-cured pork shoulder also has its own name – lomo.

There are two main types of jamon:

  • Serrano (Serrano) – made from white pig meat;
  • Iberico (Iberico) or Pata Negra (black leg) – black pig meat is used for its preparation [2].

Iberico is considered the best variety of jamon [3]. The pigs from which it is prepared have black hooves, hence their name. In turn, in this jamon, two varieties can also be distinguished, which differ in the principles of feeding and the diet of animals:

  • bellota – pigs fed exclusively on acorns are used for cooking [4];
  • de cebo – pigs for cooking this ham fatten and acorns, and fodder.

Jamon is produced in almost all of Spain, except for the coast. Each province has its own quality standards, which guarantee that natural jamon is produced here, and that all traditions and rules are observed in its preparation. Each jamon, like the elite brands of Spanish wines, has a label, the so-called quality mark – Denominacion de Origen. It contains all the main characteristics of the jamon:

  • provinces;
  • pasture;
  • pig number;
  • weight of ham until salted;
  • start date salting;
  • the term of sending to the camera;
  • duration of exposure.

Several of these quality marks can be distinguished: cecina de León, guijuelo, jamón de Teruel, dehesa de Extremadura, jamón de Huelva, jamón de Trevélez.

The cooking process

The process of preparing an elite high-quality jamon begins with the correct fattening of pigs. For this, a special diet is used, thanks to which they gain a certain mass. Pigs are released to pasture during the ripening of acorns from mid-October to mid-February. At the same time, it is recommended not to constrain animals; no more than fifteen individuals are allowed per hectare. To get an elite jamon, you need to slaughter such pigs before the end of March [5].

Butchering a pork carcass is also a kind of art. The ham must acquire its classic form. Also, a piece of wool is specially left on it, as evidence that it is made from a black pig of the Iberian breed.

The very first and most important action in its manufacture is salting. To do this, it is well sprinkled with salt to remove excess water. The time allotted for this process depends on many factors: the weight of the ham, the climate, and others. On average, it takes about one day for one kilogram of jamon. After that, excess salt is washed out, and the meat is sent to rooms with low temperature and stable humidity for drying.

It is best to start the drying process in the winter or early spring, as it is characterized by a slow and gradual increase in temperature. This process lasts from six months to three years, depending on weather conditions, geographic location and the mass of the delicacy.

After drying, the jamon is moved to the lower floors in special cellars, where it undergoes a ripening process. It is suspended and left for the required period. It is determined for each “leg” separately, depending on its weight and quality. Thanks to the specific microclimate in the cellars, jamon acquires its unique taste and exquisite aroma.

To determine the readiness of the meat, it is pierced in three places with a thin and long needle. It is by the aroma emanating from the jamon that the completion of the curing process is determined.

Hamoner and Cortadors

Jamon is usually consumed cut into thin slices. [6]. Cutting it is a whole art, and specially trained people are engaged in it. For the process, a stand of the required length is used, which is called a hamonera. The product is cut only by hand using this stand and a special knife, as mechanical cutting can disrupt the taste of jamon.

Jamoners are mainly made of wood, about 50 cm long and about 20 cm wide. There is a screw on the bracket that serves to secure the “leg”. By loosening it, you can turn the ham for cutting from different sides.

The people who cut the jamon are called cortadores. Cutting is carried out parallel to the fixed “leg”, while the left hand of the cortador is always higher than the right. For left-handers, this rule is reproduced exactly the opposite. Be sure to ensure that the ham is firmly fixed on the stand, does not stagger and does not slide to the sides. Cutting is done with a long sharp knife with a thin blade. The product is cut into very thin slices, and the bone remaining after cutting is used to make broth or various soups. There are even special establishments that serve jamon – jamoneria.

Chemical composition and useful properties

In Spain, jamon is considered a dietary product. [7]. Its calorie content is only 160 kcal. It contains about 16 grams of fat, 31 grams of proteins and only 1 gram of carbohydrates. [8].

It also contains vitamins, especially a large amount of vitamins A and E, which are responsible for the beauty and youth of the body. It also contains vitamins of group B. The mineral complex is represented by phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and sulfur [9].

In large quantities, jamon contains tyrosine, which improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and kidneys. He also takes an active part in the regeneration and restoration of cells, slowing down the aging of the body and prolonging its youth. Regular consumption of this delicacy has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Almost 70 percent of jamon fat consists of unsaturated oleic acid, which is completely absorbed by the body, and also participates in all its metabolic processes.

This acid is famous for cleansing the body and removing bad cholesterol from it, which contributes to the prevention of various diseases, such as atherosclerosis and hypertension. [10].

How to store and serve the product

What to do if there is a lot of meat left on the “leg”? You can’t eat the whole ham at once. Usually after a meal, jamon is wrapped in parchment soaked in olive oil. Store it in the refrigerator at temperatures up to 10 degrees. It is customary to cover the cut with fat, which was previously removed. The shelf life of the cut product should not exceed five months.

Cold jamon is not served. Before serving, the ham is heated to room temperature, so it fully reveals its unique taste and exquisite aroma.

Many, having bought jamon in the store, paid attention to the mold that covered the leg. It appears in the process of curing meat in the basement, and it is she who is an indicator of the quality and naturalness of the product. This mold is of noble origin and will not bring harm to the body. To remove it, just wipe the ham with a napkin with olive oil.

Hamon in national cuisine

The most traditional combination in Spanish cuisine is jamon with melon. Sweet melon perfectly sets off the salty delicacy and fully reveals its taste. Such a dish will satisfy the taste of even the most sophisticated gourmets. Olives and olives, various herbs and cheeses are also recommended for use with jamon. You can use it with vegetables, especially tomatoes, eggplant, green beans. It is sometimes consumed with fried potatoes, as well as with Italian pasta.

Various wines go well with this delicacy, especially dry red varieties, sherry and beer.

Harm and contraindications

You should not use this dish with individually intolerant pork, people prone to excess weight. It is wise to use it for atherosclerosis, hypertension and diseases of the digestive tract.


Jamon is an exquisite Spanish delicacy that has won the hearts of gourmets all over the world. Moreover, it is valuable not only for its unique taste. The unique composition makes it a very useful product (provided it is used in moderation). In Spain, it is considered a dietary product, besides, it is recommended for people of different age categories. There are even diets based on the use of jamon. Due to its high digestibility and positive effect on metabolic processes, it is really useful for weight loss. The Spanish doctor and Nobel laureate Gregorio Maranion mentioned in his writings that due to its composition, jamon is practically a medicine. Of course, you should not abuse this product, especially in the presence of diseases of the digestive system. Hypertension and atherosclerosis can also serve as contraindications to the use of this delicacy. However, a small piece of such a delicacy is unlikely to cause serious harm to the body. Everything is good in moderation. If you follow this rule, then you can eat this delicious dish without risk to health.

Sources of
  1. ↑ CNN website. – 14 Spanish dishes you should try – from churros to jamón.
  2. ↑ Wikipedia. – Jamon (dish).
  3. ↑ The Guardian website. – World’s most expensive ham?.
  4. ^ Page National Geographic. – The story behind Iberian acorn ham.
  5. ↑ Serious Eats. – Inside the Secret World of Super-Premium Spanish Jamon Iberico.
  6. ↑ Сайт Jamon.com. – How to slice and store your jamon.
  7. ↑ The Spanish Serrano Ham Foundation. – Serrano ham: natural source of health.
  8. ↑ U.S. Department of agriculture. – Jamon Serrano.
  9. ↑ Cайт ассоциации Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium. – Serrano Ham and Health Consortium.
  10. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Effect of moderate and regular consumption of Cinco Jotas acorn‐fed 100% Iberian ham on overall cardiovascular risk.

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