Chronic fatigue syndrome (Myalgic encephalomyelitis)

Chronic fatigue syndrome (Myalgic encephalomyelitis)

THEencephalomyelitis myalgic, commonly called chronic fatigue syndrome, is characterized, among other things, by persistent and unexplained fatigue that lasts despite the efforts of the affected person. Considered a neurological disease, it often appears suddenly, leading to rapid deterioration and important to health. It is a non-contagious, non-genetically transmissible syndrome27.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME / CFS) also has symptoms that have significant repercussions on professional and personal activities: in particular muscle and joint pain, and generalized discomfort. All these symptoms occur without the doctor being able to link them to any disease. Sometimes an event may seem to be related to it: most often a viral or bacterial infection, but perhaps also immunization, anesthesia, physical trauma, exposure to environmental pollutants, etc.

All age groups (even children) and all ethnicities can be affected by this syndrome. The women are 2 to 4 times more affected than men.

Although there are references to chronic fatigue syndrome until the 1750s, it was not until 1988 that he was formally recognized as disease, then in 1992 by the World Health Organization (WHO). More than 1 names have already described this condition (some are still commonly used), including neurasthenia, postviral syndrome or even yuppie syndrome (“Young Urban Professionals”), since it mainly strikes between 000 and 20 years old, even if there are adolescents, children or older people affected.



Most people with chronic fatigue syndrome had a healthy and active life before being struck by the disease.

The hypothesis of a viral or bacterial infection is increasingly considered, as one can often identify an infection as a trigger. This infection could later lead to immune system dysfunction in cells or biochemicals responsible for fighting infections1-3 . For some, exposure to certain pesticides or insecticides could be the cause.


Le chronic fatigue syndrome evolves in a variable way. Its most acute manifestations usually last 2 years and can return cyclically. The symptoms tend to decrease over time. Not everyone is completely cured, but gradually the majority of people with the condition regain a good part of their capacities. It is estimated that fatigue usually goes away after 5 years on average, knowing that fatigue that becomes more intermittent is likely to go away.


Medical teams ask a person with a fatigue extreme and chronic to submit to many medical tests. It is a question of detecting the disease in question and several diseases cause a significant drop in energy, comme for example, fibromyalgia, hypotension, chronic infectious mononucleosis, hypothyroidism and irritable bowel syndrome, cancers, and many inflammatory or autoimmune diseases … Chronic fatigue syndrome cannot therefore be recognized as such when all other possible diseases have been ruled out by examinations and check-ups.

Chronic fatigue syndrome should not be confused with depression either. Unlike the depressed person who finds no pleasure in anything, the “chronically tired” appreciates the pleasures of life, but quickly becomes exhausted, resulting in frustration and a sense of imprisonment.

According to Canadian Consensus on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Fatigue Syndrome chronic1, the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome can only be made if the symptoms of chronic fatigue, fatigue after exercise, sleeping troubles and significant pain are present. The patient must also present at least 2 neurological or cognitive symptoms, and at least one symptom of the endocrine, immune or autonomic nervous system type (see the Symptoms paragraph).

In children, symptoms can vary a lot from day to day, but are as severe as in adults. In them, the diagnosis can be made if the characteristic symptoms last for more than 3 months.

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