Can the coronavirus damage the heart?
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In line with its mission, the Editorial Board of MedTvoiLokony makes every effort to provide reliable medical content supported by the latest scientific knowledge. The additional flag “Checked Content” indicates that the article has been reviewed by or written directly by a physician. This two-step verification: a medical journalist and a doctor allows us to provide the highest quality content in line with current medical knowledge.

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The coronavirus mainly affects the respiratory tract. It causes a disease identified by the scientists COVID-19, which mainly causes fever, cough, shortness of breath, and respiratory problems. The changes in the patient’s lungs may turn out to be irreversible. There are also concerns that the coronavirus could damage the heart as well.

Could heart disease make COVID-19 more severe?

Unfortunately, people incl. people with heart disease are at greater risk severe course of COVID-19. The disease is much more dangerous for the elderly, who suffer from severe complications more often.

Check if you may have contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus [RISK ASSESSMENT]

This is because the elderly tend to be much more burdened with various chronic diseases. These include diabetes, hypertension, chronic lung disease, cancer, heart failure, and major surgeries.

  1. Check it out: Why are young people dying from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus? There are several theories

Can the coronavirus damage the heart?

It is already known that people, incl. with heart disease much more often suffer from COVID-19, but also die from coronavirus infections. Remember, however, that the condition of our heart depends to a large extent on our lifestyle, so it is worth eating healthy and practicing physical activity. It should also be emphasized that the general condition of our body has a large impact on our immunity and the risk of coronavirus infection.

Unfortunately, according to current data, it turns out that koronawirus SARS-CoV-2 it can also damage the heart in healthy people. According to prof. Adam Witkowski, president of the Polish Society of Cardiology, the coronavirus damages the heart in previously healthy people and may lead to a deterioration of health in people already treated for various cardiological diseases. It is worth emphasizing that this applies to people of all ages, including young people.


Coronavirus can damage the heart and lead to deterioration of health in people with already existing cardiac diseases. What is very important, this risk applies to both the elderly and young people who have not had heart problems so far.

According to prof. Witkowski, the coronavirus penetrates through ACE2 receptors, which are found not only in lung cells, but also in the cells of the heart muscle, kidneys and endothelium of blood vessels. In this way, the coronavirus can also damage the heart muscle, causing the so-called cytokine storm. This phenomenon is caused by an inappropriate T-helper response to the developing infection.

This is explained, inter alia, by why people who suffer from heart disease are more easily infected with the coronavirus, and why they are much more at risk of severe disease. As a result of infection, heart cells start to die and the heart works worse and worse. Remember that this also applies to healthy people.

How to prevent coronavirus infection?

Coronavirus infection is prevented by:

  1. frequently washing hands with soap and water or disinfecting them with a liquid with a minimum alcohol content of 70%;
  2. not touching your eyes, mouth and nose – this is the easiest way to transfer the coronavirus onto yourself;
  3. regular cleaning of surfaces that we touch, e.g. countertops, handrails or door handles – soap and water is enough;
  4. disinfecting the mobile phone and putting it aside when eating;
  5. keeping distance from the interlocutor – approx. 2 meters;
  6. covering your face when sneezing or coughing;
  7. moving around in public spaces with your nose and mouth covered;
  8. maintaining a healthy diet and adequate hydration of the body;
  9. using only certain sources of knowledge about the coronavirus.

In addition, people diagnosed with a cardiovascular disease should be especially careful in their daily activities, and use telepaths when needed, instead of a traditional medical visit. Doctors urge these people to simply stay at home.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. Do infections increase a child’s exposure to coronavirus?
  2. Are the symptoms of COVID-19 different in seniors than in other adults?
  3. Co-morbidities – what does this mean?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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