Do In: all you need to know about this self-massage technique

Do In: all you need to know about this self-massage technique

What is the Do In?

The term “Do In” comes from the Japanese terms “do” which means “the way” and “in” which means “energy”. The Do In therefore designates the path of energy. This term was first mentioned in the book “Internal Classic of the Yellow Emperor” which is the oldest book of traditional Chinese medicine since it was written in 3000 BC.

Also called “energetic toilet”, the Do In is therefore a Japanese self-massage technique derived from Shiatsu and based on the theoretical principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Formerly, traditional self-massages were practiced in order to develop physical health, mental serenity and spiritual upliftment of individuals. This practice also consists of meditation exercises, postures as well as movement and stretching exercises.

Please note, this massage technique does not replace medical treatment or the medical advice of a health professional.

The benefits of Do In

The benefits of Do In are numerous, you can practice it for:

  • Soothes disorders related to your digestive system
  • Overcome the tensions associated with everyday life
  • Get in shape in the morning and throughout the day
  • Relieve pregnancy-related symptoms like fatigue and heavy legs
  • Get back in shape after an illness, an operation, an accident
  • Overcome your stress, especially during important events such as exams
  • Relax in transport
  • Relieve headaches
  • Fighting difficulties falling asleep
  • Regulate weight gain
  • Regain your vitality

Toning the face

Facial stimulation thanks to the Do In self-massage will regenerate the skin, stimulate blood circulation and tone your face.

This self-massage is for anyone feeling tired and having drawn features. Start the self-massage by putting the pulp of your fingers at the level of the skull and making small friction at this level. Then, close your fists and make small percussions on the level of the skull, very gently.

Use all of the pads of your fingers to smooth the forehead on either side using them and repeat the movement. Close your fists and use the first phalanx of the thumb to smooth your eyebrows (browbones). Continue with the entire fingertips and press-rotate the temples, in one direction then the other. Your fingers will continue and traverse the lower browbone arches, rotating back and forth. The pressures are made according to your feelings.


To relax, you can practice the self-massage of the feet. Massage your foot with a cream or oil to facilitate self-massage. Place your thumb under the medial malleolus of the foot, then grasp the end of your foot with your other hand and rotate back and forth. Perform extension flexions of your toes while stretching them. Envelop each of your fingers at the level of the feet by also performing flexion extensions. You can perform the various gestures several times and for a shorter or longer period depending on your feelings.

Release the stress

Self-massage promotes relaxation and relaxation, which helps relieve stress naturally.

Warm up your rib cage using the palms of your hands. You can then tap the top of your rib cage while exhaling repeatedly. Then rub your upper body between the collarbone and the breastbone, left and right. With your right hand, then touch the center line of your body located at the level of the breastbone, while inhaling.

Relieve the eyes

The eyes are very stressed organs, we give them very little rest. This self-massage is intended for people with tired eyes from watching computer screens, television, telephone … This self-massage can allow you to relieve your eyes, strengthen your muscles and therefore have better vision.

Take the palms of your hands and rest them over your eyes. Make sure you don’t let in any light and then open your eyes. Keep your eyes open and staring in the dark for at least 5 minutes. This time allows your eyes to rest and relax.

Come and massage your eyebrow arches with the whole of the pulp of your fingers, in a circular manner and down to the bottom of the eyes, in one direction then in the other.

Then rub your palms very vigorously, until your palms are hot. Apply them to your eyes, the heat will relax all the muscles in the eyes.

Getting ready to sleep

The practice of self-massage before sleeping helps you fall asleep more quickly since it allows you to relax and eliminate the tensions accumulated during the day.

Warm your hands by rubbing them. Once warm, put them on your eyes. Then, bring your hands up to the level of the forehead, the skull and the back of the neck while inhaling deeply. Once at the neck, run your hands up to your chest, smoothing your skin.

Smooth your neck several times using both hands, then gradually move your hands to the line perpendicular to your abdomen. Place your hands on top of each other at the level of your abdomen, below your navel, then smooth your skin. Next, wrap your thumbs around your belly button, forming a heart and spreading your arms apart. Breathe calmly so as to act on your blood flow by adopting a stomach breathing.

Visualize your breathing for several minutes: inhale the flow of air coming through your nose, which travels through the trench and then down to the abdomen. The abdomen inflates on the inhale and relaxes on the exhale because we spit out the air by following the reverse path. Finish this exercise by straightening your legs using your hands and then massage the inner malleoli of your feet for three to five minutes.

Practice the Do In

Do In is best practiced in the morning and in a seated position. However, it can be done at any time of the day, when you feel the need to. In addition to being easy to exercise, the Do In is very practical because you don’t have to undress or be in a specific place. Indeed, self-massage can be practiced anywhere, whether in transport, at the office or quietly at home. No special equipment is needed, you will only need your hands!

There is no contraindication to Do In but some recommendations may be useful: remove all jewelry you wear and avoid having too long nails, which can be unpleasant during a self-massage. It is also recommended to choose a comfortable seat, in which you feel good. An hour of practice is ideal, although most people cannot devote an hour in the morning.

The pressures are done with the fingers, the fists, the palms and can be of more or less high intensity according to your feelings. It helps relax and unwind parts of the body in just a few minutes.

The main principles of Do In

The principles of Do In are based on those of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which postulate that any dysfunction of the organism is due to a poor circulation of vital energy (“qi”). Life energy is made up of Yin energy and Yang energy. When one of these two energies is found in surplus or lacking in a part of the body, it can cause pain and various physical and mental illnesses. Massaging certain specific areas of the body (acupuncture points) would therefore unblock the circulation of vital energy, which would restore the body’s energy balance. The pressures of the self-massage are made on acupuncture points along the path of the meridians. We all have 12 meridians which run through our body and allow the circulation of vital energy. Each meridian corresponds to an organ, when an organ no longer functions well, self-massage allows its normal functioning to be restored thanks to the harmonization of vital energy.

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