Fast food reduces school performance

The link between fast food and obesity (and other health problems) has long been established, but new research has shown that these junk foods may have an impact on children’s learning success. It turned out that children who eat too much junk food do worse at school.

In work led by Kelly M. Petell at Ohio State University, students in grades 5-8 were monitored. Scientists measured their performance in literature, mathematics, and science using data from the Longitudinal Study of Early Childhood Education. This American National Survey covers about 12 children, from the beginning of their kindergarten through the 8th grade.

Grade 5 students were asked how much junk food they ate in the last week (the survey was not necessarily conducted in the same week as the academic score). The researchers then compared the frequency of consumption of fast food versus academic performance in grades 5 through 8.

The researchers found that students who ate more junk food overall had slower progress in academic performance. Students who said they ate fast food every day had lower performance in math, literature, and science than students who didn’t eat fast food at all. The more fast food schoolchildren ate, the lower their academic performance was.


The decline in academic performance was most pronounced in math lessons. In science, deterioration in ratings was associated with fast food consumption 4-6 times a week or daily. Academic performance in literature classes declined in children who ate fast food daily.

Researchers suggest that children who eat fast food often do not receive important nutrients that are needed for optimal body function. Fast food does not contain enough iron but is abundant in fat and sugar. To demonstrate that fast food itself can affect academic performance, the study also looked at other factors that could contribute to a decline in academic performance, such as parental education, family income, food insecurity, and TV viewing.

However, according to Petell, based on the results of the study, “it’s okay if the family goes out to fast food restaurants occasionally; the problem is that many families make it an integral part of their lives. “


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