Drying fish and meat

Back in the XNUMXth century, scientists have proven the benefits of eating meat and fish by people, due to the content in them of a large amount of amino acids necessary for the functioning of the body.

The main purpose of fish and meat as food products is the replenishment of essential amino acids in the body, without which protein synthesis is impossible. A lack of amino acids in the diet can lead to stunted growth in children, the development of atherosclerosis and a decrease in the stamina of the body as a whole.

Therefore, since ancient times, people have become accustomed to taking dry meat and fish on expeditions and hikes, which have recently been partially replaced by canned meat and fish. But, despite this, dry meat and fish still have some advantages over canned food.

The main advantages of dry meat and fish products, in comparison with canned food:

  • Much less weight of products.
  • Naturalness.
  • Lower cost.
  • Excellent taste.
  • The ability to use them as a traditional beer snack.

Method for preparing dry meat and fish

For drying meat, beef is usually used, preferably a steam room, but it is allowed after the first defrosting. The fish are selected not very large for faster drying. Fish and meat are washed, if necessary, cut into pieces (fish is often dried completely, removing the entrails, and the meat is cut into large pieces). Then they are soaked for a day in a salty solution. After that, the process of cooking fish and meat goes in different ways.

The fish is strung on a coarse thread or string (depending on the size of the fish) and hung to dry in a well-ventilated place. Depending on the weather, drying the fish can take from 4 days to 10. Sometimes people dry the fish in a gauze cover, which protects the product from insects and is considered a more hygienic type of drying. Ready, well-dried fish is usually stored wrapped in paper, in the refrigerator, or simply in the grocery cabinet.

The meat, after daily exposure in salt water under a press (onions and spices can be added there), is cut into smaller pieces, dipped in salt and spread on a baking sheet with a wire rack. Typically, 1 standard baking sheet takes about 1.5 kg of meat.

If there is no ventilation in the stove, open the oven door by 2-3 centimeters, if there is, turn on the ventilation mode. Dry at a temperature of 50-60 degrees Celsius for 10-12 hours. The finished product can be stored in ordinary glass jars with lids for a long time.

Dry meat can be eaten both raw and boiled.

Useful properties of dried fish and meat

Dry meat tastes good and is healthy for healthy people, and has a very high nutritional value. Being full-fledged sources of essential amino acids, dry meat and fish are XNUMX% natural products, without excessive amounts of harmful fats for the body.

Dry fish is a source of polyunsaturated acids of the Omega class, which prevent blood vessels from clogging, preserving their strength and elasticity. It is thanks to Omega 3 that the concentration of cholesterol in the body decreases, the risk of diseases of the heart, brain, blood vessels decreases.

In addition, dry fish contains vitamins A and D, which are essential for human skin, nails, eyes, hair and skeleton. Saltwater fish is especially useful due to the content of iodine and fluoride, which are used by the body to nourish the thyroid gland and teeth.


Dangerous properties of dried fish and meat

You can not eat dry meat and fish for patients with gout, as well as people with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, due to the high content of protein and salt in these meat products. Such products are also contraindicated for people suffering from high blood pressure, due to the property of salt to retain fluid.

In dry fish, helminths are sometimes found, which can cause helminthic invasions. Therefore, it is advisable to consume only dry sea fish, in which there are practically no worms. Exceptions: taranka and herring, which are dangerous not only in dry form, but also with other methods of their preparation.

Other popular cooking methods:

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