Edema in liver diseases

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Edema in liver diseases has different mechanisms of formation. Their formation is influenced by abnormal liver function in the synthesis of proteins necessary for the maintenance of proper (anti-oedematous) oncotic pressure, especially observed in chronic liver diseases.

The causes of edema in liver diseases

The following factors are also important in the mechanism of edema formation in liver diseases:

  1. high capillary permeability (especially in inflammatory diseases of the liver),
  2. disturbed sodium metabolism in the damaged liver, leading to sodium retention, and thus water in the vascular bed,
  3. obstruction of the outflow of blood in cirrhotic states of the liver, leading to hypertension in the prehepatic vascular bed, which favors not only the so-called peripheral edema, but also the formation of transudate in the peritoneal cavity.

Edema in liver diseases – pre-medical treatment

W home pre-medical procedure it is advisable:

  1. limiting exercise to eliminate possible overlapping circulatory failure with liver failure,
  2. implementation of a diet that spares and strengthens the liver function,
  3. taking preparations that strengthen the functioning of liver cells,
  4. use of a large amount of vitamins.

Read also: Edema

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