Daily diet, 7 days, -3 kg

Losing weight up to 3 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1000 Kcal.

Many, having already gained a noticeable amount of excess weight, begin to rush for help to extreme methods of transforming the figure, the rules of which oblige to greatly reduce the diet. Of course, this is given to losing weight people very hard both physically and mentally. If this has not happened to you yet, and you need to correct very little, a daily diet is perfect. To observe it, you do not need to deviate from your usual life. By making small changes to your diet and showing a little willpower, you can lose about three kilograms in a week.

Daily dietary requirements

A daily diet means composing a balanced and varied diet from products that have long been familiar and familiar to us. These foods must be healthy and contain the right mix of ingredients your body needs. You need to eat during the diet three times a day. It is better to have dinner no later than 19:00 pm or 2-3 hours before lights out, if you go to bed late. It is advisable to always eat at about the same hours.

The main products recommended for consumption are non-starchy vegetables and fruits, lean meat, whole grain or bran bread, low-fat milk.

If hunger knocks at you between main meals, it is permissible to drown it out by drinking a glass of empty yogurt or eating a couple of tablespoons of low-fat curd. In addition to the obligatory water, you can drink freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks (fruit, vegetable, mixed), unsweetened tea and coffee, a little kvass, milk and sour milk drinks of low fat content. It is advisable to refuse alcohol. If, nevertheless, at some solemn event you want to relax a little, it is recommended to opt for a glass of red or white dry wine.

Greater weight loss can be achieved by combining diet with exercise. Even light morning exercises will help you get rid of unnecessary pounds sooner. If you don’t play sports, try to lead a more active lifestyle. Walking instead of traveling in transport, stairs instead of an elevator are also good helpers in losing weight and improving health.

If you need to lose more of the excess weight that makes it difficult to fully enjoy life, do not stop. If desired and feeling well, the daily diet can be continued for more than a week. Follow the dietary rules until you reach your goal.

Daily diet menu

Weekly ration of the daily diet


Breakfast: toast thinly spread with butter; low fat or 1% kefir or yogurt (glass).

Lunch: a portion of chicken fillet salad, cheese, 50 g of tuna in its own juice; 1-2 slices of bran bread.

Dinner: non-starchy vegetable stew; fresh cucumber; up to 130 g of potatoes, cooked in uniforms; apple or pear.


Breakfast: 200 g of porridge from any flakes (the weight is considered ready-made); medium banana.

Lunch: salad, which includes 50 g of low-fat cheese and a couple of any vegetables, seasoned with 1 tsp. soy sauce; pear.

Dinner: skinless chicken fillet fried in a dry pan or grilled (250 g).


Breakfast: boiled egg; baked tomato; a slice of lean beef on the grill.

Lunch: a sandwich, which includes bran bread, a slice of low-fat cheese, bell pepper, parsley or other herbs; a glass of kefir with a fat content of up to 1% or empty yogurt.

Dinner: 200 g baked beef fillet; 100 g of pureed mashed potatoes, not seasoned with anything; cucumber and cabbage salad; orange.


Breakfast: toast with tomato; 70-80 grams of cooked beans.

Lunch: small beef steak; cucumber and cabbage salad with herbs; an Apple.

Dinner: lean pork chop; favorite vegetable salad; 70 g mashed potatoes, which can be seasoned with low-fat milk; orange.


Breakfast: a small toasted bun; a glass of low-fat milk; a teaspoon of fruit jam.

Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese in the amount of 70-80 g; 2 biscuits or other low-calorie biscuits, greased with fine butter; bowl of vegetable soup; banana.

Dinner: 170 g of baked or boiled potatoes; up to 70 g of cod in oil; a salad of a couple of non-starchy vegetables and a small amount of boiled squid; apple.


Breakfast: a dried bun with a thin layer of butter; a glass of low-fat milk; 1-2 tsp natural honey.

Lunch: 200 g of chicken fillet stewed in the company of vegetables; 150 g of chopped white cabbage and 2 tbsp. l. boiled beans with carrot pieces.

Dinner (choose any option you like):

– up to 150 g of skinless ham; 70 g green peas; 120 g of boiled or baked potatoes; a slice of fresh or canned pineapple;

– lean beef cutlet; 150 g boiled potatoes; salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, boiled squid.


Breakfast: 2 boiled or fried chicken eggs in a dry pan; a slice of lean veal, grilled; a slice of whole grain bread; half a grapefruit.

Lunch: a piece of boiled chicken fillet; baked or boiled potatoes; non-starchy vegetable salad; baked apple that can be stuffed with 50 g of raisins.

Dinner: 2 slices of whole grain bread; salad of cucumbers and white cabbage; up to 30 g of lean ham; bowl of vegetable soup without frying.

Contraindications to daily diet

  • Since the daily diet does not imply strict dietary restrictions, it can be followed by almost everyone.
  • You should not choose such a regimen for pregnant and lactating women and those who have any diseases or features of the body that require special nutrition.
  • Before starting a diet, a consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous, especially for adolescents, people of age and those who are not sure about the quality of their health.

Benefits of a daily diet

  1. One of the main advantages of a daily diet, perhaps, can be called the fact that weight loss on it occurs without the thrill of hunger.
  2. The set of foodstuffs that can be consumed is large and varied. So, if you follow this diet, you are unlikely to encounter weakness, poor health, and the desire to break loose.
  3. Losing weight is comfortable, a person feels active and can lead a normal life.
  4. Most nutritionists support the proposed method because it offers a gradual rate of weight loss and does not stress the body.

Disadvantages of a daily diet

  • The daily method of losing weight does not have pronounced shortcomings. She clearly has more advantages.
  • Yes, this diet may not be suitable for people who want to lose weight quickly.
  • If you want your new beautiful figure to please you for a long time, you need to be patient and show willpower on the way to the desired result.


Re-carrying out the daily diet does not require adherence to any deadlines. If you feel good, you can transform the figure with this technique whenever you want.

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