Complementary approaches to acute bronchitis


Cape Geranium, combination of thyme and primrose

Climbing ivy

Andrographis, eucalyptus, licorice, thyme

Angelica, Astragalus, Balsam Fir

Food change, Chinese pharmacopoeia


 Cape Geranium (Pelargonium sidoides). Several clinical trials indicate that the liquid plant extract of Pelargonium sidoides (EPs 7630®, a German product) relieves symptoms of acute bronchitis and accelerates remission more effectively than placebo6-12 . This extract has also been tested on children and adolescents with bronchitis: it seems just as effective and safe, according to 2 studies16,17. Treating respiratory problems with this extract is an increasingly popular practice in Germany. However, it is not available in stores in Quebec.


The usual dosage of EPs 7630® standardized extract is 30 drops, 3 times a day. The dosage is reduced for children. Follow the manufacturer’s information.

Complementary approaches to acute bronchitis: understand everything in 2 min

 Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and root of primrose (Primulae radix). Four clinical trials3,4,5,24 support the effectiveness of the thyme-primrose combination for moderately reduce the duration and intensity of symptoms bronchitis. In one of these studies, the preparation Bronchipret® (a syrup containing an extract of thyme and primrose root) was shown to be as effective as 2 drugs which thin the bronchial secretions (N-acetylcysteine ​​and ambroxol)3. Note, however, that this preparation is not available in Quebec. The German Commission E recognizes the effectiveness of thyme for the treatment of symptoms of bronchitis.


This herb can be taken internally as an infusion, fluid extract or tincture. See the Thyme (psn) file.

 Climbing ivy (Hedera helix). The results of 2 clinical trials13,14 highlight the effectiveness of 2 syrups in relieving cough (Bronchipret Saft® and Weleda Hustenelixier®, German products). These syrups contain as main ingredient an extract of climbing ivy leaves. Note that they also contain an extract of thyme, a plant whose virtues to relieve cough and bronchitis are recognized. In addition, the results of a pharmacovigilance study indicate that a syrup containing an extract of ivy leaves can effectively relieve the symptoms of acute or chronic bronchitis.15. The use of climbing ivy to treat inflammation of the bronchi is further approved by Commission E.


Consult our Climbing ivy sheet.

 Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata). The World Health Organization recognizes the use of andrographis for the prevention and treatment of uncomplicated respiratory infections, such as colds, sinusitis and bronchitis. This herb is used in several traditional Asian medicines to treat fever and respiratory infections.


Take 400 mg of standardized extract (containing 4% to 6% andrographolide), 3 times a day.

 Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus). Commission E and the World Health Organization have approved the use of leaves (internal channel) andEssential oil (internal and external route) ofEucalyptus globulus to treat inflammation of the respiratory tract, including bronchitis, thus confirming an old practice of traditional herbalism. Eucalyptus essential oil is part of many pharmaceutical preparations intended for diseases of the respiratory tract (Vicks Vaporub®, for example).


Consult our Eucalyptus sheet.


Eucalyptus essential oil should be used with caution by some people (eg, asthmatics). See the Precautions section of our Eucalyptus sheet.

 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Commission E recognizes the effectiveness of licorice in treating inflammations of the respiratory system. The European tradition of herbalism attributes to licorice a softening action, that is to say that it has the effect of calming the irritation of inflammations, in particular those of the mucous membranes. It seems that licorice also strengthens immune functions and could thus help fight infections responsible for inflammation of the respiratory tract.


Consult our Liquorice sheet.

 Combination of plants. Traditionally, herbal remedies have often been used in combination. Commission E recognizes the effectiveness of the following combinations in reducing the viscosity of mucus and facilitating its expulsion from the respiratory tract, reducing bronchial spasms and neutralizing microbes19 :

– essential oileucalyptus, root ofonagre et thyme;

climbing ivy, licorice et thyme.

 Other herbal remedies have traditionally been used to relieve the symptoms of bronchitis. This is the case, for example, with angelica, astragalus and balsam fir. Consult our files to find out more.

 Dietary change. The Dr Andrew Weil recommends that people with bronchitis stop using Milk and dairy products20. He explains that casein, a protein in milk, can irritate the immune system. On the other hand, casein would stimulate the production of mucus. This opinion is not unanimous, however, and would not be supported by studies. People who exclude dairy products should ensure that the body’s calcium needs are met with other foods. On this subject, consult our Calcium sheet.

 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The preparation Xiao Chai Hu Wan is indicated in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat infectious diseases, when the body has difficulty fighting them.

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