Definition of arthrography

Definition of arthrography

THEarthrography is an x-ray examination which consists of introducing a contrast product into a joint, to view its shape, size and content. It allows to observe the soft tissue, the cartilages, the ligaments and their interactions with bone structures, which cannot easily be visualized with a standard x-ray.

This technique uses X-rays and contrast agents (opaque to X-rays).


Why perform arthrography?

Arthrography makes it possible to ensure the integrity of a joint (at the level of the knee, shoulder, hip, or even the wrist, ankle, elbow). It also makes it possible to detect the presence of a lesion at this level (affecting for example the cartilages, ligaments, or menisci).

The course of arthrography

The radiologist disinfects the skin at the joint to be examined and places a sterile drape. After performing local anesthesia, he inserts a fine needle into the joint, under fluoroscopic control. The fluoroscopy is a medical imaging technique that allows you to view organs or structures live, by making short films.

Once the joint is reached, the doctor injects the contrast medium. This then makes the joint visible on the X-ray images.

The patient will have to hold his breath for short periods, at the doctor’s request, so that the x-rays are of the best possible quality.

The needle is finally removed and the doctor applies a bandage to the injection site.

Some treatments (such as cortisone injection) may be done during the exam.

The results

Arthrography can be used to diagnose pain in a joint. Thus, it can be:

– a rotator cuff injury, At the shoulder

– a complication of tendinitis

– a injury to the meniscus or cruciate ligament, in the knee

– or the presence of a foreign body in the joint (like a loose piece of cartilage)

The exam may be followed by a CT scan or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the joint, in order to maximize the quantity and quality of information collected. It is also often by combining these examinations that the doctor can establish a precise diagnosis concerning a joint pathology.

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