From the garden to your table passing through the school
A new model of direct distribution of the origin of the food to the final consumer has been born by the hand of Farmidable.
Farmidable is a different but more balanced and coherent way of supply chain de feed Km0, where the producer puts his product on the table of consumers in a more direct, agile and sustainable way.
The constituted startup operates and through already constituted natural consumer communities, such as educational centers, schools, etc., and is currently in a process of expansion and growth, to replicate its pilot model in a school in a Madrid town.
Its search for financing is led by an equity crowdfunding campaign on the Social Exchange platform of between 60.000 and 90.000 euros to increase its capital and be able to continue building a a fairer model, supportive and above all balanced with people and the environment.
Among the main values that Farmidable supports and pursues, we want to highlight:
- The awareness of local and sustainable production among consumers.
- Reducing the carbon footprint
- The development of the local economy and the preservation of crop biodiversity
- The labor inclusion of people at risk of exclusion, generating direct and indirect employment for disadvantaged groups.
How does Famidable’s food supply chain work?
Consumers who want to stock up on quality and local products, make their demands and orders on a recurring basis with great ease, through their website or the mobile app created for this purpose, with great flexibility, being able to manage their supply chain from anywhere and picking up their orders comfortably at the exit of the school,
Access to the production of healthy, fresh and seasonal food is now easier thanks to this new collaborative business model, which was devised and created by Alberto Palacios, Alessandro Lambertini y Pablo Stürzer a year ago in Madrid.
“The synergy between collaborative economy and food is the source of inspiration that led us to create Farmidable to consolidate a more fair, collaborative and responsible trade“
Its great value and differentiation from distribution and traditional mass consumption is the channel used, educational centers and schools. Training points that seek new models of consumption, sustainable development and activities for the benefit of the local community, apart from the traditional teaching.
Farmidable’s business model is based on the collection of a margin to the producer on each sales unit of a percentage of 15%, with the amount obtained, the company allocates 3% to the educational center to collaborate in actions oriented to an end specific social status of each of the schools.