Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Taganrog is rich in its history and talented people. This article mentions famous people of Taganrog, but it is impossible to list all the famous people of Taganrog. Let’s dwell on the most famous personalities whose names are associated with the city of Petra:

  1. Famous people of Taganrog who were born in this city.
  2. Famous people of Taganrog who lived (live) here.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

“How many great people, however, came out of Taganrog” A.P. Chekhov

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Peter I Alekseevich, nicknamed the Great (1672-1725) – the last Tsar of All Russia and the first Emperor of All Russia – founded Taganrog.

World famous people born in Taganrog

Famous people of Taganrog, who were born in this city and glorified it in art, politics, medicine, science and sports.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Alferaki Achilles Nikolaevich (1846-1919) – Russian composer and statesman of Greek origin. Achilles spent his childhood in a magnificent palace built by his father N.D. Alferaki.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Sokrat Ivanovich Starynkevich (1820 -1902) – president (mayor) of Warsaw, general of artillery.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Babich Ivan Ivanovich (1917-1980) – Honored Doctor of the RSFSR. In Taganrog, since 1947, he organized and headed the department of pediatric surgery.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Bilyk Roman Vitalievich (1977), pseudonym – Roma the Beast. Russian vocalist, poet, composer, guitarist, leader of the “Beasts” rock group.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Bondarenko Igor Mikhailovich (1927-2014) – Soviet and Russian writer. He studied at schools number 6 and number 10.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Burlakov Sergey Vladimirovich (1971) – the first athlete with a four-time amputation. Champion of Russia, prize-winner and diploma winner of many Russian and international competitions. Awarded in the United States with the title of “Man of the Planet” – participant in the New York marathon 42 km.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Vishnevsky Alexander Leonidovich (1861-1943) – Russian actor, one of the founders of the Moscow Art Theater. He studied at the Taganrog men’s gymnasium together with A.P. Chekhov.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Vysokovsky Zinovy ​​Moiseevich (1932-2009) – Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, pop artist. People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture of Poland. He graduated from the school. Chekhov and Radio Engineering Institute.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Gobyato Leonid Nikolaevich (1875-1915) – Lieutenant General, Russian designer of artillery weapons. One of the inventors of the mortar. He lived in a house on the street. Greek, 78.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Grigoriev Igor Pavlovich (1966) – musician, composer, performer, in the past – journalist and producer.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDerevianko Pavel Yurievich (1976) – Russian theater and film actor. He studied at high school number 7.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDemin Viktor Petrovich (1937-1993) – famous Soviet and Russian film critic, film critic, editor, culturologist, screenwriter, actor.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDobronravov Fedor Viktorovich (1961) – Russian theater and film actor, singer, People’s Artist R.F.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDobronravov Viktor Fedorovich (1983) – Russian actor.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDobrynin Nikolai Nikolaevich (1963) – theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia.

Taganrog was founded in 1698

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDvorkovich Vladimir Yakovlevich (1937-2005) – international chess arbiter, chairman of the panel of judges of the Russian Chess Federation.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information Dzemeshkevich Sergey Leonidovich (1950) – Russian cardiac surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor, laureate of the USSR State Prize. Director of the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after B.V. Petrovsky RAMS. Studied at the Taganrog school number 5 and at the Taganrog school named after V.I. Chekhov.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationZvantsev Sergey – Russian Soviet writer, playwright, feuilletonist. Graduated from the Chekhov gymnasium in Taganrog. The family lived in house number 31 in Italyanskiy lane.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationKoyre Alexander – (1892-1964) – French philosopher of Russian origin, historian of science and philosophy.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationKovalev Alexander Alexandrovich (1970) – famous Russian showman and TV presenter.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationKochmala Oleg Borisovich (1966). Doctor of the highest medical category, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Member of the European Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Graduated from school number 9.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationKudelin Igor Aleksandrovich (1972, Taganrog) – Soviet and Russian basketball player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Player of the Russian national basketball team. Attacking defender, left-handed.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationLakier Alexander Borisovich (1824-1870) – Russian historian. The first classifier of Russian heraldry. In 1854 he was awarded the prestigious Demidov Prize for his work “Russian Heraldry”.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationMagdiev Timur Takhmanovich (1968) – athlete, master of sports of the USSR in sambo, karate. Winner of the USSR youth championship, bronze medalist of the USSR and Russian championships. Pupil of TRTU and OSDYUSSHORSH 13. Graduated from school number 10. 14-time World Champion in judo and sambo.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationMikhalsky Vaclav Vaclavovich (1938) – Soviet and Russian writer, screenwriter, publisher. Member of the Writers’ Union of Russia.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationMolla Valerian Gaetanovich (1872-1938) – conductor, pianist, teacher, composer. Student N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. In 1920-1930 – artistic director and conductor of the Taganrog Symphony Orchestra.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationOvechkin Valentin Vladimirovich (1906-1968) – Soviet prose writer. Member of the Writers’ Union of the USSR. Born in Taganrog, Yarmorchny lane 50, now – Gogolevsky lane, 38.

Taganrog’s birthday – September 12, 1698

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationParnok Sofia Yakovlevna (1885-1933) – Russian poet, translator. Graduated from the Taganrog Mariinsky gymnasium. A close friend of M. Tsvetaeva dedicated to her a cycle of poems “Girlfriend”.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationParnakh Valentin Yakovlevich (1891-1951) – Russian poet, translator, musician, dancer, choreographer. Founder of the Parisian literary group Chamber of Poets, pioneer of Soviet jazz.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationPerestiani Ivan Nikolaevich (1870-1959) – Russian film actor, screenwriter, stage director.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationBoris Yakovlevich Podolsky (1896-1966) – American theoretical physicist of Russian origin. Co-author of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. He studied at the Taganrog men’s gymnasium.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationRanevskaya Faina Georgievna – (1896-1984), nee Fanny Girshevna Feldman, – Soviet theater and film actress. House on the street. Frunze, 10.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationRovitsky Witold (1914-1989) – Polish conductor. Under his direction – three leading orchestras in London (London Symphony, Royal Philharmonic and Philharmonic). Cleveland Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationSavitsky Konstantin Apollonovich (1844-1905) – Russian genre painter. Academician. Member of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, teacher. Father of the Soviet painter G.K.Savitsky.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationSladkovsky Alexander Vitalievich (1965) – Russian conductor. Artistic director and chief conductor of the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Artist of Russia.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationTanich (Tankhilevich) Mikhail Isaevich (1923-2008), Soviet and Russian songwriter. People’s Artist RF Studied at school number 10.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationChekhov Anton Pavlovich (1860-1904) – Russian writer, universally recognized classic of world literature. Honorary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of fine literature. One of the most famous playwrights in the world. Born and lived in Taganrog from 1860 to 1879.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationChekhova Maria Pavlovna (1863-1957) – sister of A.P. Chekhov, teacher, artist, creator of the House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov in Yalta.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationChekhov Mikhail Pavlovich (1865-1936) – brother of A.P. Chekhov, writer, biographer of Anton Pavlovich.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationChekhov Nikolai Pavlovich (1858-1889) – brother of A.P. Chekhov, artist.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationChekhov Ivan Pavlovich (1861-1922) – brother of A.P. Chekhov, teacher.

Famous people of Taganrog who lived (live) in the city

And here are the famous people of Taganrog who lived or live in the city at the present time. The list is, of course, incomplete.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationAlexander I (1777-1825) – Emperor and autocrat of All Russia. During his long trip to Russia in May 1818, Alexander I visited Taganrog for the first time. He came for the second time with his wife Elizaveta Alekseevna in the fall of 1825. He lived on the street. Greek, 40 before his sudden death.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationApraksin Fedor Matveyevich (1661-1728) – Count, one of the founders of the Russian navy. Associate of Peter I, admiral general, first president of the State Admiralty Board. In 1700-1706 he supervised the construction and strengthening of the city and port of Taganrog.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information Bartini Robert Ludwigovich (1897-1974) – Italian aristocrat, was born into the family of a baron. A communist who left fascist Italy for the USSR, where he became a famous aircraft designer. SP Korolev called Bartini his teacher. Since 1948 he worked in OKB-86 on the territory of the plant named after V.I. Dimitrov in Taganrog.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationBering Vitus Ionassen (1681-1741) – navigator, officer of the Russian fleet, captain-commander. In the years 1710-1712. served in the Russian Azov fleet. Participant in the defense of Taganrog in 1711 (ship commander).

Beriev Georgy Mikhailovich (Beriashvili) (1903-1979) – Soviet aircraft designer. Major General of Engineering and Technical Service. From 1934 to 1968 – chief designer and head of the Central Design Bureau of Marine Aircraft Building (CDB MS) at the aircraft plant number 31 in the city of Taganrog.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationBondarchuk Sergey Fedorovich (1920-1994) – Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher. People’s Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards. He spent his childhood in Yeisk and Taganrog (school number 4). His acting career began in 1937 at the Taganrog Drama Theater.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationBlonskaya Serafima Iasonovna (1870-1947) – Russian artist, teacher. In 1887 she graduated from the Taganrog Mariinsky gymnasium. In 1910 Blonskaya and her husband opened a school of drawing and painting in Taganrog.

Taganrog is included in the list of historical cities of Russia

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationVarvatsi Ivan Andreevich (1750-1825). Russian nobleman. On his instructions, the city began (1809) the construction of the Church of the Holy Trinity, which in 1814 was transformed into the Jerusalem Alexander Greek monastery. In 1813 Varvatsi moved from Astrakhan to Taganrog, where he proved himself to be a generous benefactor.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationVasilenko Ivan Dmitrievich (1895-1966) – Russian Soviet writer. Laureate of the Stalin Prize. Since 1902 in Taganrog. (House-Museum of I. D. Vasilenko at Chekhov St., 88, where he lived with his family from 1923 to 1966).

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationVagliano Mark Afanasevich (1806-1896) is a legendary person. Kommersant, millionaire. Vagliano brought general fame in Russia and Europe to the grandiose corruption scandal that erupted in Taganrog in 1881.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationVetrov Vladislav Vladimirovich (1964) – Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director, screenwriter. Honored Artist of Russia. He studied at the National Drama Theater at the Teacher’s House, worked at the theater named after A.P. Chekhov.

Vyatchanin Arkady Arkadievich (1984) – Russian and Serbian swimmer, multiple European champion. Multiple world championship medalist. Two-time bronze medalist at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationOleg Pavlovich Gavryushkin (1927-2008) – Russian historian, ethnographer, twice laureate of the I. I. D. Vasilenko. He studied at the metallurgical technical school. Author of books about Taganrog.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationGert Sergei Davydovich (1962) – Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Art Worker RF. Artistic Director and Director of the Taganrog Drama Theater. A.P. Chekhov. Has played over 100 roles.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationGordon David Markovich (1863-1931) – physician, one of the founders of the hydropathic establishment (now the Regional Physiotherapy Hospital). Together with N.G. Divaris opened a hydropathic establishment in Taganrog, which now bears his name.

(No photo) Depaldo Gerasim Fedorovich (1788-1823) – Taganrog merchant, elected magistrate, philanthropist. At his expense, the All Saints Church (the old cemetery) was completed. Until 1917, the stone staircase, built at the expense of Depaldo, was called the Depaldo Staircase.

On May 30, 1820, A.S. Pushkin stayed in Taganrog

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDenikin Anton Ivanovich (1872-1947) – Russian military leader, political and public figure. Writer, memoirist, publicist and military documentary filmmaker. From August to December 1919, the Headquarters of General Denikin, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, was located in Taganrog in a house on Grecheskaya Street, 50/11.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDvorzhetsky Vaclav Yanovich (1910-1993) – Soviet theater and film actor. People’s Artist of the RSFSR. He worked at the Taganrog Theater as an actor and director, in 1940-1941. Father V. V. Dvorzhetsky (1939-1978) – Soviet theater and film actor.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDzerzhinsky Edmund-Rufin Iosifovich (1838-1882) – teacher, court counselor (1869). Father of Felix Dzerzhinsky. He lived in Taganrog. He was a teacher of physics and mathematics at the Mariinsky women’s gymnasium (1868-1873) and the Taganrog men’s gymnasium (1873-1875). Anton Chekhov was his student.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationDurov Anatoly Anatolyevich (1887-1928) – an outstanding circus performer, satirist clown and trainer, the son of Anatoly Durov. In August 1926 he arrived in Taganrog. House-museum of A. Durov at the address: A. Glushko lane, 44.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationKalyaev Anatoly Vasilievich (1922-2004) – Soviet, Russian scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, honorary citizen of the city. Since 1954, at the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute named after V.I. V.D. Kalmykov.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationKuindzhi Arkhip Ivanovich (1841-1910) – Russian artist of Greek origin, master of landscape painting. He lived in Taganrog, where until 1865 he worked as a retoucher in the Isakovich photo studio (Petrovskaya, 82).

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationPuppeteer Nestor Vasilyevich (1809-1868) – Russian prose writer, poet, translator and playwright of the first half of the XNUMXth century. The author of the texts of popular romances. For the last ten years he has lived in Taganrog.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationMalyshev Yuri Vasilievich (1941-1999) – Soviet cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Chevalier of two Orders of Lenin, Chevalier of the Indian Order “Ashoka Chakra”. Graduated from the Taganrog school number 24.

Taganrog is the first city in the history of Russia, built according to a pre-developed master plan

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationMolla Gaetano Varfolomeevich (1845-1894) – choirmaster, teacher, conductor. He was educated in Milan. Choirmaster of the La Scala Theater. Orchestra, choir, opera conductor. He played a huge role in the development of the musical culture of Taganrog.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationObraztsova Elena Vasilievna (1939-2015) – Soviet and Russian opera singer (mezzo-soprano). Actress, opera director, teacher, professor. People’s Artist of the USSR. Hero of Socialist Labor. She lived from 1954 on the street. Frunze, 43, in 1956 graduated from school number 10.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationPavel Taganrog – saint of the Russian Orthodox Church (1792-1879). Pavel Pavlovich Stozhkov was born in the Chernigov province. After spending about ten years, he settled in Taganrog. He spent the last period of his life in an apartment on Depaldovsky Lane. Now it is Turgenevsky Lane, 82.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationPaustovsky Konstantin Georgievich (1892-1968) – Russian Soviet writer, classic of Russian literature. Member of the Writers’ Union of the USSR. In 1916 he lived in Taganrog, where he worked at a boiler plant, then at an oil mill, and fished in a cooperative on the Sea of ​​Azov.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationRemy Alexander Gavrilovich (1809-1871) – Russian military and civil leader, colleague and friend of M. Yu. Lermontov. The owner of large estates in the Taganrog district. At 16 Schmidt Street there is a wonderful example of manor architecture of the early 1802th century – the Volkov-Remi house (built in XNUMX).

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information

Rigert David Adamovich (1947) – Olympic champion in weightlifting. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Hon. coach of Russia. Head coach of the Russian men’s national weightlifting team. Repeated world and European champion, USSR champion. Set 63 world records. Since 1998 – Director of the Academy of Weightlifting. D. Rigert.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationSamarsky Alexander Andreevich (1919-2008). Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, hero of the Socialist. Labor, 3 Orders of Lenin. He studied at school N2 named after. Chekhov, from which he graduated in 1936 with a gold medal.

In 2011 Taganrog was awarded the honorary title “City of Military Glory”

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief information Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich (1843-1903) – Russian writer. 1870-1871 lived in Taganrog.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationFilevsky Pavel Petrovich (1856-1951) – historian, teacher, the first historian of Taganrog. He graduated from the Taganrog classical gymnasium in 1877, 2 years earlier than A.P. Chekhov. Author of the book “History of the city of Taganrog”. Buried in the Old City Cemetery.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationTchaikovsky Ippolit Ilyich (1843-1927) – Major General for the Admiralty. The brother of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. From 1883 to 1894 – in Taganrog. He served as a captain of the 2nd rank, from 1887 – 1st rank. Chairman of the Committee for the management of the Taganrog nautical classes (1885-1894).

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationChekhov Alexander Pavlovich (1855-1913). Older brother of Anton Chekhov, writer. In 1885 he graduated from the course of the Taganrog gymnasium with a silver medal. Then he moved to Moscow.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationShilo Sergei Ivanovich (1947-2002) – head of the Taganrog Administration from 1996 to 2002. Was born in Moscow. Graduated from TRTI. From January 1992 until his death, he was the head of the city. On October 30, 2002, he was shot dead at the entrance of his house.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationSchmidt Petr Petrovich (1867-1906) – revolutionary leader, one of the leaders of the Sevastopol uprising of 1905. Known as Lieutenant Schmidt. The outbuilding (102 Grecheskaya St.), in which he lived, has been preserved.

Famous people of Taganrog: photos and brief informationShcherbina Nikolai Fedorovich (1821-1869) – Russian poet of the XIX century. The family moved to Taganrog in 1829. He studied at the men’s gymnasium. In 1855, during the siege of Taganrog, he was a member of the envoys.

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