Glucose – sources of occurrence. When should I test my glucose levels?

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Glucose in chemistry is categorized as a chemical compound. Glucose is an essential element of our body that performs energy functions, supplying the cells of our body with energy. In addition to its obvious functions in the body, glucose can be found in, for example, honey and fruit, which it gives a sweet taste.

What is glucose?

Glucose is a chemical compound, but it is also one of the simple sugars. Glucose is also the primary source of energy in our body. It is she who supplies the cells of our body, enabling them to function properly, yet too much glucose in the body may be harmful to us. Various processes are responsible for regulating the level of glucose in our blood, for example: glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis and glycogenolysis. Another important part of our body that interacts with glucose is the pancreas, specifically the pancreatic hormone, also known as insulin. The level and concentration of glucose increases right after a meal, here the pancreas begins to play its role, which starts producing insulin. The insulin then transports the glucose to the tissues, thereby reducing its concentration in the body.

In addition, glucose is also produced by other hormones, such as glucagon, stress hormone, epinephrine, and thyroxine. Other sources of glucose include foods such as fruits, vegetables, and even honey. Glucose deficiency can lead to extremely bothersome disease states and related symptoms. Symptoms of glucose deficiency may include headache, convulsions, and in extreme cases, glucose deficiency may even lead to coma and subsequent death. Glucose is analyzed and tested in general blood tests. In diabetic patients, its level and concentration must be monitored regularly. What is the price of glucose?

Glucose price

Glucose can also be used as a medicine to help the body work. The price of glucose is quite low and ranges from PLN 3 to PLN 15. Glucose, most often in the form of a powdered drug, is used in cases of physical exhaustion, carbohydrate deficiency and, above all, in cases of hypoglycemia, i.e. glucose deficiency. Glucose in drug form can also be used as a glucose tolerance test. The price of glucose is really low compared to its properties.

Where is glucose found?

In addition to its natural place of occurrence, i.e. our body and special drugs used against hypoglycemia, glucose can be found in many other sources. Examples of sources include food, skeletal muscle, complex carbohydrates, and disaccharides.

When to Test Your Glucose

Since the price of glucose is not excessive, it is worth doing the test regularly. The symptoms that occur with too low or too high glucose levels are quite characteristic. The symptoms include: general fatigue, weakness, weight loss, sweating, obesity, hypertension, anxiety, frequent urination, cardiovascular diseases, fainting and loss of consciousness. These symptoms should be a signal for us to take action and encourage us to have a blood test as soon as possible, the result of which is usually one day. People suffering from diabetes should have regular blood tests and try to control the insulin concentration in their blood on their own, especially before meals.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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