Dark grape skin helps with diabetes

Doctors have discovered that the skin of dark grapes (which many people simply throw away when they eat these delicious berries!) Has several important beneficial properties. In particular, it lowers blood sugar levels, thus helping to prevent type XNUMX diabetes.

Researchers from Wayne State University (USA) believe that following their discovery, in the near future it will be possible to develop a dietary supplement with grape skin extract for those who do not want to consume raw grapes, but need to reduce sugar levels. “We very much hope that our discovery will eventually lead to the creation of a safe drug for the treatment and prevention of diabetes,” said Dr. Kekan Zhu, who led the development. He is a professor of nutrition at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (USA).

Grapes are the most cultivated fruit in the world, so the development of American scientists can really provide a massive and cheap solution. It was previously known that anthocyanins are substances found in the skin of grapes (as well as other “colored” fruits and berries – for example, in blueberries, blackberries, red Fuji apples and many others) and are responsible for the blue or purple-red color. of these berries are associated with a reduced risk of type XNUMX diabetes. But the high effectiveness of this remedy has only now been proven.

A number of additional studies confirm that anthocyanins can increase the body’s production of insulin (a key factor in diabetes) by 50%. In addition, it has been found that anthocyanins prevent microdamage to blood vessels – which occurs in diabetes and many other diseases, including those affecting the liver and eyes. So red and “black” grapes are useful not only for diabetics.

Health experts point out that although grape extract is already commercially available, it is best to consume fresh berries. A particularly favorable approach is to “eat a rainbow” every day – that is, to consume as many different fresh berries, vegetables and fruits as possible every day. This recommendation does not interfere with taking into account all healthy people, but, of course, it is especially important for those who are at risk for diabetes or other serious diseases.


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