Russian diet, 14 days, -6 kg

Losing weight up to 6 kg in 14 days.

The average daily calorie content is 930 Kcal.

Many nutritionists are convinced that only food that has a close connection with a person’s homeland can bring real benefits to the body. On the basis of this statement, the Russian diet was developed. You can adhere to it for a short period of time (a week or two, if you want to get rid of a couple of extra pounds) and even for two whole months, after which the weight loss reaches 7-10 kilograms. Of course, the result of losing weight is different for everyone. Some people can boast of losing as much as 20 kilograms. As a rule, persons with a noticeable excess body weight lose so much weight.

Russian diet requirements

A distinctive feature of the Russian diet is that it does not imply the presence of strictly defined foods in the diet. It is worth paying attention only to certain food restrictions. It is up to you to decide how strictly to refuse the food listed below (say a strong “no” or simply reduce its amount in the diet as much as possible). So in list of non-recommended products includes: sugar and any products with its content, fat, mayonnaise, mustard and other fatty and high-calorie sauces, smoked meats, flour (you can eat a slice or two of rye or black bread a day), alcohol, store spices.

If you follow this method of losing weight for up to two weeks, you can completely stop consuming salt. But with a longer adherence to the rules of the Russian diet, it is better to use salt, only in moderation. A good habit of adding salt to the food just before use, and not during the cooking process, will help not to oversalt the dish.

The rest of the products not included in the above list are allowed to eat. Of course, try to choose the most healthy and not very fatty foods. And don’t overeat. If you eat excessively, you can gain weight even while dieting.

It is recommended to eat 4 times a day. Organize your meal schedule so that it consists of three main meals and snacks (between breakfast and lunch or between lunch and dinner). It is better to refuse any food 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Try not to eat more than 200 grams of food at a time and eat at approximately regular intervals. Don’t include monotonous foods on your menu. The body must be supplied with a sufficient amount of the correct proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Remember to drink clean water. Tea and coffee are allowed to be consumed empty.

Undoubtedly, exercise will improve dietary outcomes. Sports are especially important for those who are planning tangible weight loss. Otherwise, the skin may simply sag. Do not be lazy, do at least an elementary exercise in the morning. And if you manage to visit the gym and, in the absence of contraindications, engage in sports more actively, your body will be doubly grateful.

Don’t forget the name of the diet. Supplement the protein components of the menu (lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, kefir) with the gifts of nature (vegetables, fruits, berries) that grow in your area. And it is better not to communicate with the overseas edible “aliens” often. Home-born foods are likely to be healthier.

Porridge should be present on your table, it is better to use them without additives. But leave the leading place in the menu for the protein component, fruits, vegetables, berries. Vegetable salads can be pampered with vegetable oils a little. But do not expose the oil to heat treatment. This will not only increase its calorie content, but also kill all the beneficial properties.

After leaving the diet, if it did not cause you discomfort, you can continue to eat, observing the basic diet principles. Just increase your calorie intake a little and, if desired, allow yourself food indulgences (but not very often).

Russian diet menu

Day 1

Breakfast: a piece of boiled or baked fish; a couple of tablespoons of sauerkraut (you can add green peas to it); tea, coffee or compote.

Snack: low-fat cottage cheese with apple pieces (with a teaspoon of natural honey).

Lunch: a portion of lean borscht; a little cabbage stewed in the company of carrots; tea.

Dinner: steamed fish fillet and a couple of baked potatoes; tea.

Day 2

Breakfast: salad of fresh white cabbage, green peas and onions; coffee or tea.

Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir.

Lunch: beef stroganoff and grated boiled carrots; compote.

Dinner: boiled fish and boiled potatoes; apple and tea.

Day 3

Breakfast: a portion of buckwheat porridge with pieces of pears and plums; compote.

Snack: boiled egg; Rye bread; tea or coffee.

Lunch: boil or bake chicken fillet (it is better to get rid of the skin first); Eat a couple of small apples for dessert.

Dinner: vinaigrette and a glass of compote or freshly squeezed juice.

Day 4

Breakfast: a slice of rye bread and a glass of kefir.

Snack: salad of any vegetables, a little drizzled with vegetable oil.

Lunch: a slice of boiled lean meat and a couple of tablespoons of sauerkraut with green peas.

Dinner: a bowl of vegetable soup in meat broth; some grated carrots, lightly seasoned with vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Day 5

Breakfast: cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey or your favorite jam; a glass of compote or tea.

Snack: pear and apple salad.

Lunch: boiled or baked beef; salad of white cabbage and various greens; a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice or compote.

Dinner: fish cooked in the oven; a handful of blackcurrant and gooseberry berry mix; tea.

Day 6

Breakfast: boiled chicken fillet; 2 tbsp. l. sauerkraut; tea or coffee.

Snack: a portion of low-fat curd, to which you can add any finely chopped fruit or a handful of berries.

Lunch: a bowl of vegetable soup cooked in low-fat mushroom or meat broth; a slice of black or rye bread.

Dinner: lean pork fillet; grated beets with a few prunes; tea.

Day 7

Breakfast: buckwheat with 1 tsp. natural honey; tea or coffee.

Snack: salad of slices of plums, pears and apples.

Lunch: baked fish fillet; salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Dinner: a couple of boiled potatoes and a slice of baked chicken; an apple or a glass of freshly squeezed juice (compote).

Contraindications to the Russian diet

  • The Russian diet has no strict contraindications. If you feel good, it should only do good.
  • Taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician, it is worth introducing the rules of this diet into their lives for people who have any diseases or health features that require special nutrition.

Advantages of the Russian diet

  1. The menu of the Russian diet is hearty, varied and many people like it.
  2. If you do not cut your diet too much, the body will not be harmed, moreover, your health will improve. After all, it is known that proper nutrition has a beneficial effect on the functioning of our organs and systems. It is unlikely that you will encounter hunger, weakness and other unpleasant companions of many methods of losing weight.
  3. As a rule, if you do not frankly abuse junk food, weight after a diet does not return for a long time. The technique teaches you to eat right and, most likely, having completed it, you yourself will not want to stuff the body with fatty and high-calorie foods. Indeed, during a diet, he is rebuilt in a new working way, and, accordingly, our taste preferences change.
  4. Also, the Russian diet has a positive effect on metabolism. Metabolic processes are normalized, and this increases the chances of keeping the result obtained during weight loss.
  5. The good news is that on the Russian diet you do not need to buy any unusual, expensive, hard-to-find products. The diet is based on food that is sold in almost any store or market. You can grow many products yourself if you have a vegetable garden.

Disadvantages of the Russian diet

  • Determining the shortcomings of the Russian diet is very subjective. For example, nutritionists regard the slow rate of weight loss as a virtue. But for those people who want to quickly lose pounds, gradual long-term weight loss can be attributed to the disadvantages.
  • Not everyone may have the strength and patience to control their diet for quite some time.
  • The rules of the Russian diet still require a certain amount of time to prepare food, which may not please people who are not friendly with cooking or those who are simply very busy.

Re-carrying out the Russian diet

It is better not to resort to the next three months to repeat the Russian diet (if you sit on it for more than a month).

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