


Too much food, not enough nutrients?

Despite the variety and availability of foods on the market, many people have poor diets. According to a US public health agency, many North Americans eat more calories than they should, but still don’t get the nutrients they need. Often, we eat too many foods that are loaded with calories but low in nutritional value.1.

Same situation in France. Nutritional surveys have shown that, without presenting any deficiencies, a large part of the population has a diet that does not meet all of the Recommended Nutritional Intakes (ANC).2. In Canada, studies show that the population generally meets the recommended intakes of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids), but that they are often deficit from some micronutrients like vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid), B12 et C, as well as the fer, calcium, magnesium and zinc3,4.

“Let’s just take the case of all these people,” says nutritionist Hélène Baribeau.5, which take a frozen meal as a lunch at work: they consume a few hundred calories and, in most cases, quite a bit of fat and sodium, but relatively few nutrients. Foods prepared industrially are, too often, not very nutritious. “

According to the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA) of France2, the needs are not met when the diet:

  • is rich in refined ingredients: sugar, fat, white flour, starch, drinks and sweet products, alcohol;
  • is poor in whole or semi-complete cereal products, legumes, various starches, fruits and vegetables;
  • includes an insufficient amount of certain particular foods like dairy products for calcium, red meat for iron.

The shortcomings in various nutrients can have all kinds of consequences, from a simple fatigue if there is a slight lack of iron, up to a risk of malformation of the fetus if the mother lacks folic acid, through nausea, Constipation, mood disorders to memory loss in case of prolonged vitamin B12 deficiency.

Assess your needs

Nutritionist Hélène Baribeau notes, in her practice, that certain deficiencies are more widespread than others. “There are generally four nutrients that are harder to obtain, either because they are found in small amounts in food, or because they are found in few foods or in foods that we rarely eat. It’s about fer, calcium, vitamin D and vitamins E. “

The needs individuals with respect to each nutrient vary depending on several factors, includingage and sexe. The estimated daily requirement for vitamin C, for example, is 45 mg per day for boys and girls aged 9 to 13, but 90 mg for men aged 50 and over. Our Nutrient Rankings section indicates what are the recommended nutrient intakes or, failing that, sufficient intakes for 25 nutrients, depending on the category of individuals.

Worried about having a deficiency in any nutrient? You can consult a nutritionist. You can also obtain details on the main nutrients in one of the supplement sheets.

You can then take measures to remedy this or that lack, either through diet or by using supplements.

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