The Alicante town of Elche will host the national assembly of the international association of chefs this year 2016
Alicante is positioned in the gastronomic center by hosting the X National Assembly of Euro-Toques, known as the international association of chefs, which has among its ranks more than 3.500 professionals from about twenty countries.
For the annual event that this year is held in the town of Elche, two hundred cooks and chefs from all over the national territory will gather to attend the assembly that brings them together annually to defend the culinary heritage.In this tenth edition of the congress, the attendance of two of its founders, Juan Mari Arzak and Pedro Subijana, who back in the last century in the 80’s, founded the association in Belgian lands together with the illustrious international chefs Pierre Romeyer and Paul Bocuse.
The most prestigious chefs of the national culinary avant-garde will not be missing for the Iberian event, nor will the promises that will surely stand out in the coming years, which are also part of this container of talent and creativity that is the world of cooking.
The objectives of the Association
Within the daily activity of the association is to seek a series of challenges that are in common agreement for the participants of the Mass and always pursue goodness and above all the safeguarding of the world’s culinary heritage.
We highlight 5 of them that are part of its glossary of intentions:
- Protect the Quality and Taste of food.
- Promote the good work of food artisans.
- Protect the European culinary heritage in its diversity and its origins.
- Defend the safety of a healthy diet in food products.
- Require correct labeling to give consumers clear information.
All these issues will be debated throughout the 3 days that the event will last, and different commemorative activities of the 30 years of existence of the association will be carried out.
We leave you here linked the full content of the celebration through the link to the website of Euro Toques Spain.