Energy products

Are you experiencing an overwhelming feeling of fatigue, sleepiness and loss of energy by lunchtime or even worse – right after waking up? You clearly lack energy. In order to get it, it is not at all necessary to drink a nth cup of coffee or resort to the help of energy drinks. It is much wiser to revise your diet and remove from it foods that steal vitality and vigor, and add those that give them.

Life energy: where and where?

Traditionally, the human body is replenished with energy from the proteins, fats and carbohydrates found in food. Ideally, a person should adhere to the advice of nutritionists regarding their ratio in the daily menu. Then he will feel active and cheerful throughout the day. But the difficulty is that people of different professions need different amounts of energy, and overeating is fraught with obesity. Therefore, most often, you can help yourself without harming yourself only by introducing energy products into your diet.

Why is it hard to do without them? The frantic pace of modern life, the desire to succeed everywhere, as well as physical activity, for example, when visiting the gym, stimulate the production of hormones, including those associated with digestion processes. As a result, the latter are working at full capacity, while the brain and nervous system are doing their best. Simply because they do not receive enough nutrients that improve their activity. And instead of a feeling of satisfaction and the desire to conquer new heights, they only give a person a desire to fall asleep as soon as possible.

What substances enrich the body with energy

  • Complex carbohydrates – they contain glucose, without which the brain and nervous system cannot function fully. You can fill the lack of complex carbohydrates in the body by eating cereals, legumes, whole grain bread and greens.
  • Protein – it gives not only energy, but also a long-lasting feeling of fullness, thanks to which a person will not get carried away with snacks. Moreover, not all of them are equally useful. Sources of protein include meat, fish products, legumes and nuts.
  • Magnesium. According to US nutritionist Samantha Heller, “This mineral is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including the process of converting glucose into energy.” It is found primarily in nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, grains, and fish, especially halibut.
  • Iron. The number of red blood cells that carry oxygen depends on it. Their lack, which in medicine is called the term “anemia”, in fact, may indicate a lack of oxygen in the body and, as a result, rapid fatigue. You can fill your iron deficiency by adding meats, green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains to your diet.
  • Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, the level of which affects not only the energy supply, but also the mood of a person. It is found in seafood, nuts, meat and grains.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are antioxidants found in fish.
  • Cellulose. Like protein, it gives a feeling of fullness and also normalizes blood sugar levels. Vegetables, fruits and grains are traditionally a source of fiber.
  • Vitamin C. It is an antioxidant that also promotes the absorption of iron and is found in citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, etc.

Top 13 energy products

Nuts. In fact, any will do, but nutritionists strongly recommend using walnuts and almonds in moments of fatigue. The first contains protein, iron, zinc, potassium, and the second also contains vitamin E, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which improve brain function.


Water. A person is 70% water, which means that fluid loss inevitably affects his well-being. Moreover, water takes an active part in most of the processes that take place in the body. Often a person confuses the feeling of thirst with the feeling of hunger, experiences a breakdown, eats a long-awaited sandwich and … does not feel the desired result. Simply because at that moment his body required a glass of cool water.

Oatmeal is a source of B vitamins, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. It energizes the body and increases its resistance to stress. You can enhance the effect of its use by seasoning it with yogurt. This is explained by the fact that protein in combination with complex carbohydrates gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Bananas – they contain potassium, on which the work of nerve and muscle cells depends. Due to the fact that this trace element cannot accumulate in the body, nutritionists advise eating bananas regularly. Ideally, twice a day. This will help improve the functioning of the nervous system, become more attentive and calm.

Herring. It is a source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which not only provides energy, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. You can replace it with salmon, cod, hake and other types of lean or moderately oily fish.

Lentils. It contains protein, fiber, iron, vitamin B, zinc, magnesium and copper, thanks to which it replenishes the lack of energy, and also normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Beef. Due to the presence of iron, it increases the tone of the body, and due to the presence of vitamin B, zinc and creatine – its reserves of vital energy.

Seafood is a source of fatty acids, iodine, zinc and tyrosine. The latter promotes the production of norepinephrine, a hormone similar to the action of adrenaline. In addition, they contain vitamin B12, which stimulates the work of the cerebral cortex.

Green tea. It contains caffeine – the simplest and most affordable stimulant, as well as L-Theanine – an amino acid that positively affects the cognitive abilities of the brain – memory, attention, perception, thinking and imagination.

Pumpkin seeds. This is a source of magnesium, on which not only the level of energy depends, but also the strength and endurance of a person. Its content in the daily menu allows you to fight the symptoms of depression, increased fatigue and irritability.

Honey. It contains iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, B vitamins and other useful substances that improve the functioning of the nervous system and provide a surge of strength and energy.

Green leafy vegetables. They contain vitamins of group B, C, magnesium and iron.

Chicken eggs are a source of vitamin B and protein.

How else can you make up for the lack of energy?

Lack of sleep, stress, alcohol consumption and smoking negatively affect the energy supply of the body. At the same time, regular exercise, contrast showers, and proper nutrition, including breakfast, have the opposite effect.

The main thing is that there is no place for fatty and high-calorie food in it, since it needs long-term processing, from which the brain and nervous system suffer accordingly. In addition, foods high in sugar, while providing a burst of energy, but not for long. This is because sugar contributes to the increased production of adrenaline and insulin, which stops immediately when its reserves are depleted and leaves behind an even greater feeling of drowsiness. The same goes for coffee and drinks containing coffee, including energy drinks.

Of course, chronic fatigue and loss of energy are a side effect of progress. But you can and should fight with them. Moreover, very little needs to be done for this!

Don’t be afraid to change! Believe in the best! And be healthy!

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