Course start at the Kitchen Club

The Kitchen Club cooking school proposes a series of didactic and practical activities to consolidate in the month of September what is known as “Back to School”.

Seven years ago, the Kitchen Club cooking school opened its doors in the capital of Spain, to join the growing trend in the market for the taste for Gastro, and not only to taste it but also to learn to prepare it in an easy and fun.

The offer of courses for this beginning of the cycle after the holidays is designed not only for beginners, but also for professionals in subjects as diverse as Mexican, Peruvian, Nikkei and ramen themes or those of kitchens associated with products such as rice, sushi, curry or pasta. 

As if it were a sea of ​​intentions, during the month of September, the post-vacation purposes of starting a new activity reach our heads as well as the well-known collections that invade television advertisements at the end of the summer season.

Why not learn to cook?

Just like keeping the type in the gym or conserving our ability to translate into another language, the habit of cooking is necessary, fun and part of a lifestyle of the XNUMXst century population, our gastronomy has never been so fashionable.

In order to make this purpose a reality, the cooking school offers us different courses that we can take in the Street Kitchen Club Crossbow or that of General Pardiñas, both in Madrid.

The different cooking courses of the Kitchen Club

We start from scratch or we want to advance in the culinary art is the first question we must ask ourselves to choose which category of training program best suits our needs.

  • At the level of the kitchen for Beginners, the theme and content of the course takes us into the world of cuts, types of cooking (oven, grill and confit), funds, stews, sauces and the presentation of dishes . All this together with the application to real recipes, which we usually consume every day. The duration of this course is 4 days and occupying a period of 3 hours each day. Its price, € 200.
  • If what we are looking for is to advance and become a chef, the Advanced Cooking Course is our best choice. In it we will not only review the basic fundamentals, but we will deepen our knowledge of both traditional and modern cuisine, to climb that step in the culinary that makes us stand out as true masters. Its duration is also 4 days, adding a total of 14 hours of dedication to the stove. The price of € 220.
  • Detaching himself from the general and entering the particularity of the product or international kitchens, the Japanese Cooking Course It is one of the best options to become true masters in cutting and preparing delicious raw fish. How to make sushi, the importance of rice and artistic creation in the assembly of makis, futomakis or niguiris, are part of this very interesting program of 1 day of duration and with a total of 4 and a half hours to lead us through the exciting world of the Japanese gastronomy. Its price is € 70.  

Kitchen Club It is also a space for holding all kinds of events associated with gastronomy, such as participatory classes, corporate events around the kitchen and of course high-level culinary experiences at its ‘unique table’ …

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