😉 Greetings to everyone who looked at this site! The article “Fennel: health benefits and harms, tips and videos” contains basic information about this amazing plant and an educational video.
Friends, in a store or in the market, you have probably thought more than once about what fennel is eaten with. We wanted to try, but did not know – is it worth it? Quite worth it! Fennel is generally full of surprises. So what are the benefits of this plant?
Fennel: medicinal properties
This spice has been widely known in the world since antiquity and is actively used in cooking and medicine. In addition, it is used as an aphrodisiac, significantly increasing potency in men. This product is low in calories, making it a valuable component of various weight loss diets.
For centuries, this plant has been prized for its positive effects on human health. The thing is that the plant contains a very large amount of vitamin C and potassium, thanks to which it supports the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems, as well as muscles.
The essential oils in its seeds help regulate the digestive system. These substances are capable of quite effectively solving problems associated with intestinal disorders, which makes them valuable components of teas for children, used for colic in infants.
They do well with similar problems in adults.
An additional benefit of fennel is its high dietary fiber content. In addition, this plant is capable of “boasting” also confirmed expectorant and antiseptic effects. It can thin the phlegm found in the bronchi and help with wound healing.
Fennel in the kitchen
Fennel is a popular ingredient in various Mediterranean dishes. It has a strong aniseed aroma and is usually found in herbal mixtures. Usually this spice is used together with beets, potatoes or sweet sauces, achieving an original taste.
You will love this fragrant root vegetable available in supermarkets. You can eat it raw or add it to other dishes.
But, remember that during the heat treatment it loses its anise flavor. The lush green top can be used successfully for making salads.
When shopping for fennel, choose dense, light-colored tubers with bright green, thin shoots. If you notice spots or the vegetable has begun to darken, put it aside.
The smell of anise is also essential: the stronger it is, the fresher the product. Also give up tubers that seem too elastic to you – like rubber. This is a sign that the fruit is too fibrous and tough.
Fennel: contraindications
- hypersensitivity or individual intolerance;
- overuse of the plant can provoke an upset stomach or an allergic reaction;
- contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women;
- patients with epilepsy should be excluded from the diet. This is dangerous!
- start using fennel with minimal doses in order to notice a negative reaction of the body in time.
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