Four-year-old twins – copies of Rihanna conquered Instagram

Megan and Morgan are two twin girls. They, as befits identical twins, are very similar to each other. And hers are similar to Rihanna. In addition to their age and degree of fame, they are distinguished from the pop idol by one thing: the eyes. Incredibly bright blue eyes – with dark skin and blue-black hair! How is their mom different? Very simple. One of the girls, Megan, has eyes of different colors: one blue, the other brown. The phenomenon is called the medical term “heterochromia”. It looks incredible.

The girls’ mother Stephanie herself did not immediately notice their resemblance to Rihanna, a beauty from Barbados. Noticed by Instagram subscribers. By the way, there are a lot of them – more than three hundred thousand.

“Incredible, just one face!” – not the first month in a row, enthusiastic commentators have been writing under the pictures of girls.

Some are even sure that Megan and Morgan should become the prototypes of some Disney princess. No, better than a pair of princesses, because they are twins! And who knows, maybe it will. After all, the creators of the animated series “The Simpsons” have already made a nod to them: Megan and Morgan appeared in one of the episodes of the cartoon saga. Maybe Disney will be impressed.

Four-year-old beauties, by the way, are already earning their pocket money. From time to time, an advertisement appears on the page. The girls are already quite professionally posing and smiling without any fear for the camera.

Megan and Morgan, by the way, are not the only children in the family. They also have a younger sister. But already quite ordinary in appearance: dark and brown-eyed. Although pretty.

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