Developed by N.I. Kozlov. Adopted unanimously on March 17, 2010 at the IABRL Conference
The Code of Ethics of the International Association of Personality Development Professionals reflects the specifics of the work of a psychologist-trainer, coaches and other practical psychologists dealing with mentally and mentally healthy people.
Professionals cooperating within the framework of the Association carry out their activities strictly within the framework of the existing legislation of the country in which they provide training and consulting services, act in the spirit of respect, first of all, for the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of citizens proclaimed in it, supporting the principles laid down in it .
Lifestyle and reputation care
Members of the Association care about their reputation and lead a lifestyle that does not create a negative image of a psychologist-trainer, does not spoil the reputation of their colleagues by displaying their personal freedom. Members of the Association remember that the personality of a psychologist-trainer is a model for many training participants, and by striving to improve their lives and setting an example of morality, they help the participants in their growth and development.
Respect between colleagues
We proceed from the fact that we accept adequate people and high-class professionals into the Association. Each psychologist has his own views, values and professional approach, and this is completely normal: we, as members of the Association, respect each other’s views and do not publicly speak negatively about the professional work (consultation or training) of other members of the Association. If you think that a colleague in the Association is working incorrectly, unprofessionally, raise this issue within the Association for the purpose of discussion and resolution. In summary: either we speak correctly about our colleagues, or someone needs to leave the Association.
fair advertising
Members of the Association in advertising their activities do not promise what will not be done, and do not allow indirect belittling of the activities of colleagues. You can advertise yourself, you can not do anti-advertising to colleagues.
Personal development is not replaced by psychotherapy
Members of the Association are engaged in personal development, which includes both educational work and the creation of conditions for the training participants to develop the necessary skills and abilities. Members of the Association distinguish between the development of a mentally healthy personality and psychotherapeutic work, in which treatment and psychological assistance are provided to people in difficult life situations. See Psychotherapy and Developmental Psychology
In the work of a psychologist-trainer involved in personality development, it is not practiced to “pull” a client into psychotherapeutic topics. Fears are not inflated, negative attitudes are not created, instead, reasonable options for working on the positive are being sought. Members of the Association avoid in their professional work without a real need to use the wording «problem», «impossible», «extremely difficult», «terrible», they prefer to set the participants in a positive and constructive, active position.
If a participant came to personality development and did not order psychotherapy for himself, we do not do psychotherapy for him. We can refuse to work with him in the direction of development and recommend psychotherapeutic activity, but this must be done explicitly and openly.
If the client is not disposed to the development of his own personality, he is drawn to psychotherapy and needs a psychotherapeutic approach, the psychologist-trainer can transfer the client to a practicing psychologist working in a psychotherapeutic way. He can continue to work with the client in a psychotherapeutic way, if he has the appropriate training and education, but this work is beyond the scope of his activities in the Association.
The principle of «Do no harm»
The principle “Do no harm” is the natural basis of the work of a member of the Association.
Members of the Association work only with mentally healthy people, at least with people without severe psychopathology. If there are signs that give reason to suspect that a participant in the training has a mental disorder, such a participant cannot be admitted to psychological work without the permission of a psychiatrist. If parents bring their child to the training with a possible mental status disorder, only a certificate from a psychiatrist can be the basis for admission to psychological work.
Actions, processes and influences of the members of the Association that go beyond the scope of professional work and in which it is possible to predict a likely violation of the mental status or other harm to the health of the training participants are unacceptable. See the “Do No Harm” Principle and the Code of Ethics of the Practical Psychologist
Duty to warn participants of harsh working methods
Members of the Association proceed from the fact that they work with adults and mentally healthy people who are able to handle high workloads and be interested in intensive training, including harsh and provocative methods of work. However, the use of harsh and provocative methods of work is possible only if the participants are previously informed about this and their explicit consent to this. Any participant can withdraw from the training process at any time if he considers what is happening at the training too difficult for his condition.
Members of the Association mark their trainings with colored qualification badges, informing the participants about the severity of the training.
Keeping participants in control of their own choices
We proceed from the fact that we work with adults and mentally healthy people who have their own values and views and have the right to choose their own path in life and their own decisions. In order to respect this right of participants, the use of special methods that reduce the ability of participants to control their lives and exercise their own choices is not allowed. These special methods include:
- hard negative pressure from the facilitator and group members in case of disagreement of the participant with something that happens in the process of training work,
- deprivation of participants of the normal mode of wakefulness and sleep.
Confessional neutrality
Members of the Association proceed from the fact that every person has the right to their own beliefs and religious views. As individuals, members of the Association may adhere to any beliefs and religious views, but any propaganda of religious beliefs and certain religious views (as well as theosophical and esoteric knowledge) should be excluded in professional activities without prior informing the participants about this and their explicit consent. If the participants are informed and agree to such influence of the leader, the leader receives such a right.
For example, an Orthodox trainer who conducts trainings on Orthodox topics, while working with his Orthodox audience, retains the natural right to propagate the word of God.
Any participant can leave the training and other psychological process at any time if he considers what is happening to be incompatible with his views and beliefs.
Ethical disputes
We strive to keep both our clients and our colleagues as safe as possible. Therefore, in the event of a disputable situation, a client or a member of the Association may apply to the Ethics Council to resolve a complaint or protest against the actions of a member of the Association. The Ethical Council is approved by the Board of the Association, guarantees an unbiased investigation and a decision aimed at maintaining the high reputation of the Association.