Dragon and Monkey Chinese Zodiac Compatibility

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Monkey is beyond all expectations, although not everything is as smooth as we would like in this pair. Firstly, the relationship between the Dragon and the Monkey is built so favorably only when the Dragon is male. Couples where the man is the Monkey and the woman is the Dragon are rarely strong. Secondly, the compatibility of the Dragon and the Monkey grows with age.

The Dragon and the Monkey are bright personalities, prone to pride and whims. The Dragon is more dreamy and detached from reality, and the Monkey is more down to earth and prudent, so these guys complement each other perfectly. At the same time, the Monkey is superficial, frivolous and short-sighted, so she does not cope well with the role of the head of the family.

Compatibility: Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

The high compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman is based mainly on the similarity of temperaments and world views. Both are drawn to diversity, an active lifestyle. Both are ambitious and like to set high goals for themselves. Such partners will surely be attracted to each other and will be able to build a strong bond.

The Dragon Man is a narcissistic knight and a dandy, spoiled by female attention. This is a dreamy and self-confident type, who, however, achieves a lot, because he is not afraid of anything. There are no rules for the Dragon, he lives by his own laws. Such a man never listens to someone else’s opinion and goes his own way everywhere. He loves to be a pioneer and enthusiastically takes on everything that is associated with risk.

Until the age of 30–35, the Dragon man avoids any duties and affections. He loves freedom too much. However, even having married, he continues to lead the old reckless lifestyle. You cannot keep a dragon at home, unclaimed energy boils in it. This energy is so much that even after a super-difficult working day, the Dragon has a lot of strength for parties and other entertainment.

The Monkey Woman is an independent, principled, self-confident lady. At the same time, she is a very mobile, friendly, well-mannered lady. The monkey is smart, talented, intuitive, resourceful. This artistic person will never tell the whole truth. Lying, embellishing and manipulating is in her blood. The Monkey Woman is businesslike, enterprising, economical. She never listens to someone else’s opinion, does not need anyone’s advice, but always brings her plans to logical assurance.

The Monkey Woman loves the state of being in love and quickly becomes attached to the chosen one, without understanding his inner world. In his youth, the Monkey can marry foolishly several times and get divorced. In the family, she is a good mother and wife. She leads the house perfectly, filling it with good energy, and the Monkey’s sense of humor helps the Monkey quickly defuse the situation. But even in family life, the Monkey woman needs some kind of interest, the routine devastates her, makes her unhappy.

General information about the compatibility of the male Dragon and the female Monkey

According to the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman can be very high. And every year it only grows. These are congenial signs, they are interested in each other and have a lot to learn from each other.

Three aspects are important for a Monkey woman in a man: money, ambition and the ability to live brightly. The dragon has all three virtues, so the Monkey will definitely pay attention to it. She will immediately feel strength in him, self-confidence, and will understand that next to such a man she will increase her social status and feel safe.

The Monkey Woman will make an indelible impression on the Dragon man with her lightness, perky wit and the ability to kindly ridicule everything that she does not like. The Dragon likes the relaxed communication style of the Monkey and the fact that she always speaks directly about her desires. This makes communication easier, removes reticence and misunderstanding from it.

The high compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman is based on the fact that the partners complement each other perfectly. A balanced Dragon gives the nimble Monkey support, support, protection. And the prudent Monkey always knows what and how to tell the Dragon, what advice to give. In addition, she creates for him a place where he can calm down after a busy day.

The compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman is quite high, but the stars say that it may depend on the age of these guys. In youth, both signs are too out of touch with reality and do a lot of stupid things, but the older the Dragon and the Monkey, the more often awareness turns on in them and the more successfully they build personal relationships. It is believed that after 30 years, the compatibility of these signs exceeds 95%.

Love Compatibility: Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

Both the Dragon and the Monkey are very active in society and have a bunch of fans with whom they maintain friendly relations. Such a high demand for both from the opposite sex cannot but provoke partners, increase their interest in each other. The amorous Dragon will not pass by the coquettish temptress-Monkey, and the addicted Monkey will definitely be attracted by the purposeful and sexy Dragon.

Initially, there is no talk of any deep relationships at all. The romantic period in this couple is very stormy, the Dragon and the Monkey quickly become lovers and enjoy each other’s company. Gradually, they get to know each other better, and their bond grows stronger. We can say that very soon the Dragon and the Monkey become good friends.

It is interesting that usually both the Dragon man and the Monkey woman are prone to betrayal, because they do not stop looking for interest on the side. But in this pair, partners do not even think about adventures to the left, because they get everything they need from each other.

The love compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman is so high that the partners begin a passionate romance without even having time to really get to know each other. Luckily, they are very compatible intellectually and emotionally, with enough common interests to keep their relationship going.

Marriage Compatibility: Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

The relationship between the Dragon and the Monkey is usually filled with harmony, although the characters of such spouses can hardly be called simple. The monkey is too cunning to go ahead, and it is thanks to her cunning that the couple manages to avoid conflicts. The Monkey lands the Dragon lightly. She feels if her husband has bitten into something that is too tough for him, and can gently reduce him to a less daring goal.

Both the Dragon and the Monkey are very independent people. They are used to doing what they want and not making excuses for their actions. This can become a stumbling block in the family. To increase compatibility, the Dragon man and the Monkey woman must become more responsible and remember that they are a family. They need to consult with each other more often, make common plans, and compromise.

The Monkey Woman is the cement of such a family. It has a lot of wisdom that allows you to be flexible. In addition, the Monkey is economic and responsible. She is willing to do all the housework herself. This is exactly what the Dragon needs, because he hates domestic duties. He prefers to work conscientiously and provide well for his wife and children.

The high compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman is also manifested in the common rhythms of the life of the spouses. Bright temperaments will make the life of the family very diverse, and this plays into the hands of both spouses. Such a family often goes out, visits, travels. Even when small children appear, the Dragon and the Monkey do not stop traveling, so their kids grow up very mobile and comprehensively developed.

Problems arise when spouses restrict each other’s freedom. It is important for a Dragon Man to periodically relax outside the home, have fun, dream, and do crazy things. The wife should not pull him up every time and remind him of his duty. In turn, the Monkey woman needs vivid impressions, attention. And compliments from her husband will never be enough for her, she wants to receive adoration from the outside. Therefore, the Dragon should turn a blind eye to her innocent flirting with other men and often take her spouse to parties.

Compatibility in bed: Dragon man and Monkey woman

The sexual compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman is even higher than love and family. Partners fit each other on the physical plane, and if there is mutual understanding between them, then an absolute idyll is achieved in bed.

In the bedroom of the Dragon and the Monkey there are no boundaries, and there is no end to experiments in intimacy. However, the classic options for sex partners are quite satisfied. This is the option when the couple is much more important emotional contact than diversity. Innovations are usually offered by the Monkey, because it is she who is so greedy for the assortment. And the Dragon gladly agrees to her proposals.

So, the compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman in sex is almost one hundred percent. But these two cannot remain just lovers for a long time. If there is no spiritual intimacy, even the most sophisticated intimacy will not save the relationship.

Friendship Compatibility: Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

The friendly compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman is also at a very good level. Even if these two are spouses, sooner or later they will have to become friends with each other in order to cooperate and help each other in a difficult moment.

Often the Dragon and the Monkey have a common cause. It can be a serious hobby, hobby, job or business. Friends communicate a lot, talk, discuss pressing problems, consult. The leading position, of course, will be taken by the Dragon, but even here the manipulator Monkey will find a way to make sure that everything is as she needs.

The friendship between the Dragon man and the Monkey woman is always strong. These guys communicate respectfully and do not allow themselves to step over certain limits. They help each other and just have a good time together.

Work Compatibility: Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

Dragon and Monkey are the most reliable companions. Everything is going well with them, the work is going very quickly.

The working compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman is high, although only because here everyone occupies the most characteristic role for him. So, the prudent Monkey copes better with financial matters, numbers, calculations. It is also valuable in establishing business contacts. And the purposeful and punchy Dragon takes responsibility for the company as a whole, for planning, making important decisions.

Tips and Tricks for Building Good Relationships

Despite the high compatibility of the Dragon man and the Monkey woman, it cannot be said that there are few problems in this pair. The partners are too strong and too different characters to coexist peacefully in the same territory for years. Of course, there are occasional skirmishes between the two.

The monkey is too cunning, she needs to be careful in her manipulations, otherwise the Dragon will rebel and stop believing in her. The Dragon Man has an explosive temper, and in the moments of his rage, the Monkey Woman is better off turning into a meek lamb. If she gets into an argument, a terrible scandal will break out.

Be that as it may, both the Dragon and the Monkey need affection and understanding. Both are drawn to family comfort, although they are not ready to spend a lot of time within four walls. Spouses live in the same rhythm, which means that everything will be fine with them!

Compatibility: Monkey Man and Dragon Woman

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is usually low. In such an alliance, a woman is much stronger than a partner. She is not able to take on the character of the Monkey. The difference in worldviews could unite the signs, but in this case it becomes a big problem.

The Monkey Man is a bright but difficult person who likes to dominate and demonstrate his superiority. Personal needs for such a man are most important, and to satisfy them, he is able to step over even his best friend. Therefore, maintaining any relationship with such a person is not easy. Nevertheless, if a friend urgently needs help, the Monkey man will be the first to fly to the rescue and with great pleasure will help a friend get out of even a very confusing situation.

The monkey loves everything new, interesting, so he learns something until the end of his life, tries new hobbies. He chooses a woman for himself, also bright, but patient and accommodating. However, this man has many women. He likes to charm and conquer them, but he does not become attached to any of them and quickly breaks off relations. Therefore, it is not worth waiting for a Monkey man to start a family before the age of 35. With age, he becomes calmer, changes his preferences, and even then he can finally get married.

The Dragon Woman is a businesslike, energetic, wise, enterprising lady for whom there are no barriers. But on the other hand, this is just an incredible girl: beautiful, well-groomed, well-mannered and honest. Drakosha is a chic woman from high society. She should live in a castle and ride in a gilded carriage. Such a woman really behaves like a king. She lives by her own laws, but does not impose them on others. She is condescending to the mistakes and weaknesses of other people. True, often in her words some kind of arrogant chill comes through.

A little condescendingly, the Dragon woman also looks at her fans. She behaves on a par with men and believes that she is able to achieve much more men. And indeed it is. But this makes it difficult for Drakosha to build a personal life and family. However, the marital status for this lady is not so important. It often happens that she has several unsuccessful marriages in her life. The Dragon Woman is ready to accept courtship from many, but for a serious union she needs someone special. The one who will be generous and courteous to the chosen one, but will not try to break her will or push the Dragon into second place.

General information about the compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman

Despite the fact that the compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is not the best, these signs can initially be very interesting to each other. These are two bright personalities who always attract the views of others. They will certainly notice each other.

The Monkey Man stands out for his eloquence, erudition, energy. He never seems to get tired or in a bad mood. He will easily support any conversation, always give valuable advice to those who need it. He is generous with compliments and knows how to find an approach to the heart of any woman, so Drakosha will definitely pay attention to him.

The charming, noticeable and strong Dragon woman will also not be deprived of the attention of the Monkey man. She strives for adventure and everything new no less than him, so these two will always find something to discuss. However, the Monkey man may from the very beginning feel some discomfort in the presence of the Dragon. He tries to avoid such independent and powerful ladies.

The Dragon Woman is one of the strongest representatives and representatives of the Chinese horoscope. Few people are ready to compete with her, so, willy-nilly, she has to communicate with those who are weaker than her. But she prefers to build a more serious relationship with someone who will be stronger than her or at least be able to be on an equal footing with her. She will suppress the Monkey man, it will be difficult for her to respect him.

The stars say that the compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is rarely high. At the same time, simple communication between these signs is built quite easily. The Monkey and the Dragon have common interests, they can spend time in the same company and play the same sport. But things rarely go beyond friendship.

Love Compatibility: Monkey Man and Dragon Woman

The love compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is ambiguous. Partners are attracted to each other and can fall deeply in love. Their romance cannot be calm, passion will boil here. However, from the very first days, lovers will begin to argue and sort things out. Positive emotions are now and then replaced by scandals.

Often such novels end almost immediately after they began. It seems to partners that they made a mistake in choosing and will not be able to build anything sensible together. After all, disputes in this pair arise literally at every step. The Monkey man does not like it when a woman surpasses him in something and demonstrates it. And Drakosha does not understand why she should yield to the chosen one. She likes the competitive spirit, and she does not understand why the person she loves is against it.

In this pair, the Monkey man feels weak, and, naturally, he does not like it. The Dragon Woman sees no point in “babying” with a less successful chosen one. However, if she tries to get to know him a little better, she will realize that she has formed the wrong opinion about him.

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman in love is average. Relations develop rapidly and bring both lovers a lot of vivid impressions, but the connection can end abruptly. If partners show patience and begin to listen to each other, they are able not only to maintain the union, but also to qualitatively deepen their relationship.

Marriage Compatibility: Monkey Man and Dragon Woman

As a rule, such families develop favorably when both spouses are already over 30. At an earlier age, the union of the Monkey and the Dragon will not last even six months. If the Monkey man and the Dragon woman approached marriage consciously, their compatibility will be better.

Well, if both understand the need for compromises. Without mutual concessions, patience and acceptance, the atmosphere in the house will always be explosive. The older the spouses, the less they like to compete with each other and the more they are capable of understanding, partnership, support.

Passion in such a couple persists, even when the spouses live together for ten and twenty years. The Monkey man does not lose his talent for courtship, he is generous with compliments and always gives his wife signs of attention. And the Dragon Woman remains mysterious, feminine, sophisticated, so she never gets bored with her husband.

All that both need in this marriage for happiness is to be appreciated. Admiring each other, the Monkey and the Dragon will give each other inspiration, even greater self-confidence, an incentive for development and great achievements. In such a marriage, both spouses are free, but very happy and do not allow the thought of having fun somewhere on the side. And the older the family, the more the spouses are proud of their relationship.

Compatibility in bed: Monkey man and Dragon woman

The sexual compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is extremely high. The partners are well compatible on the physical plane, and they are very similar in temperament, so there are no problems in their bedroom. Here Drakosha gladly allows the more resourceful Monkey man to command.

This couple enjoys each other without cliches and conventions. Their fantasies are limitless, so each new intimacy becomes something new. Passion never fades here. And even when the partners are at a distance, they are not looking for a replacement for each other, but are looking forward to a new meeting.

Sexual compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is very high. Lovers don’t get bored with each other. They fantasize and experiment. Even years later, Monkey and Dragon’s bed relationship is just as hot as it was at the very beginning. Harmony in an intimate matter can help partners better understand each other.

Friendship Compatibility: Monkey Man and Dragon Woman

The friendly compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is high. When there are no feelings between partners, they have no claims to each other. Such friends often compete, pushing each other to development. They show mutual assistance and diplomacy. There are no quarrels between friends, because the Monkey man imperceptibly plays his game, without interfering with his girlfriend’s plans.

Very often, friendship between such strong and enterprising signs develops into business cooperation. Monkey and Dragon become excellent partners who are not stopped by any obstacle. In addition, if both partners are free, such a friendship can one day turn into a love relationship. When there is such a good understanding between the Monkey and the Dragon, a spark can slip at any moment.

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman in friendship is very favorable. This is exactly the format of relations in which the joint efforts of partners will always be fruitful.

Work Compatibility: Monkey Man and Dragon Woman

The working compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is also at the highest level. In terms of purposefulness, enterprise and creativity, this tandem has no equal, therefore such an alliance is not afraid of either competition or difficulties.

It does not matter here whether there will be someone higher in position, or whether the Monkey and the Dragon will become equal partners in their own business. They should clearly delineate responsibilities, but do not forget to control each other. The dragon must ensure that the man conducts business as honestly as possible and does not expose the company to problems from the law. And the Monkey will have to return the in the dream girlfriend from heaven to earth from time to time.

Tips and Tricks for Building Good Relationships

Despite the fact that the stars prophesy low compatibility for the Monkey man and the Dragon woman, with a favorable combination of circumstances and the mutual desire of the spouses, everything works out as well as possible.

Each sign has qualities that the other strongly dislikes. Nothing can be done about these qualities, but they can be used correctly. For example, a Monkey man can show his cunning and evasiveness in the interests of the family, but not against his own wife. Similarly, a Dragon woman can remain strong in the family business and at work, but she should not use her strength to defeat her husband.

If the Monkey man and the Dragon woman can follow these recommendations, their compatibility will become much higher, and the relationship itself will be built on trust. Without trust in this pair in any way. The dragon must understand that her chosen one is naturally evasive, cunning and prudent. This is his nature. The main thing is that he does not deceive his wife. And the Monkey man should get used to the fact that it’s better not to joke with his wife once again, because because of her explosive nature, she is capable of unexpected things.

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