Dangerous dog

Dangerous dog

What are Category 1 deemed dangerous dogs?

Category 1 dogs, known as attack dogs, designate all “pit bull” and “boerbull” type dogs. They do not belong to a breed and are therefore not registered in the Book of French Origins (the LOF). These animals are the result of crossbreeding with American Staffordshire Terrier, Mastiff or Tosa breed dogs. The master of these dogs are necessarily adults, having committed no crime and not being prohibited from owning a dangerous dog by the town hall.

Category 1 dog, what to do? (Obligations and prohibitions)

If you are the owner of a category 1 dog, you will need to obtain a detention permit from the public authorities, following a declaration to the town hall.

To obtain this detention permit you will need to:

  • Spay your dog
  • Identify it (by microchip or tattoo)
  • Have him vaccinated against rabies regularly
  • Take out liability insurance to cover costs caused by possible bites
  • Have your dog undergo a behavioral assessment by a veterinarian authorized by the town hall, between his 8 months and 1 year old. This behavioral assessment determines how dangerous your dog is. If the dog is declared dangerous, the mayor may decide to have it euthanized. It will be renewed every 1 to 3 years.

You will then have to provide the town hall with all the necessary certificates to prove that everything has been done correctly (dog’s passport, insurance certificate, etc.)

In the future, application decrees should add an additional condition: the follow-up of a 7-hour training course to learn to understand the behavior of the dog (and in particular what causes the bite of the dog) as well as the optimal education of the dog. dog. At the end of the training you will receive a certificate of aptitude to own a dangerous dog which will be valid for all your dogs.

To walk with your 1st category dog, you will have to keep him on a leash and muzzle him all the time. He will not be able to access public transport (and therefore no train or plane) or public places. Some condominiums are prohibited for 1st category dogs.

Category 2 dog, what to do? (Obligations and prohibitions)

There is another category of regulated dog, the so-called guard and defense dogs. These are the 2nd category dogs. Dogs in this category belong to the American Staffordshire Terrier, Rottweiler and Tosa breeds. They are therefore registered in the LOF and do not need to be sterilized. Rottweiler crossbreed dogs are also included. On the other hand the Staffie (or Staffordshire Bull Terrier), contrary to appearances, is not one of them.

As for 1st category dogs if you wish to acquire a 2nd category dog ​​you will need to obtain a detention permit. You will also have to walk him on a leash and muzzled.

Are Pit Bulls Really Dangerous Dogs?

This very restrictive law was written in order to stop the expansion of the number of dogs likely to be dangerous on French territory.

Indeed at the time of its writing, the Pitbulls were numerous in France and they represented a danger for the population because they were trained as a fighting dog or possessed by masters who did not know anything about the behavior of the dog and its education. The Am Staff and the Pit Bull, as the name suggests (Pit meaning fighting ring), were chosen and used as a fighting dog in the past. Although breeders select their dogs to be confident and friendly with humans, the reputation of these dogs is already established. Like any dog ​​they can be really dangerous if they are raised in an inappropriate environment and develop aggressive or fearful behavior. In addition, no matter how nice he is, a dog should never be left alone with a toddler.

Basic puppy education rules

If you decide to acquire a dog that is likely to be dangerous, we advise you to respect the basic rules of puppy education.

First, you have to choose your breeding correctly, a puppy must grow up in a stimulating environment. If possible, choose a breeding that resembles the home in which it will grow. If, for example, you have a family with children and a cat, look for breeders who have children and a cat. If this is not the case do not worry you can get your dog used to his adoption.

Never adopt puppies less than 2 months old. Before this age their mother did not have time to teach them not to bite too hard. And there is a higher risk of developing a behavioral disorder.

The dog perfects its socialization between 2 and 4 months, it is the time of adoption. It will therefore be up to you to make sure that he meets the maximum number of different dogs and people, of different ages. If it is well socialized there will be less risk of it attacking out of ignorance and fear, the main causes of a dog bite.

Start teaching him commands like basketing, sitting, standing, lying down, or staying as soon as he gets home. Puppies learn very quickly and when properly rewarded they will enjoy learning new things.

Finally, we recommend that you take your dog to dog training group lessons, even if you know dogs well and even if your puppy is kind. In fact, your puppy in contact with other dogs in an educational setting will learn faster and will have more chances to pass the behavioral assessment without hindrance at the age of 8 months.

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