Cold in a child: what drinks are best to drink

The case should not be limited to one water. At once it is necessary to exclude carbonated water and other tasty, but full of chemistry drinks, and also packaged juices, in them too much sugar. What’s left?

Herbal teas

We make them from medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antipyretic properties. Fees that water children with colds may include lime blossom, black currant and raspberry leaves (the latter have the ability to lower the temperature no worse than raspberry jam), calendula, thyme, chamomile, sage. It is important to remember that herbs can cause an allergic reaction, so such drinks should be offered with caution to children with allergies. Healing tea should be brewed, then cooled to a comfortable temperature and filtered.

Ordinary teas 

Tea with honey and lemon, tea with raspberry jam are considered to be the most proven means of feeding a child with colds and viral diseases. But this drink is very easy to sweeten or add sugar and it will be sour. A very sweet or sour drink with the disease should not be. In addition, black and green tea contain caffeine and tannins, which can have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and interfere with healthy sleep, which provides rapid recovery from colds. So do not offer tea in the afternoon.



They are designed to provide the body not only with fluid but also with vitamins. So, they should be prepared from fresh or thawed berries, without subjecting the latter to heat treatment. Another option for a healing “juice” – to dilute a spoonful of raspberry jam in a glass of warm water: both tasty and useful. Only after such a drink it is necessary to wrap the child well, because he has to sweat, and then change into dry clothes. Raspberries are valuable for their ability to “drive” colds through the pores.

Other berries for the treatment of colds – blackberries, sea buckthorn, cranberries, cranberries, black currants. They have a lot of antioxidant vitamins.

Decoction of rose hips

Despite the name, it is not necessary to cook dried fruits. It is enough to pour boiling water in a thermos and insist for several hours: the berries will give all their vitamins, and a lot of them in rose hips – C, B, K, PP, carotene. 

Milk-based drinks

Grandmother’s grandchildren like to drink milk with a spoonful of honey (and sometimes a piece of butter): a folk remedy, tested! However, it is not suitable for everyone. First, from the fact that allergies to bee products (and honey – the main) is now common. If after the “medication” began swelling, tears and a rash all over the body, such treatment should be discontinued immediately.

Secondly, milk is essentially – for a child not so much a drink as food, it loads the stomach. So, one cup a day is enough. The same applies to other “milk” drinks – for example, figs in milk (which helps with a sore throat) or mineral water mixed with milk.

Mineral Water

Alkaline drink for colds helps to make the cough productive, soothe the throat, soothe the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Water is not taken for drinking, which is sold at every step, but medicinal. First you need to remove the extra “bubbles” (leave for a few hours to exhale) and warm up. By the way, this mineral water can not only drink a child with a cold, but also do inhalations.

We will remind, earlier we told about what dishes from books about Harry Potter can please the child, and also advised that it is best to prepare children for a party. 

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