Feng Shui zones in the apartment: where negative energy lives

If you don’t have a couple of million to rebuild your cottage according to the Feng Shui rules, read these simple tips. They will help turn an ordinary apartment into a pleasant place in all respects and kill the harmful energy of the sha.


The sacred octagon is the most important concept in feng shui. The sides of this octagon indicate different aspects of life. If you master the concept, you will always know what exactly in the layout of the apartment or in the interior needs to be changed in order to improve the quality of life. Ideally, all the ba-gua directions in your home should be strong and balanced. Therefore, you should not strengthen only one thing, for example, the wealth zone: this will immediately affect other areas. Do you need wealth if you lose everything else?

north – career, professional activity.

northeast – knowledge and wisdom; study area, education.

East – family; zone of happy family life.

southeast – wealth; zone of financial well-being.

south – glory; this area protects the reputation of family members.

southwest – marriage or partnership.

west – children, creativity; zone of success and prosperity of offspring.

northwest – helpful people; zone of business contacts, support and assistance.

Centre – health; this zone dominates all others, it symbolizes unity.

The house starts with a front door, which should look attractive. Every detail is important: the upholstery, the beautifully written number, and the handle. What do you think? A melodic, pleasant call also plays a role. But most important of all this are the hospitable three-legged frogs that will greet guests at the doorstep. Don’t overdo it: toads may well be ceramic.

The entrance to an apartment is a hole through which both good and evil enter your house. And not only in human form. If positive energy (qi) falls into a dark, small, cramped hallway, similar to a dead end, then part of its power leaves or turns into negative energy – sha. To avoid this, you can hang a mirror in the hallway diagonally from the front door – so that when you open the door, you can see it, but so that the stairs are not reflected in it. Never hang a mirror directly in front of your front door. The hallway needs bright lighting and clean light colors in the decoration. Do not force the hallway with unnecessary things and furniture: even if the energy successfully cope with obstacles, then you can easily stumble at night. Make sure that the entrance to the house is not obstructed, either from the outside or from the inside. The more obstacles you have on the way to your own home or when going out into the street, the more difficult it will be to carry out your current plans, and you will not have to talk about new prospects. But the most ordinary rug at the front door is a real energy protection, since not only ordinary dirt, brought from the street, but also energy remains on it.

What is good and what is bad?


  • Use mirror tiles: it breaks your reflection into fragments, and therefore your life.
  • Combine study and bedroom: different types of energy, colliding, will reduce your progress in both areas.
  • Sitting with your back to the door and window: there will be no support in the work.
  • Have “aggressive” corners – corners of walls, cabinets, that are aimed at the place where you sit, sleep or work.
  • Hang a mirror in front of the front door or directly in front of the bed. In the first case, the energy is immediately directed back to the door, in the second it destroys the marriage.
  • Painting large surfaces black: black absorbs energy.


  • Reinforce lighting, wash windows regularly.
  • Remove trash cans from health and wealth zones.
  • Start a babbling indoor fountain, an aquarium, paintings that depict a waterfall: water
  • personifies energy and wealth.

  • Replace burnt-out light bulbs as soon as possible so that positive energy does not evaporate.
  • Tame the rainbow and put it in your own home. What does it mean? Make at least one arched opening: passing under it, every time we get the protection of heaven.

The kitchen is associated with the element of Water – a symbol of well-being. Therefore, according to Chinese ideas, the order in the kitchen, in its general form, reflects the well-being of the family. It is very important not to clutter up the kitchen with many small items. Those who like to bring trinkets from travels and collect dried flowers will not be easy, but the qi energy will not get confused in your memories.

Wood tilts the balance towards female yin, metal emphasizes the qualities of yang, therefore, when decorating a kitchen, these opposites should be balanced. Dark shades such as dark gray, dark blue, purple, dark green, black are unacceptable in the kitchen interior. These colors can be added as a complement, but the base color should be light and warm.

feng shui symbols

Different colors, materials and light can be used to enhance a specific area and to create a balance of all elements in the house, but one of the most effective ways is traditional Chinese symbols.

  • Fans hide protruding corners, dispel energy.
  • Crystals and crystal evenly disperse energy throughout the room, improve the quality of natural light and scatter it, directing beneficial qi energy to all ends of the room.
  • Mirrors attract and transmit qi energy. A mirror can reflect the harmful effects of sharp corners, direct the flow of energy along a narrow or obstructed passage. The mirror “doubles” the objects that it reflects, so it is good to place something nice in front of it. For example, using a mirror can double the amount of food on the table.
  • Wind chime is a classic feng shui accessory. It passes energy through the tubes, turning it into positive. Music should ring every day.
  • Bells ring out stagnant energy.
  • Coins bring money and good luck. They are carried in a wallet, hung on the front door, hidden under a rug at the entrance, tied to a money tree, placed under pots of flowers.
  • Feng Shui candles disperse stagnant energy in niches, corners of rooms, fill the house with auspicious qi.
  • Water symbolizes money. You can stimulate the energy zones in the house with the help of paintings and photographs depicting clean running water, if you put an aquarium or a fountain in each room is an unaffordable luxury.

The living room is the heart of the house, here its inhabitants and guests spend a lot of time. It is important that the atmosphere in it is cozy and welcoming. The closer the living room is to the front door, the higher the likelihood that friends and acquaintances will be happy to visit. But do not be afraid – this does not mean that they will live in the house forever! After all, it is you, not the chi energy, that is the mistress.

In the living room, the energies of the active principle of yang should prevail. Do not decorate the walls with gloomy landscapes, do not get carried away by antique furniture: this weakens the energy and vitality of the living room. Watch out for lighting. If the room is very large, then a single chandelier in the center cannot cope with the darkness. Surely shadows will thicken in the corners, insidiously accumulating yin energy, that is, anxiety, cold, anxiety. Do not skimp on sconces and floor lamps – the shadows will disappear.


During sleep, a person is especially vulnerable and susceptible to both positive and negative energetic influences. Therefore, in order to save yourself from trouble, you need to follow certain rules. If you have stopped getting enough sleep, perhaps the whole point is in the direction in which the head of the bed is turned – ideally, it should adjoin the main wall. A person sleeping on a bed in the middle of the room is deprived of support and support, gradually he may have a feeling of uncertainty about the future and his own strengths. The mattress bed must have a solid mattress. A gap forms between two mattresses, which emits negative energy, separating the couple and provoking the formation of a crack in the relationship. You should not put the bed in front of the door, near the window and against the wall adjacent to the bathroom or toilet. Do not hang anything heavy over the bed – hanging shelves, large paintings in heavy frames, etc. Even if there is no risk that they will fall on you at night, their severity will have a negative effect: objects hanging over a person suppress his energy. The bed should be positioned so that you can see who is entering the room. You cannot hang a mirror in the bedroom. In feng shui, the reflection of a sleeping person is considered a bad sign, especially if the person is not fully visible in the mirror: this threatens with illness and family problems. However, the reflection in the mirror in the morning is not the most pleasant sight anyway.

four tips for all occasions

1.Get rid of blockages

It is impossible to bring something new to life without getting rid of the old. If you found the strength in yourself to throw away everything unnecessary, therefore, something has changed in you. Feel the joy of liberation. Do not leave broken items in the house, otherwise they will affect you negatively.

2.may there always be sunshine

The presence of sun and fresh air in the house is one of the main requirements of Feng Shui. If you live on the west or north side, the lack of sun must be compensated for by artificial lighting and thus let the yang energy into the house. Do not forget to wash the windows: they are the eyes of your house, it is through them and the front door that the life-giving energy of qi gets into it. But there shouldn’t be too much sunlight. If the windows face south, close them with blackout curtains so that the balance of energies is not disturbed.

3.add mirrors

Feng Shui considers mirrors to be the main assistants: they reflect energy as well as the image of a person. The mirrors should be hung so that you can see some space above your head and around you. Thus, you leave room for ideas to develop. Do not place mirrors opposite each other: the energy will bounce back and forth, not spreading through the house.

4. Get a green friend

Houseplants symbolize life and refresh the atmosphere in the home. They can slow down too fast energy movement in a long hallway and transform energy stagnant in corners. The best plant rooms are the living room and dining room.

From the point of view of feng shui, the bathroom and especially the toilet have excess yin energy, the spread of which throughout the house is undesirable. If the door to the toilet is ajar, then gradually the level of luck will decrease. In modern typical apartments, as a rule, either a toilet or a bathroom has a common wall with the kitchen or with one of the rooms, which is considered not very favorable. You should not install a bed, chair, table near such a wall.

Your roof

When arranging an apartment according to Feng Shui, try to show, firstly, your imagination, and secondly, a sense of proportion. Do not pile up lucky symbols one on top of the other, do not litter the room with dragons, tigers, mirrors. Find a compromise between the available opportunities and the rules of Feng Shui. After all, the main goal of this teaching is not to drive you crazy, but to achieve harmony.

And Feng Shui is also a legal way to let a little magic into our overly realistic world. Although, in the end, you can completely disbelieve in the movement of qi energy and the effectiveness of the octagon ba-gua. But if the toad seems cute, the ringing of Chinese bells and the rustle of bamboo tubes cause joy, and the dracaena in the right corner looks stylish – this is Feng Shui. And how to call the achieved effect – qi, harmony or comfort in the house, everyone decides for himself.

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