Fitness Strength resistance

Fitness Strength resistance

La resistance force It is the body’s ability to resist fatigue. For this, what is measured is the intensity of the load and the duration of the athlete’s effort to overcome fatigue in the maximum repetition cycles. Games such as continuous running or low intensity circuits allow to know the resistance that can be measured as short, medium or long duration. In general, low resistance activities are applied to increase the working time.

In short, it is nothing but power maintain a force at a constant level during the time that an activity or sporting gesture lasts, therefore, in general, it is sustained on aerobic bases, although at intensities greater than 40 or 50% of maximum strength, there is usually a transition towards anaerobic ones. Endurance strength is present in a wide variety of sports disciplines.

According to Juan José González-Badillo, Professor of Theory and Practice of Sports Training at the Faculty of Sports Sciences of the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, taking into account the needs of each sport there are different forms of training depending on the levels tension required in each sport modality:

In sports in which maximum strength and explosive strength, in the face of great resistance, play a predominant role, they propose doing 3-4 series of 1RM (maximum repetition)

For fast strength endurance, they propose doing 3-5 sets of 8-20 reps at maximum speed and with 30-70% of 1RM, employing 60 ″ -90 ″ recoveries.

For endurance sports with low strength levels, they suggest doing 5 sets of 20 or more reps at 30-40% with slower running rates and shorter pauses (30 ″ -60 ″).

Both maximum strength and endurance strength can be trained simultaneously and it should be the coach who improves performance and favors the best use of each of the workouts.


  • Improves the capacity of the heart and blood circulation
  • Strengthens the respiratory system
  • Oxygenates the muscles
  • Promotes the growth of muscle mass
  • Strengthens bones
  • Helps decrease body fat
  • Promotes recovery
  • Increase metabolic rate


1. Avoid training interruptions

2. Evaluate the athlete’s performance in relation to workloads.

3. Pay attention to repetition

4. Increase the intensity progressively

5. Individualized training preparation

6. Observe the athlete’s needs

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