Dental hygiene in children 3 to 6 years old

The rules of good dental hygiene

Brush and toothpaste point of view, no change. As with his first toothbrush, this one must be perfectly adapted to the morphology of your child, and therefore consist of a small head, a large handle and soft bristles. To be sure not to make a mistake, just buy your child a toothbrush specifically designed for their age group. The same goes for toothpaste. Between 2 and 6 years, the dose of fluoride it must contain is between 1000 and 1450 ppm. It goes to 1450 ppm for those over 6 years old.

Brushing your teeth: how often?

As soon as the first baby tooth appears, the child should brush their teeth at least twice a day, 2 times if possible. Brushing in the evening remains the most important, since it is at night, when the salivary flow decreases, that the bacteria take the opportunity to multiply in the mouth and attack the teeth, ultimately causing the appearance of cavities. After 6 years, teeth should be brushed after each meal. The duration of a good brushing, between 3 and 6 years, is 2 minutes. The use of an hourglass is therefore recommended, because it helps the child to visualize this duration. After 6 years, this time drops to 3 minutes.

Brushing teeth: what technique should I teach my child?

From 1 to 6 years old, brushing gestures remain the same. Thus, only the masticatory surfaces are brushed, by back and forth movements. It is after 6 years that a more advanced method can be put in place. The child can then rub the outer and anterior surfaces of the upper teeth. For the external parts, the movement is in the form of small rollers, going from pink (the gum) to white (the teeth), always in the same direction. For the internal surfaces, the child must hold his toothbrush vertically and always roll from pink to white.

The dentist’s tip: brushing is successful if the bathroom mirror is full of toothpaste splashes!

What to do when my child’s teeth start to fall out?

Falling baby teeth, which usually occurs between the ages of 6 and 12, should not affect your child’s brushing behavior. The areas of falls, from the time the tooth begins to move until it falls, are generally less brushed. Apprehension, small pains, the child instinctively neglects the area. It is not advisable to encourage him to do so, instead encourage him to brush his teeth as usual.

At what age should I give my child sugar-free chewing gum?

Chewing gum doesn’t just have its downsides, on the contrary. Indeed, chewing gum has a power sometimes unrecognized : by increasing the production of saliva, they actively participate in the fight against acidity, bacteria, and therefore against cavities. The only sine qua non for their proper use: they must be sugar-free. While they are not a substitute for proper brushing, they are nonetheless a great help when you are unable to brush your teeth. It is possible to consume it from about 6 years old.

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