Diet in small portions, 7 days, -3 kg

Losing weight up to 3 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 930 Kcal.

Do you want to lose weight, but the very thought of having to eat bland food and forget about your favorite delicacies horrifies you? There is a way out – a diet in small portions, according to the rules of which you can eat tasty and varied. You just need to control the amount of portions. Thanks to this eating style, you can lose up to 3,5 kg per week and, best of all, do it without rigid prohibitions.

Diet requirements in small portions

The main point of this diet is that the daily amount of food consumed should be divided into several small parts. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the human body. As proved by scientists, during long breaks between meals, the gastric mucosa produces the hormone ghrelin. It is he who is directly responsible for the feeling of hunger. The more ghrelin, the more palpable the hunger. By reducing the time intervals between meals, we prevent the production of large amounts of this hormone. In this regard, the desire to eat more than the norm and break off the diet also decreases. This makes it much easier to reduce the calorie content of the diet. In addition, fractional nutrition awakens a dormant metabolism, which allows you to quickly lose weight and not gain kilograms in the future.

There are several ways to reduce weight by eating small meals. In the first method, it is recommended to divide the daily diet evenly into 5-6 servings of approximately the same calorie content. Each serving should not exceed 200 (maximum 250) grams. You don’t have to scrupulously weigh each gram. You can do it easier. Make sure that the amount of food you eat can fit in your palm. Try not to exceed 4 hours between meals. It is recommended to have dinner 3-4 hours before going to bed at night.

In the second method, promoted by a diet in small portions, a given volume of food should be crushed even more and given 8-10 snacks per day. In this case, you will have to eat every 2-2,5 hours. Choose the small portion diet option that is most comfortable for you.

As for the products on this diet, of course, it is advisable to make a menu of healthy and low-fat foods. But it is not at all necessary to completely abandon your favorite treats. That is why this weight loss system is good. If you eat a little chocolate or a couple of cookies (better than homemade ones), it is unlikely that this will significantly affect the process of losing weight, but the mood and further zeal for losing weight will surely rise.

It is recommended to minimize the consumption of fast food, high-calorie confectionery sweets, white flour products, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, fried and too fatty foods. But in no case should you forget about dairy and sour milk products of low fat content, lean meat, fish, seafood, cereals, seasonal vegetables, fruits and various berries. Tea, coffee and other drinks can be drunk, but try to consume them without sugar or at least reduce the amount. Better to use some natural honey, jam or preserves.

For breakfast, it’s best to recharge with complex carbohydrates, for example, your favorite porridge and / or a couple of slices of whole grain bread. An excellent addition would be pieces of fruit and a little nuts added to the cereal. You can fill the main morning dish with a teaspoon of honey. It is recommended not to delay with breakfast, it will help turn on the body and activate metabolic processes. It is recommended to have breakfast in the first 40-60 minutes after waking up.

For lunch and dinner (at least one of these meals), try to eat a hot meal and protein products. An excellent choice is low-fat soup and lean fish or meat fillets. A wonderful companion for them will be a salad of vegetables and herbs. It is better to choose gifts of nature that contain a minimum of starch (tomatoes, cucumbers, white cabbage, etc.).

For intermediate meals, which are very welcomed by this method, cereal crisps, low-fat cottage cheese or other dairy products, fruits, vegetables, freshly squeezed juices are perfect.

You can stick to the diet in small portions as long as it does not make you uncomfortable. Simply, when you reach the desired forms, slightly increase the calorie intake of the food you eat and, of course, watch the indicators of the scales. At the same time, it is advisable not to increase the volume of production and try to eat fractionally as well so as not to stretch the stomach.

For the most comfortable transition to a method that involves reducing and crushing portions, try to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly. This tactic will help to ensure that the satiety signal arrives just in time for the end of the meal, and minimizes the risk that you will go for a supplement without full. In addition, well-chewed food is better absorbed by the body, which contributes to more effective weight loss.

Facilitates weight loss and the use of small cutlery. It will turn out that your portion will become smaller, and the satisfaction from the food you eat will remain, because you are, in fact, eating a full plate of food. Use such a harmless psychological trick.

Diet menu in small portions

An example of a diet menu in small portions for a week (five meals a day option)


Breakfast: a couple of tablespoons of buckwheat and a boiled egg; tea or coffee.

Snack: apple.

Lunch: baked pollock with a small amount of vegetables; a glass of orange juice.

Snack: 200-250 ml empty yogurt.

Dinner: chicken fillet baked with herbs; white cabbage salad, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.


Breakfast: a slice of whole grain bread with a slice of cheese; tea or coffee.

Snack: banana or a glass of fruit juice.

Lunch: chicken broth and a couple of tablespoons of vinaigrette.

Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat milk.

Dinner: a couple of peppers stuffed with vegetables; a cup of tea.


Breakfast: an omelet from two chicken eggs (it is better to cook it in a dry frying pan or steamed); fruit smoothie.

Snack: pear.

Lunch: lean fish fillet, boiled or baked; 2 tbsp. l. boiled rice (try to use brown or brown type of this cereal).

Afternoon snack: about 200 ml of fat-free kefir.

Dinner: a slice of boiled chicken breast plus grilled eggplant; tea.


Breakfast: oatmeal, cooked in water or low-fat milk, with pieces of prunes; tea or coffee.

Snack: vegetable or fruit fresh.

Lunch: broccoli soup; a slice of steamed beef and a cup of tea.

Afternoon snack: up to 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese (you can fill it with a little sour cream or natural yogurt).

Dinner: a slice of baked salmon and boiled rice.


Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with fruit; a glass of milk or coffee / milk tea.

Snack: baked apple.

Lunch: chicken fillet and mushroom soup; tea.

Afternoon snack: a handful of nuts.

Dinner: a couple of tablespoons of buckwheat; a slice of beef stew; salad of non-starchy fresh vegetables and herbs, seasoned with a few drops of vegetable oil.


Breakfast: millet porridge (you can add a teaspoon of honey or jam to it); tea or coffee.

Snack: 2 small kiwis.

Lunch: vegetarian borscht and a glass of citrus juice.

Afternoon snack: a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.

Dinner: a portion of pasta (preferably from durum wheat) seasoned with tomato paste.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge filled with milk; tea or coffee.

Snack: a couple of small cheesecakes from low-fat curd cheese with raisins; a cup of tea.

Lunch: baked lean meat; salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs.

Afternoon snack: 2 peaches.

Dinner: a glass of low-fat fermented milk drink or 2 tbsp. l. low fat cottage cheese.

Contraindications to a diet in small portions

  • A diet in small portions (provided that the calorie content is not cut very strongly) has no significant contraindications, because it complies with the norms of a healthy and balanced diet.
  • If you feel any discomfort when switching to such a regimen or doubt your health, then consult a dietitian doctor.

Benefits of a small portion diet

  1. Eating small meals boosts the metabolism and maintains it at the correct level, which contributes to more efficient burning of body fat.
  2. Fractional eating teaches us to control our appetite and helps to avoid sudden bouts of hunger, due to which overeating occurs.
  3. The diet provides a smooth weight loss that is supported by most nutritionists.
  4. When you follow these rules, digestion is normalized, the body is cleansed in a natural way, and the state of health improves.
  5. It is much easier to stabilize the results obtained with such a diet.
  6. Surely those who are losing weight will also appreciate the fact that there are no strict indications for rejecting their favorite products. In general, you can use everything, but in certain quantities.

Disadvantages of a small portion diet

  • At the beginning of following dietary rules, hunger often makes itself felt. If you feel uncomfortable, reduce your portion sizes gradually.
  • The transition from one or two plentiful meals to five or six light meals is not easy for everyone, both psychologically and physiologically.
  • A diet in small portions may not be suitable for people who cannot eat as often as the method recommends.

Re-dieting in small portions

If you feel well, you can follow the diet rules in small portions at any time and at any time.

1 Comment

  1. Naprosto stupidní, jezením 10 malých porcí denně si způsobíte akorát inzulinovou rezistenci. Krom toho budete mít stále hlad, protože se podvyživujete nedostatečnými porcemi. Žádná zázračná “technika” na hubnutí neexistuje. Je potřeba rozumný pravidelný pohyb a vyvážená strava ze zeleniny, bílkovin a živočišných tuků a s omezením sacharidů.

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