Doctors have named the most dangerous alcoholic drinks destroying the liver

The most dangerous alcoholic beverages, according to doctors, are low alcohol. Drinks containing a small amount of alcohol are considered the most dangerous for the liver because it is quite difficult to control the amount of alcohol consumed.

Many believe that beer containing 3-5% alcohol is safer to drink than 40% vodka. Doctors have found that beer with a low alcohol content will harm the liver much more due to the mixture of different types of alcohol.

The rest of the alcoholic drinks are no less harmful. For example, overweight people are in no way tender to consume sweet liqueurs, and excessive consumption of these liqueurs can lead to the development of cancerous growths, and sparkling wine is rich in carbon dioxide. The main consumers of dangerous low-alcohol drinks are teenagers, which is very sad.

Of course, drinking alcoholic beverages is possible. According to experts, there are some doses that will not cause particular harm to health. For example, a woman can drink 1-2 glasses of good, high-quality wine or champagne, and a man – about 200 grams of an alcoholic drink of 40 degrees.

Rating of the most dangerous alcoholic drinks for the liver: beer, low alcohol drinks, champagne, alcoholic drinks and sweet liqueurs.

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