Flywheel green (Boletus subtomentosus)

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Boletales (Boletales)
  • Family: Boletaceae (Boletaceae)
  • Genus: Boletus
  • Type: Boletus subtomentosus (Green flywheel)

Green boletus (Boletus subtomentosus) photo and description

Despite the classic “moss fly” appearance, so to speak, this species is currently classified as a genus Borovik (Boletus).

Collection places:

The green flywheel is found in deciduous, coniferous forests and shrubs, usually in well-lit places (along the sides of paths, ditches, on the edges), sometimes it grows on rotten wood, anthills. Settles more often singly, sometimes in groups.


Hat up to 15 cm in diameter, convex, fleshy, velvety, dry, sometimes cracked, olive-brown or yellowish-olive. The tubular layer is adnate or slightly descending to the stem. The color is bright yellow, later greenish-yellow with large angular uneven pores, when pressed they become bluish-green. The flesh is loose, whitish or light yellow, slightly bluish on the cut. Smells like dried fruit.

Leg up to 12 cm, up to 2 cm thick, thickened at the top, narrowed downward, often curved, solid. Color yellowish brown or reddish brown.


The green flywheel is similar to the yellow-brown flywheel and the Polish mushroom, but differs from them in the large pores of the tubular layer. The green flywheel should not be confused with the conditionally edible pepper mushroom, which has a yellowish-red color of the tubular layer and caustic bitterness of the pulp.


The green flywheel is considered an edible mushroom of the 2nd category. For cooking, the entire body of the mushroom is used, consisting of a hat and a leg. Hot dishes from it are prepared without preliminary boiling, but with obligatory peeling. Also, the mushroom is salted and marinated for longer storage.

Eating an old mushroom that has begun to break down protein threatens with severe food poisoning. Therefore, only young mushrooms are collected for consumption.

The mushroom is well known to both experienced mushroom pickers and novice mushroom hunters. In terms of taste, it is highly rated.

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