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Cyanosis is the result of insufficient oxygen binding to hemoglobin in the lungs. The most common and characteristic feature of cyanosis is a bluish discoloration of the skin, nails or mucous membranes. Cyanosis occurs when the amount of unoxidized hemoglobin is about 5%. be more.

Definition of SINICA

Cyanosis is a condition that occurs when we are dealing with low oxygen saturation in the blood. Blood is naturally red in color, but the more oxygenated it is, the brighter it becomes. However, in the case of hypoxia, it becomes darker (sometimes even blue). One molecule of hemoglobin can attach from 1 to 4 molecules of oxygen. As a result, it can exist in the deoxygenated form (deoxyHb) or in various degrees of oxidation (oxyHb). Thus, hemoglobin is involved in the formation of cyanosis, whose main task is to carry oxygen and release it in the tissues of the body.

Cyanosis (hypoxia in the blood) causes symptoms such as discoloration of the nails, skin and mucous membranes, which turn a bluish color. This ailment may be central or peripheral.

SINICA – varieties and causes

The most common cause of cyanosis is the insufficient binding of oxygen to hemoglobin in the lungs and various types of chemical poisoning, which thus limit the possibility of combining them. The absolute condition for its disclosure, however, is the appropriate absolute content of hemoglobin in the blood, the excess of which promotes the development of cyanosis, and the deficiency (e.g. in anemia) its secretion.

We can distinguish two types of cyanobacteria:

  1. central cyanosis (most often visible on the lips and body); it is usually caused by respiratory diseases;
  2. peripheral cyanosis (affecting the limbs or ear lobes, at the time of circulatory failure or excessive contraction of the arteries); the causes may be cardiovascular diseases and various types of heart defects.


Tit central — most often it is associated with diseases of the respiratory system. People who have a problem with the so-called sleep apneaare also at risk of getting sick. The tendency to develop this type of disease may be congenital. The most common causes central cyanosis may be:

  1. asthma,
  2. heart failure
  3. lack of oxygenation of the brain,
  4. lung diseases,
  5. heart defects,
  6. overdosing on heavy drugs, e.g. heroin,
  7. bronchiolitis.

Peripheral cyanosis – causes

Peripheral cyanosis – is most often associated with circulatory failure. The causes of its formation may be almost identical to central cyanosis, with the difference that the factors of peripheral cyanosis do not apply to heart and lung diseases. Among the most common causes peripheral cyanosis stands out:

  1. vasospastic disorders,
  2. venous or arterial obstruction,
  3. vascular spasms
  4. freezing.

Depending on the conditions and time of occurrence of cyanosis, we can distinguish two types:

  1. chronic cyanosis – in this type of cyanosis, medical assistance is necessary, but not as urgent as in the case of acute cyanosis. The sick person most often knows the reasons for its occurrence,
  2. acute cyanosis – it requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Symptoms of SINICA

In the course of cyanosis, due to low blood oxygen saturation, the skin, mucous membranes and nails of the patient start to turn a bluish color. A blue tinge may even appear, especially in patients with high levels of hemoglobin. It is important that your doctor intervenes within 3-5 minutes of the appearance of the bruise. Cyanosis in patients with patent ductus arteriosus is characterized by bruising of the lower body and head (the symptoms do not include the fingers). The large patent ductus arteriosus causes pulmonary vascular ailments, and the pressure in the right ventricle is too high. This condition leads to a circulatory collapse.

Remember! The symptoms of cyanosis in people with dark skin are much less visible.

Diagnosis and treatment of SINICA

Blood tests are necessary in the diagnosis of cyanosis. If deoxygenated hemoglobin reaches 5 g per 100 ml (or more) – we are talking about cyanosis. In the pre-medical procedure, you should:

  1. limit physical exertion,
  2. go out to the fresh air and get some oxygen,
  3. quit smoking (you will avoid chronic bronchitis restricting lung ventilation); avoid staying in smoky rooms,
  4. use expectorants in the case of bronchitis,
  5. take bronchodilators,
  6. regularly take medications that improve the functioning of the circulatory system (in the case of chronic circulatory failure),
  7. get regular check-ups to timely change the treatment of your clinic in case of chronic diseases or notice deterioration of your health.

Regardless of the type of cyanosis, each patient should be under medical care. In the case of chronic cyanosis, the causes of which have been diagnosed, patients know how to act to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. The situation is different when there is an acute attack of cyanosis, e.g. suffocation – then immediate medical intervention is necessary.

Patients with central cyanosis are an indication for the administration of oxygen. There is no need to stay in hospital for the period of treatment, as oxygen therapy can also take place at home (home oxygen concentrators). However, in the case of peripheral cyanosis, the most common cause of which is atherosclerosis, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. For this purpose, the patient is recommended to take preparations that lower cholesterol and lipids (statins). Sometimes there are indications for surgery.

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