Cookware for induction cookers: which cookware is suitable and how to choose the right one

Induction cookers have a number of indisputable advantages. Thanks to their unique technology, they use energy economically – without wasting heat into the environment. However, not every pot and pan is suitable for this application. The essence of the problem lies in the technology itself, with the help of which economical heating is carried out. To figure out which cookware is suitable for an induction cooker (IP), you need to spend some time on the theoretical part. This will help you choose the right kitchen utensils.

Induction cookware

Why do you need special cookware for an induction cooker?

A conventional electric cooker works on a simple principle. It contains heating elements that heat up to a certain temperature, set using a mechanical or electronic control system. When the bottom of the cookware is warm enough, the heat energy is transferred to the food being cooked. Gas stoves work on the same principle, only an open flame acts as a heating element.

This leads to heating not only of the effective part of the dishes, but also of the stove itself, as well as the surrounding air, which is especially felt in the summer.

There are no heating elements in the induction hob.

The principle of operation of the induction hob is significantly different, since a more advanced physical process is used. It proceeds according to the following algorithm:

  • The controller activates a special induction coil located under the glass surface of the stove.
  • A high-frequency alternating current flows through the coil – with a frequency of 40-60 thousand Hertz.
  • The current creates a magnetic field that acts on magnetic materials at a short distance, but sufficient for the interaction of the induction coil and the bottom of the dish. At the same time, the glass covering the surface is not a hindrance.
  • Heating occurs due to the occurrence of eddy currents (Foucault currents) in the structure of the metal of the dishes.
  • Having heated up, the material of the bottom gives the temperature obtained as a result of this process to the products.
The principle of operation of the induction cooker

This phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction. It gave the name to a whole category of furnaces operating on this principle. However, induction hobs cannot be used with certain types of cookware.

The metal of the cookware must have ferromagnetic properties in order to interact with eddy currents.

Guaranteed induction cooker will work with dishes that are magnetized by a regular magnet. In some cases, stainless steel cookware is suitable.

Accordingly, the stove will not work with cookware made from the following pure materials (without a steel disc in the bottom and without “magnetic” impurities in the metal):

  • Glasses
  • Ceramics
  • Aluminum
  • Copper

The video below shows how the Midea MC-IN2102 induction hob behaves with cookware made of different materials.

It is worth knowing that induction hobs are as safe as possible, because if you turn on one of them without dishes, then the automation will turn it off. During cooking, the heating depends on the temperature of the bottom of the pan, and around the burner, it is determined by the thermal conductivity of the glass. Putting napkins under the bottom of the pan and around it during cooking, you can further reduce the heating of the panel glass. This property can be especially valuable in homes with small children.

As mentioned above, some stainless steel options, especially those made in the USSR, are not suitable for working with a stove, since such metal alloys do not have ferromagnetic properties, although they have a number of other advantages. To determine whether this or that cookware is suitable for working with an induction cooker, you need to pay attention to the labeling of the cookware.

Marking of dishes for individual entrepreneurs

To determine whether it is possible to cook food on an induction cooker in some dishes or not, you need to look at the bottom of the container. Manufacturers are trying to make indelible markings on which there is a spiral or magnet. The presence of such designations guarantees full compatibility with induction hobs. Some of the manufacturers have gone even further and complete their products with a small piece of magnet, which allows you to make sure that you have the necessary properties before buying.

The icon on the dishes for induction cookers in the form of a spiral

You can take a magnet with you to the store, with which you will check the options you like. It is worth remembering that even a weak attraction, which is not enough to securely fix the magnet, indicates full compatibility with the induction cooker.

The bottom of the pan for the induction cooker must be magnetic

What is the difference between dishes for IP

In appearance, it is quite difficult to determine whether the dishes are adapted for the induction hob. Of course, there are several signs indicating this – a thickened bottom is visible or a disc in the bottom is visible through the glass. The main difference between cookware for induction cookers is weight.

For steel utensils intended for electric or gas stoves, the metal thickness is 0,5–1 mm. Such products are light and the bottom thickness is not enough for proper cooking on an induction hob. Uneven heating can lead to burning in some places of food.

A pot or pan designed for the stovetop has a thicker bottom and therefore will always be heavier. This applies to both aluminum and copper utensils. Additional mass is created by a steel disc in the bottom.

The bottom of the Swiss Diamond Classic aluminum frying pan. Top diameter – 30 cm, bottom thickness – 6 mm, weight – 3,1 kg

Another difference between utensils for IP is a flat base. A stamped enameled steel pot may have a convex bottom. This also leads to uneven heating of food and is not suitable for cooking on IP.

Which cookware is suitable for an induction cooker – materials

There are several types of utensils that can be used for cooking on induction ovens. Some of them have such properties due to their own metal interacting with eddy currents. Other products for induction are equipped with a special metal layer in the bottom area.

Stainless steel pots

Cookware made from stainless steel with magnetic properties has a number of positive qualities that affect the food cooked in it. Among them are the following:

  • relatively light weight;
  • the ability to experiment with design – to make a matte or glossy surface;
  • lack of oxidation, which allows you to store food inside for a long time, including specific food with a large amount of natural acids.
Stainless steel cookware for induction cookers

It should be remembered that when choosing a model, you need to pay attention to the marking from the manufacturer, since not every alloy has the necessary properties to work on induction hobs.

Cast iron

Cast iron cookware for induction cooker is the best choice. It has many positive aspects:

  • retains heat well during cooking due to the thickness of the walls and can evenly distribute it over the surface of the pot or pan;
  • cast iron is a fairly durable metal, it is not afraid of abrasive cleaning from dried pieces of food;
  • has good strength;
  • burning food in cast iron cookware is quite rare, if you do not try to burn it purposefully;
  • high environmental friendliness of the material.
Cooking in cast iron cookware on an induction hob will be convenient

The downside of cast iron is its heavy weight and poor impact resistance. When using it with a glass-ceramic surface, it is the weight that can play a cruel joke, so pots and pans should not be placed in a big way, because they have a lot of kinetic energy and can damage the stove.


Such products can be used in any case, since they are made of ordinary iron, which has excellent ferromagnetic properties. Since it is possible to apply several layers of enamel, this allows you to make beautiful dishes. The main thing when cooking is that there are not even small chips on the pan, because direct contact with the metal leads to the oxidation of the products inside. Among the main advantages of enamelware are the following:

  • a wide range of shapes, sizes and colors;
  • reasonable cost compared to other options;
  • high strength and durability;
  • does not require special care, for cleaning you can use any means that do not leave marks on the enamel coating.
Cute design enamel pot for induction cooker

When choosing cookware for an induction hob, you should look for pots with a bottom thickness equal to or greater than 2 mm, and the bottom itself is fairly flat. Otherwise, the heat may be distributed unevenly, which will cause some foods to burn while others remain raw.

Glass, aluminum and copper

It has already been said before that these materials cannot interact with the coil of an induction cooker. So why are they on this list? Everything is very simple. Manufacturers understand that this category has a special beauty and charm. Therefore, they solved the problem of using such cookware with induction ovens in a simple way. Each device is equipped with a metal plate made of ferromagnetic material embedded in the base. Due to its presence, the bottom of the dishes is heated, although the materials themselves cannot interact with eddy currents themselves. This approach made it possible to make utensils from these materials, which expanded the range and made it possible to create truly beautiful options.

Such products are more expensive than classic ones, but they help to decorate the kitchen and the house with unusual items that will definitely immediately catch your eye.

What utensils are best for cooking on IP

When choosing the right cookware, you should be guided not only by the presence of appropriate markings and buy the first item that comes across that has ferromagnetic properties. Pay attention also to the quality, since the period of use of the purchased new thing directly depends on it. The main selection criteria include the following:

  • The presence of markings or magnetic properties to ensure compatibility.
  • The thickness of the bottom should be more than two millimeters. Even if the dishes are magnetic, but at the same time have a too thin bottom, they will have to be put aside, since the heating will be uneven, which is a serious hindrance to cooking.
  • The best choice would be utensils, in which the width of the bottom is maximum in relation to the height of the walls. In such items, heating will occur much faster.
  • Give preference only to those manufacturers who have proven themselves well for a long time on the market, and are able to offer reliable cookware with a long service life.

You should not omit the attractiveness of the design, because any dishes are first of all a tool that you will have to deal with daily in the kitchen. It should please the eye and cause a desire to cook a culinary masterpiece, and not quickly deal with routine work and escape from the room.

Rating of manufacturers of tableware for IP

Among the manufacturers of cookware designed for use with induction cookers, there are several companies that have been offering their customers reliable, high-quality options for several years now. The following brands are included in this list:

  1. Fissler. The German manufacturer strives to create innovative products with advanced technologies. Therefore, the pots and pans designed by him are equipped with heating indicators, temperature sensors and other technical innovations.
    Cookware for the induction hob of the German company Fissler
  2. Twin JA Henckels. Cookware with this marking is highly valued among professional chefs, but it also has a corresponding cost, since it belongs to the premium segment.
  3. Zanussi. Italians under this brand produce not only household appliances, but also accessories for it, which include high-quality dishes of all kinds compatible with induction cookers.
  4. Kochstar. Another German manufacturer that strives to achieve the most uniform heat distribution. For this application, a multi-layer structure of the bottom and surface.
  5. Dust. Representative of the French industry. The choice of this brand combines quality and practicality with an attractive design.
  6. Woll. The products of this brand are distinguished by rather thick walls and a bottom. In some models of Woll frying pans, the day thickness reaches 10 mm, which allows not only to heat food evenly, but also to keep the accumulated thermal energy for a long time.

Is it possible to cook on an induction stove in ordinary dishes

As for ordinary steel pots and pans, you can cook in them. However, keep in mind that a thin base sometimes heats products unevenly, and also reduces the efficiency of the panel, which increases energy consumption.

As mentioned above, it is impossible to use cookware that does not have ferromagnetic properties in combination with an induction cooker for technical reasons.

However, there is a simple device on sale that allows you to use any type of cookware when cooking on an induction cooker – this is an adapter.

Adapter for induction cooker

If you have several copies of dishes that are not suitable for these stoves, then there is a way to still use the dishes for their intended purpose. To cook in it as usual, it is enough to purchase an adapter.

The adapter for dishes can be with or without a handle.

The adapter is a stand for ordinary dishes on an induction cooker. In fact, it is a simple metal circle that has the necessary properties to heat up when exposed to eddy currents. It can be placed above the burner of an induction oven to transfer its energy to any cookware.

More details about this device in the article – how to choose an adapter.

How to cook properly on an induction cooker

Cooking on an induction hob is slightly different and for proper use, read the instructions carefully. Especially if you have not encountered such panels before.

In a special container

The cooking time and cooking process is no different from cooking on a gas stove or electric stove, and there are no special recipes. The difference between the process is that the induction bottom, for example, of a saucepan, must be equal to the diameter of the burner. Compliance with this rule will make the stove most effective.

Correct when the bottom diameter matches the size of the burner

To be able to cook in different utensils with different bottom diameters, the burners on the panel are made of different diameters. However, if there is no exact diameter of the bottom of the burner, then slight deviations are allowed.

With adapter

When purchasing an adapter, select its diameter according to the size of the burner on which it will be used. This must be taken into account, since if the sizes do not match, losses increase, because the burner first heats the adapter, and it heats the dishes.

A hob with different diameters of burners has their markings

To reduce losses, the spread in the size of the bottom of the dishes for this adapter should not be 20% up or down. So for an adapter with a diameter of 22 cm, the size of the bottom should be within 18–26 cm. Read more about choosing adapters in another article on the site.

Dish care

Caring for induction frying pans and pots is no different from caring for other cookware. The main thing here is to understand what it is made of and apply the appropriate means.

  • Wash the dishes after cooking before food remains have dried on the walls.
  • Use wooden spatulas to stir food.
  • Watch the temperature. Overheating of empty cookware leads to deformation of the bottom and burning of the non-stick coating.
  • After purchase, cast iron products are best calcined with vegetable oil – this will reduce the burning of food in the future.
  • Be careful with detergents that are highly abrasive – you can scratch the dishes.
  • Check out the instructions. Many types are dishwasher safe.
Choose the right cleaning products for the material


Having decided to purchase an induction cooker, try to immediately purchase dishes specially designed for it. This will allow efficient use of the hob when cooking and save energy.

High-quality dishes from well-known manufacturers will please you with their choice and serve you for a long time.

Do not pass judgment on dishes that are not suitable for the hob. Choose a suitable adapter and the old dishes will serve you for more than one year. However, if you still have the opportunity to use special dishes, then this will be the best choice.

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