Five exercises that help you lose weight and that you can do daily in your living room

Five exercises that help you lose weight and that you can do daily in your living room


To say goodbye to a few extra pounds, personal trainer Miguel Ángel PEinado recommends five simple exercises that you can do anywhere

Five exercises that help you lose weight and that you can do daily in your living room

We take it for granted that we all remember how those days in March 2020 were like when we began to create in our home the work area, the space to exercise, a disconnection corner … Now that the low temperatures “make us sleepy” and you feel less like going to the gym, home is once again the chosen place to get in shape and say goodbye to the odd one extra kilo that we caught during Christmas.

«Now that we have left the festivities and their excesses behind, the purpose and to get rid of those kilos that we have gained, and I recommend that if you exercise at home you choose one of the circuits that I propose in my account

 Instagram, which are mainly HIIT and fat burning, “says the personal trainer Miguel Ángel Peinado. What do these tables of exercises that the expert advises consist of? In using, among other things, most of the muscles of the body.

«Exercises like shipping with knees up or heels to the gluteus, Jumping Jacks or touching the ground and raising the arm without jumping… they are very easy and ideal to burn calories “, says the trainer.

Exercises to lose weight

Below you can learn the correct way to develop these exercises, which can be done without material or with small dumbbells, which will also work on strength.

skipping. The race on the knees or «skipping» is one of the best known exercises for training and learning the running technique. To practice it, it is advisable to take care of the position so that we avoid leaning the trunk forward.

Jumping Jacks. Starting from a standing position with the legs together and the arms close to the thighs, we take a jump keeping the back straight and the legs separated to the width of the shoulders, with the head erect. There are different variables, although the ideal is for the hands to touch behind the head rather than above. When bringing the legs together, the arms should touch the thighs, not the hips, so that they travel the longest. During the performance of the Jumpings Jacks it is necessary to keep the abdomen in slight tension to have the correct posture and it is necessary to try to do them at a good pace so that its cardiovascular benefits are also taken advantage of.

Abdominal iron. For an abdominal plank to be considered as such, you must follow the indications of the experts. As Alex García, director of Fit Club Madrid, says, to execute it correctly we have to take into account that the surface where we do it does not slip because otherwise it will not be possible to do it. First you have to bring your hands or elbows just below the shoulders. Create pressure with both feet equally against the ground. And in the case of the lateral support the greater surface of the lateral of the foot. Don’t let your hips drop to the ground and keep it roughly at the height of your shoulders. Keep the scapular area contracted, your gaze aligned with the body and, finally, so that the abdominal plank is well done, contract the core.

Squatting. The first thing would be to position yourself with your gaze forward and your chest out. Then, we will have to position the feet, exceeding the width of the hips, and with the balls of the feet facing slightly outwards. The next step would be to perform a squat as if we were sitting in an imaginary chair. We must descend until our thighs are as parallel to the ground as possible, carrying the weight on the heels. Finally, to have the squat ready, you have to ascend by fully extending your knees and hips, activating your entire body by using force from your heels.

Pushups. First, lie on your stomach, with your arms shoulder-width apart, your elbows tucked in, and close to your torso and body from head to toe in a straight line. The hands should be below the shoulders with the index fingers pointing forward and the fingers spread. In addition, it is necessary to take into account on the support of the hands that the posture is as if one wanted to grasp the ground, keeping the pressure on the tips of the fingers and the palms, but not so much on the intermediate phalanges, and it would already be done. bending.

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