The cherry tree is the real wealth of the garden. It is very popular with gardeners. To lay the perfect garden, it is important to know the characteristics of plant reproduction. As practice shows, it is not difficult to propagate cherries. There are several easy ways. With a serious approach to business, even a beginner will be able to reproduce.

How do cherries reproduce

Cherry propagation is possible by cuttings, grafting, shoots and layering. Some summer residents propagate it with bones. Depending on the method of reproduction, cherries are:

  1. Own-rooted. They retain their variety even after the death of the mother plant due to a lack of moisture or exposure to low temperatures. This is their main advantage. However, varietal cherries, which give tasty and large fruits, are unfortunately very pampered and sensitive.
  2. vaccinated. In this case, the trees consist of two elements – a rootstock and a scion. The rootstock is the lower part of the cherry, the root system. As a rootstock, plants that are zoned, accustomed to harsh conditions, are used, which are frost-resistant and easily extract moisture from the ground. The scion is a cultural part. The yield, size and taste of the fruit, the timing of the ripening of the crop, and the susceptibility to diseases depend on it.
Cherry propagation: methods and rules for caring for seedlings

Cherry is one of the most popular trees among domestic gardeners.

How can you propagate cherries

As you can see, there are many ways to propagate cherries. None of them are ideal. Each has advantages and disadvantages. To choose the appropriate breeding option, the summer resident needs to familiarize himself with a brief overview of each of the methods.

How to plant cherry shoots

The easiest and most effective way of propagation is by shoots. It is popular with summer residents living in the northern regions, where low temperatures prevail, combined with high humidity. It should be noted that not all measles are suitable for the procedure. It is not recommended to use for reproduction:

  1. Seedlings with signs of disease damage, mechanical damage. There is a high probability that they will not take root.
  2. Plants that grow closely. They won’t be able to root deep enough.
  3. Perennials. During reproduction, the roots can be severely injured, which will negatively affect the further development of the fruit tree and can lead to its death.
Important! For transplanting, seedlings up to two years old are ideal, which are already quite developed and have strong roots, growing at a great distance from the mother plant.
Cherry propagation: methods and rules for caring for seedlings

Reproduction by root shoots is ideal for the northern regions

The breeding procedure itself is carried out as follows:

  1. Choose a suitable sprout.
  2. At a distance of 25 cm from the main trunk, a root is cut with a shovel, which connects the mother plant and the sprout.
  3. After separation, the sprout is left for the summer so that it gets stronger and forms a powerful root system. Throughout the season, weeds are removed near the sprout and the ground is loosened. For best results, fertilizers are applied to the soil.
  4. In autumn, the sprout is dug up and transplanted to a new place. At this point, the breeding procedure is considered complete.

How to propagate cherries by layering

Reproduction of cherries by air layering is not the best option, but some summer residents resort to it. They use a shoot above the grafting area, and end up with a self-rooted plant of the same variety.

Reproduction of cherries by layering is performed as follows:

  1. In the spring, a lower branch (preferably a thin unbranched one) is selected from a young plant (3-5 years old), leaned against the ground and pinned.
  2. Make sure that thin, unbranched shoots are located horizontally.
  3. The place of pinning is sprinkled with soil and watered.

The formation of a full-fledged root system takes a year. After this period, the layering is separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a new location.

In addition, another method of propagation of cherries by layering is known. The procedure is performed like this:

  1. In a dormant cherry, the entire aerial part is removed.
  2. When the plant begins to shoot shoots, they are sprinkled with soil. Such hilling is performed several times until the layer of earth grows up to 20 cm. Roots eventually grow on that part of the shoot that is hidden underground.
  3. A year later, the layers are separated from the mother plant and transplanted.
Cherry propagation: methods and rules for caring for seedlings

Reproduction by layering allows you to get a plant of its own root type

How to propagate cherry cuttings

If there is no overgrowth, you can propagate cherries by cuttings. This is one of the simplest ways. It is a variant of vegetative propagation. Shoots are prepared in June. Preference is given to branches that have begun to stiffen and acquire a reddish tint at the base. If suitable elements are found, they are cut from the mother tree. The procedure is carried out in cool weather in the morning or evening.

Reproduction of felt cherries is carried out using pre-prepared branches about 30 cm long.

After cutting, the cuttings are placed in water. In order for reproduction to be successful, a little simulator is added to the liquid to activate root growth (the dosage is indicated in the instructions). Most often summer residents use heteroauxin.

The cuttings are tied in 30 pieces and placed in liquid for 18 hours. At the same time, attention is paid to the fact that each branch intended for reproduction is immersed by 15 mm.

While the cuttings are in the water, prepare the beds. They are filled with a 10-centimeter layer of soil mixture, which includes sand and peat. Large fractionated sand is poured from above and leveling is performed. Before planting the cuttings, the beds are watered and superphosphate is added to them.

Important! If the cuttings were in ordinary water, then planting is carried out in the evening, and if in a stimulator – in the morning. During the day, the procedure is not carried out.

If the reproduction was performed correctly, then after half a month the cuttings will start rooting. Green cuttings are not carried out later, as overly sprouted branches take root poorly.

Cherry propagation: methods and rules for caring for seedlings

Propagation by cuttings is often practiced in nurseries.

How to propagate cherries with seeds

Old cherries can be propagated by seeds. Ripe berries are good for this. The bones are separated from the pulp, rinsed in water and dried. They are planted in the ground at the end of the first month of autumn. Therefore, in order for the bones to be preserved until the right time, they are buried in damp sand and placed in a cool room. The bed is prepared in advance. The process consists in removing weeds, loosening the earth and applying fertilizers. Then proceed directly to sowing. Cherry pits are placed in the soil to a depth of 4 cm. Sprinkled with a 5 cm layer of peat on top.

Also, seeds can be planted in the spring. However, in this case, a 200-day stratification is required. To do this, the bones are placed in the sand, moistened and placed in the cellar (the temperature in it should be + 5 ° C). If there is no cellar, they dig a trench 70 cm deep. Cherry pits are placed on its bottom, and peat is poured on top.

Whether the bones are ready for planting can be determined by the divergence of the seam. Cherry is propagated with seed material in early spring. They are placed at a depth of 6 cm. A gap of 7 cm is maintained between the bones, and 35 cm between the rows. Plantings are covered with humus. Subsequent care involves moistening and loosening the soil, removing grass.

During the growth of cherries, side branches are cut off from the lower shoots. This is necessary in order to make it convenient to carry out budding in the future.

In autumn, seedlings are dug up. Do this carefully so as not to damage the roots. A few days before the procedure, leaves are removed from the seedlings.

Based on the diameter of the root collar, seedlings are divided into 3 types:

  • 1 type – 7-9 mm;
  • 2 type – 5-7 mm;
  • Type 3 (marriage, not suitable for breeding) – up to 5 mm.

Seedlings cut the roots, leave 12 cm. To keep them until spring, they are added dropwise in a trench (set slightly at an angle). After the end of winter and the onset of heat, they are planted in a permanent place. It is worth noting that it is not easy to propagate cherries in this way, since the bones do not always germinate. In addition, a tree propagated by this method grows more slowly than one propagated by layering. Varietal species with such reproduction do not always transmit their positive qualities to offspring.

Cherry propagation: methods and rules for caring for seedlings

Stone-grown cherries often lack the qualities of the mother plant.

How to propagate cherries by grafting

Propagation of cherries by grafting is a simple and effective way. For the process to be successful, wild or self-grown seedlings aged 2 years are used. It is on them that the best varieties of cherries are grafted, which have the characteristics desired for the summer resident. Shoots for grafting are cut at the beginning of winter or in spring (relevant for the propagation of cherries in the southern regions).

Important! Grafting is carried out before the start of active sap flow. The best time for this is mid-March.

For grafting, such shoots are selected whose trunk diameter is 0,5 cm or more. They are cut from mother trees and immersed in water for several hours. After the shoot is saturated with moisture, the required number of cuttings are cut from it (while making sure that each has at least 4 buds).

To prevent drying, the shoots are treated with a paraffin-wax mixture. If this step was skipped, the grafted part is covered with a plastic bag until the shoots from the buds begin to germinate.

Cherry propagation: methods and rules for caring for seedlings

Grafting is a way to get a plant that is as resistant to local conditions as possible, which will produce a delicious harvest.

Care of seedlings after propagation

In order for the reproduction of cherries to end successfully, the seedlings must be properly looked after. Newly planted cherry cuttings are watered regularly. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. However, it must be remembered that excess moisture is also harmful. When the seedlings begin to take root, the frequency of watering is reduced, and the polyethylene is removed. Do it gradually. First, the propagated cherries are accustomed to the open air for several hours, gradually reaching a full day. Then the seedlings are completely left open.

As the propagated cherries grow, the frequency of watering is adjusted to 1 time in 10 days. Young, grown cherries are watered during the swelling of the buds, during flowering, after the partial fall of the fruit and after the end of fruiting. After watering, the earth must be loosened. Cherry responds well to top dressing. They can be complex and organic. They are selected based on the type of soil.

Cherries also love liming. After breeding, the procedure is carried out approximately once every 6 years. Before using lime, be sure to calculate the acidity of the earth. So that young sprouts do not disappear, preventive treatment against diseases is carried out. Before flowering, chemicals are used, and then folk remedies. Traps are set up to protect the propagated cherries from insects.

Cherry propagation: methods and rules for caring for seedlings

Care for young plants should be special.

Tips from experienced gardeners

When propagating cherries, experienced gardeners do the following:

  1. 15 days before grafting on the selected shoot, the place of the cut is determined. The base of the future cutting is wrapped with black electrical tape to a width of 4 cm. The area isolated from the sun becomes discolored, and cells degenerate in it. Next, the protection is removed from the cut shoot and planted as usual. This increases the chance of rooting and successful reproduction by 30%.
  2. Green cuttings for propagation are cut from young trees, as rooting strength decreases over the years.
  3. To avoid leaf burns on green cuttings, when fertilizing after the procedure, they are watered with clean water.
  4. The cut is performed with a sharp knife, holding the shoot on weight.
  5. Places for planting root cuttings are marked with pegs.


It is possible to propagate cherries on their own. This does not require special skills. It is enough to follow simple rules and recommendations. Of course, reproduction takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. As a result, a patient gardener will receive a tree that will fully meet his expectations.

Natural reproduction of cherries with a stone is my experience. cherry seedlings

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