Deadlift – types, effects, most common mistakes

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Deadlifts are an exercise that few athletes do. Despite many controversies, it is worthwhile to convince yourself of it, because it brings many benefits. Check how to properly perform a deadlift and what you can achieve with it.

Deadlifts are one of those exercises that should form the foundation of your training plans. If done correctly, it does not cause serious injuries at all. The main thing is to learn the technique and follow the tips – only then is it able to give amazing results.

Deadlift on straight legs

If you want to strengthen your thighs, deadlifts on straight legs are recommended. This exercise is only apparently simple to perform. Its effectiveness depends primarily on the details, which is why it is so important to follow the applicable rules.

When doing a deadlift exercise, your primary focus should be on the quality of the exercise, not the number of repetitions performed. The essence of the deadlift is to lift the weight off the ground on straight lines while keeping your back straight. It is important that the shoulders are pulled back.

When it comes to deadlifts, the technique focuses on a few principles below. By following the tips, you will achieve satisfactory results without risking injuries.

  1. Keep your legs hip-width apart. The toes of the legs should protrude slightly over the bar.
  2. Grasp the barbell with your whole hands (facing the front) – their spacing should be a little wider than the shoulders.
  3. Inhale and lean forward, pinching your shoulders.
  4. Lift the weight up while keeping your back and legs straight.
  5. Hold the weight for 2-3 seconds, exhale, then gently put it back on the floor.

Perform 10-20 repetitions of the deadlift in one set – keeping the technique correctly.

Zsee also: Exercises with a barbell – how to do them to bring results?

Deadlift sumo

This type of deadlift differs from the classic one mainly in the positioning of the legs. In the sumo version, the legs are set wide apart, and the hands grasping the bar are placed on the shoulder line, between the legs. Deadlift sumo allows for more intense involvement of the quadriceps and thigh adductors. The back muscles, on the other hand, play a smaller role.

  1. Stand with your legs wide apart in front of the barbell, with your feet pointing outward. Knees must not point inwards.
  2. Straighten your back and tilt your torso approximately 45 degrees. Grab the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart. The head should be in line with the body.
  3. Breathing is important in deadlift sumo. Inhale, clench your abs and raise the barbell to the height of your lower legs. Stop for 2-3 seconds.
  4. Breathe out and slowly come back from the starting position. Slightly straighten your hips and knees. Gently put the barbell on the floor.

Also check: Back training – what is it?

Romanian deadlift

The principle of the exercise is the same as on straight legs. And in this case, it is worth doing a dozen or so repetitions in a series. The difference between a straight leg deadlift and a Romanian straight leg deadlift is that:

  1. in the classic deadlift, the knees are mainly straightened – they can be slightly bent while lifting the weight, while in the Romanian version the exercise is performed on bent knees,
  2. in the classic version, the barbell is put on the floor, and in the Romanian version, it remains in the grip all the time until the end of the series,
  3. in Romanian deadlift the bar can be lifted from the stand, in classic only from the floor.

Deadlift technique in Romanian style gained many followers due to the movements that give more freedom.

  1. Walk towards the barbell so that you stand in the middle between the loads.
  2. Bend down with your back straight to perform a proper deadlift and keep your knees slightly bent.
  3. A grip in deadlift should be a grip, so with the index fingers pointing downwards.
  4. Inhale, then, while still straightening your back and bending your knees slightly, raise the barbell.
  5. Exhale and gently lower the barbell, but do not put the bar on the floor. Repeat the exercise.

Be sure to read: Workout at home – a safe alternative to the gym

Deadlift on one leg

The exercise is more difficult than the classic version. However, you can perform this deadlift without load. The exercise involves the biceps, gluteal and rectus abdominis muscles. How to perform one leg deadlift?

  1. Stand straight with your feet close together and your arms drooping along your body. The back remains straight and the knees are slightly bent.
  2. Inhale, then bring your hips back, tilt your torso forward, and lift one leg back. Stay in this position by stretching the raised leg. In one leg deadlift, the head should stay in line with the back.
  3. Return to the starting position while exhaling slowly.
  4. Do 10 repetitions, then change the leg.

This type of deadlift can also be done with dumbbells. Beginners, however, should try the exercises without equipment first. Besides, it’s also a great idea to make home deadlift. Water bottles can be used instead of dumbbells.

Check it out: How to exercise at home with dumbbells?

Deadlift – mistakes

Deadlifts are a seemingly simple exercise. However, it actually requires precision. Any mistakes can make deadlifts unpleasant injuries instead of positive effects.

The most common deadlift errors include:

  1. round back – in this exercise, the shoulder blades must be pulled down and the back straight,
  2. stabilizing the spine after grabbing the dumbbells – positioning the spine and pushing out the hips should take place before tilting the torso and maintaining it in the process,
  3. positioning the hips as in a squat – in the deadlift, the hips must be higher than the knees (you cannot do a full squat),
  4. alternating barbell grip – the best grip is the grip (fingers pointing down),
  5. hip hyperextension – in deadlift, the hips should be pushed forward, but remain in line with the entire body,
  6. first, work the hips while lifting the barbell – straightening the knees, moving the hips and working the back should be done simultaneously while lifting the load.

Deadlift and back pain

Deadlift training improves the condition of skeletal muscle structure. We will reduce the risk of pain in the lumbar spine. However, special care should be taken in the case of diseases and ailments of the spine.

Deadlift and hyperlordosis

The exercise will cause pain in people suffering from hyperlordosis, i.e. deepened lumbar lordosis. This condition is characterized by weakness in the buttocks, abdomen, and biceps muscles of the thigh, and shortening of the quadriceps and extensor muscles of the back.

Consequently, other muscles, including the lumbar extensor, are overburdened when lifting in the deadlift. The pressure on the vertebrae also increases. Therefore, when we want to perform deadlifts, and severe lordosis prevents it, it is best to consult a personal trainer qualified in the field of physiotherapy.

Deadlift and scoliosis

Scoliosis is a disease that disturbs the balance between the work of the muscles on both sides of the spine. Therefore, exercising in the gym in the case of scoliosis excludes deadlifts that load the spine axially. An additional factor affecting the negative the effect of deadlift on the spine with scoliosis there is a high burden – not recommended for this condition.

Deadlift and discopathy

Due to the load and commitment to exercising many muscle groups, people with back injuries should also give up on deadlifts. These include sciatica and discopathy. The risk of a worsening injury when performing a deadlift is very high.

Read also: How To Get Rid Of Back Pain? TOP 5 exercises for a healthy spine

Deadlift – effects

There are many reasons for deadlifting. Correct technique gives this type of exercise many benefits:

  1. it works in a multidirectional way – deadlifts do not focus only on strengthening the extensors or biceps muscles of the thighs (in the case of deadlifts on straight legs), but also on strengthening the latissimus muscles, gluteal muscles and even abdominal muscles;
  2. Romanian deadlift additionally strengthens the hamstrings of the buttocks;
  3. helps to reduce body fat – increases energy expenditure, thanks to which you can achieve an energy deficit faster.

If the deadlift technique is correct then the exercise is safe. It is worth remembering that each movement is similar to the natural movements performed, for example, when lifting weights from the floor and other household activities.

It’s a good idea to include deadlifts in your training plan. If you master the correct technique, exercise will have many benefits – including health benefits.

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